Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 181 The more troublesome things get, the more afraid the local hooligans will come

Chapter 181 The more troublesome things get, the more afraid the local hooligans are to come

Chapter 179

"Well, we have to explain it first by the herd mentality. The so-called herd mentality actually refers to the social psychological phenomenon that an individual unknowingly or involuntarily keeps in line with the majority under the invisible pressure of a social group. Daliu'..." Wang Yang smiled at Li Shishi and explained kindly.

"Individuals are influenced by the behavior of outside groups, and their own perceptions, judgments, and understandings show behaviors that conform to public opinion or the majority. Usually, the opinions of the majority are often correct. Conform to the majority, generally It is good. But it lacks analysis and does not think independently. It is not advisable to obey the majority regardless of right and wrong, and follow the crowd. It is a negative "blind conformity mentality"..."

"It seems very profound, Master, you are so amazing..." Li Shishi looked at Wang Yang with stars in his eyes, and shouted happily with an expression of admiration.

"Naturally, I don't even think about what kind of person your master is. I know at least half of what's in the sky, and at least two-thirds of what's on the ground." Wang Yang started to run the train with his mouth full of pride.

However, since Chen Jie, the old driver, had given him a psychological shadow last time, at least Uncle Wang had left room for himself to justify himself.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyi who was next to her curled her lips, and said disdainfully. "My family thought it was something high-end. Isn't it like a group of literati came to our Yihong Building? Most of the people said they wanted to come in and have fun, but one of them wanted to pretend to be polite. Gentleman Bin, seeing that everyone else has gone, he is too embarrassed not to go, so naturally he can't even pretend to be a gentleman..."

"...Although your explanation makes a lot of sense, why does it make people feel uncomfortable?" Wang Yang blinked, looked at the charming and beautiful girl in front of him, and shook his head helplessly , such a high-level psychological term, but the result was ruined by this female fairy, damn it!

"By the way, why didn't the Dechang Society come over to make trouble today?" Liu Yiyi then thought of a serious problem.

Wang Yang curled his lips, and said with a half-hearted smile: "Do you think they dare? Don't forget, there are some people among the guests we invited today. There are several high-ranking officials in the court alone. Not to mention that there is still the little prince Dese, I am really looking forward to their coming..."

"It's a pity that the other party seems to be very shrewd. He knows that if he makes trouble at such a time, it will be a big deal. If it's a big deal, his backstage will not be able to cover it up for him..."

Liu Yiyi looked at Wang Yang thoughtfully, and lightly opened her lips. "That's why you insisted on making this grand opening ceremony as big as possible regardless of the cost, right?"

"Of course, the bigger it gets, the more the Dechang Club, a gang of local ruffians, will be more afraid to do anything. This place is under the emperor's feet. Except for the current empress dowager and the emperor, who dares to say that they can protect it?" Wang Yang nodded and smiled treacherously.

The hustle and bustle of the night finally passed, and many guests dispersed in the early morning, but there were still many people who did not leave until the early morning of the next day.

And Wang Yang, the chief director and chief producer of this song and dance gala, was already lying on the bed exhausted and sound asleep, and he didn't open his eyes hungry until it was close to noon.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Li Shishi's sweet voice came from his ears. "Master, you are awake, come and eat. I was worried that you would not be able to get up, and I was hesitating whether to bring these meals to the brazier to heat up."

Wang Yang sat up, shook his dizzy head, took the towel handed over by Li Shishi and wiped his face vigorously, finally he felt refreshed.Then he began to enjoy the service of Li Shishi, a beautiful underage girl, to get dressed and get up.

In the past, Wang Yang did everything by himself, but since Li Shishi entered the house, this beautiful girl has almost done all the housework in order to gain a sense of presence, or to prove that she is not a freelancer.

Even such small things as Wang Yang's clothes, she would take the initiative to help, which made Wang Yang feel like a local tyrant and evil gentry who opened his mouth for food and stretched out his hands for clothes.

After eating, Wang Yang, who originally wanted to brag and fart with Li Shishi to pass the food, thought of Gao Qi's resentful expression like a boudoir's resentful wife, well, it's more important to get down to business.

When I came to the door of Wang Po's room, I heard the crackling sound of the abacus inside, and I greeted the steward Niu who just slipped out of the room. "Lao Niu, how is that aunt feeling today?"

"It's pretty good. Little boss, you don't know that the turnover last night was more than doubled compared to the previous one." Steward Niu said while shaking the account book in his hand with a smile on his face.

"That's good, okay, go get busy, I have something to do with that aunt." Wang Yang couldn't help showing a relaxed smile.Yes, at least those entertainment consumption concepts that prove themselves are also applicable in this era.

When Wang Yang stood up outside the door, he saw Mrs. Wang happily muttering something to the old tent, and next to her, Miss Liu was plucking out the abacus beads in high spirits, while she was about to get the money she got. The result is recorded on the account.

Hearing the footsteps outside the door, Liu Yiyi raised her head, saw that it was Wang Yang, her eyes lit up immediately, and she put down the brush in her hand. "Brother Wang is here, hurry up and come into the house to keep warm..." A pair of watery bright eyes smiled like two crescent moons, very charming and moving.

"Boy, you slept well. I also know that I have worked hard for you during this period, so I didn't ask anyone to call you over today." Wang Po waved at Wang Yang, with a kind smile on her shiny face, A pair of eyes looked at Wang Yang, as if looking at a moving beckoning cat, or a money tree with legs.

In short, that kind of look made Wang Yang feel uncomfortable all over. After sitting down on the embroidered pier beside him, Liu Yiyi walked over and proudly announced yesterday's performance to Wang Yang.

"It's a pity that Mr. Wan hasn't had time to come over yet. However, my mother has sent someone to inquire before. The business at the clothing store is very hot. The goods we prepared before have been consumed from last night to today's noon alone. Almost one-fifth of that amount, man, that's double what we were expecting to sell on the first day, and it's only past noon."

Miss Liu looked so bright at the moment, her voice was an octave higher than before when she spoke, it could be seen that she was in a good mood.

Wang Po also looked very glorious and authentic. "It seems that I have to prepare to find some old sisters again. I believe that in a few days, Shopkeeper Wan will complain again about the lack of embroidery girls..."

Wang Yang nodded in agreement. "This is for sure. As long as the business can be maintained within the expected range between us, it is enough to prove that this business can not only be done, but also can be done well..."

After the three surnamed Wang and one Chen Tent had been excited for a long time, thinking about how to become bigger and stronger in the future, Wang Yang remembered, shit, he was so busy bragging and farting that he almost forgot the business. "By the way, Wang Po, there is something I want to discuss with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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