Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1538 Artillery will not disappoint the elite of the Song and Western Army (Part 1)

Chapter 1538 Artillery will not disappoint the elite of the Song and Western Army (first update)
Chapter 1547

So the next military deployment is much simpler.Wang Yanghui personally led [-] musket cavalry to harass the Qing army in Beiliaohe, restraining the Heqing army and Tu Liuyu's troops to prevent them from joining Jin Su's army.

Yang Shouyue, on the other hand, led two thousand cavalry musketeers, quietly left the sphere of influence of the Heqing army, and went to lurk in the bison mountain range.

Then the two thousand elite Musketeers under Yang Shouyue's command will copy the enemy's rear and give them a fatal blow.

"We have collected [-] horses now. I announce that each of the soldiers is responsible for five horses. As for the extra [-] horses, well, I will hand them over to you, General Yang. Lead the army to the Bison Mountains first, there are many valleys in that area, you can find a place to put these extra horses down first..."

"As for our 2000 troops, we will set off to the north early tomorrow morning. Every hundred riders form an army to harass the Heqing army and the Tuliuyu tribe. Let them be attacked from all sides, and they cannot look at each other from head to tail."

After the military meeting was over, all the generals wolfed down hot food, got into their respective military tents, and fell asleep soundly.

In the early morning of the next day, the soldiers divided into two groups and started a new journey.

"General, a large number of Northern Liao reconnaissance cavalry have been found in the south, and they are still forty or fifty miles away from our army..."

"Can anyone find out where the main force of the Liao army is?"

"We were worried that we would startle the enemy, so we just waited and watched from afar and came to report to the general." Da Song's scout raised the telescope on his chest and said.

This is the advantage brought by Song's military equipment ahead of the enemy. It is often possible to detect the enemy's movements in advance outside the enemy's line of sight.

"Investigate again, we must understand the movement of the enemy army." Zhe Kexing nodded and ordered the scouts, then turned around, looked at the army that spread several miles behind him, and glanced anxiously at the surrounding terrain.

Although this is also below the Bison Mountain Range, the terrain here is too flat, there is no danger to defend around, and it is impossible to rely on the location to stick to it. After having someone take a map to look at it, Zhe Kexing shouted decisively.

"Order the whole army to speed up, and then continue to move forward. We will rush for ten miles. We will rush to this area to garrison to resist the invading enemy."

As the messengers galloped and shouted loudly, the army began to speed up, and the soldiers all extended their helping hands to help the front artillerymen push the heavy artillery on their way.

Ten miles away, I finally arrived within half an hour. Zhe Kexing finally let out a sigh of relief when he saw the concave seven-shaped terrain here.

He ordered the army to start to assemble and line up facing the south. The north and east sides here are relatively steep hillsides, which is not conducive to the march of people and horses, let alone advance.The slope to the west is very gentle.Therefore, the army only needs to rely on the north slope as much as possible to defend against the enemies in the west and south.

In this way, it is also difficult for the enemy to send out a large army to double-team.Therefore, the main force of the enemy army can only force the Song army from two directions.

Just as the generals of the Song Army began to gather panting, smoke and dust billowed from the south, east, and west.

The rumble of hooves and the flying flags were all demonstrations to the Song army. The army of the Northern Liao Dynasty had already arrived.

"There are at least 6000 troops..." Zhe Kexing stroked his long gray beard, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the slowly approaching Liao army.

"It seems that the chief general of the Liao Army understands the power of my Great Song Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon very well. The more concentrated it is, the greater its lethality." Ningda looked at the gun that was slowly approaching from three directions, but he didn't understand. The Liao army, who gathered together in formation, couldn't help but sigh with regret.

"General Ning, this old man is only in command of infantry and cavalry. As for the command of artillery, I don't know much about it. From now on, I will rely on you."

"Don't worry, old general, the last general and the imperial artillery will definitely not disappoint the general and the elite of our western army." Ning Da, the deputy commander of the imperial artillery, saluted Zhe Kexing respectfully, then turned to look at his subordinates .

"Zhao Tongzhi, you lead [-] artillery pieces to the rear to set up positions and take charge of long-range fire strikes. Chen Tongzhi, you lead [-] artillery pieces and take charge of the west side, while Ning is in charge of the southern battlefield."

As the military orders were issued one by one, the soldiers did not even have time to catch their breath, and began to form an army again. The [-] cavalry were all arranged to the west side by Zhe Kexing, and [-] infantry were placed on the south side.

Although some soldiers raised objections, they believed that the infantry and cavalry should be divided evenly, so that the Liao army's assault could be blocked to the greatest extent.But Zhe Kexing, who has always been good at accepting people's words, took out a letter from the letter he received early this morning.

That was the news sent by Yang Shouyue, the deputy commander of the Musketeers. He had led two thousand Musketeers to the west side of the Bison Mountains, lurking in a valley no more than [-] miles away from the Song Army.

As long as there is a war here, after Yang Shouyue's scouts scattered in this area find out, within half an hour, two thousand musket cavalry will appear behind these Beiliao troops, using their bows and crossbows that are far beyond the range. With his musket, he poked the chrysanthemums of the Northern Liao army fiercely.

At that time, the Liao army will inevitably be in chaos, and it will be easier for the two thousand cavalry to form a strong and powerful fist to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

"Hurry up, brothers, hurry up and set up your artillery, and pay attention to the arrangement of gunpowder and shells. Brothers of the Western Army, please make room for the artillery in the imperial front to have enough room to operate..."

The artillery is evenly arranged in a row according to the width of the required defensive surface.The gunners opened the box and moved the shells marked as shotgun shells to the side of the artillery.

At this time, the commander began to issue military orders to the gunners in a row, which group was the first to fire, which group was the second group, and which group was the third group.

In this way, the power of these artillery can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, and at the same time, the continuity of artillery firing can be maintained, making it difficult for the enemy to rush forward in the gap between the artillery's pause.

The [-] cannons at the rear of the army are placed next to flower bombs, but now, the army of Beiliao is still in the mobile stage, so the [-] cannons are still adjusting their angles, so that they can attack the enemy at the right time. Covering bombardment was launched at the concentration area of ​​the army.

"General, don't we need to meet up and attack again?" Xiao Pingshun, chief of the Yishi tribe, patted the horse's head uneasily, comforted the mount, and looked towards the east nervously.

Beside him was a general of Jin Su's army. The general shook his head and spoke words to appease the head of the Yishi tribe, who was really not that bold.

"Don't worry, my lord. The artillery of the Song army likes the enemy army crowded together. If our army is more dispersed, the damage they can cause will be less. That's why the general divides us into three groups. Advance from three directions."

(End of this chapter)

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