Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1504 It is also time to reward these righteous men who shared the country's worries (Pa

Chapter 1504 It is time to reward these righteous men who shared the country's worries (first update)
Chapter 1513

This remark immediately made the eyes of all the veteran drivers light up.

Wang Yang nodded in agreement. "So, the key point lies in this Jinzhou... If Jinzhou is broken, the Dongdong Road of the Northern Liao Dynasty occupied by my Song Dynasty will become a precarious and rootless place. If Jinzhou is solid, my Song Dynasty can arrange it calmly." , to control the entire territory of Dongdong Road in Northern Liao."

"In this way, it will be much simpler. First, we can ask His Majesty to order another [-] imperial troops to set off for Dengzhou immediately and enter Liaodong by sea; second, let the Beihai Navy closely monitor the Liaoxi Corridor. , and we also have to put on the posture that our Song Dynasty navy will land in the hinterland of Beiliao from the Liaohai sea, forcing Beiliao not to easily move the army northward; Arrived outside Jincheng Prefecture..."

"If the North Sea Navy wants to monitor the Liaoxi Corridor and threaten the coast of the Liaohai Sea, then it will be responsible for transporting supplies by sea. I'm afraid..." Su Dongpo could not help frowning.

"Don't worry, Su Xiang. Wang will ask His Majesty to ask for permission to let Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. undertake the transportation of supplies. The performance of Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. in the past few years will definitely not miss the big deal."

Early in the morning of the next day, the hungover Emperor Zhao Xu was gently awakened by Queen Meng. He heard that Wang Yang and other six important ministers had gathered in the imperial study, saying that they had urgent matters to see.

Emperor Zhao Xu was stunned for a long while before he realized it. "Didn't I say yesterday that in order to congratulate me on the victory of the Great Song Dynasty, I will take a rest for a day today?"

"This concubine doesn't know either, but Mr. Ma said that the important matter that Mr. Wu Shan and others want to talk about is related to the North Liaohe River..."

The emperor suddenly sat up, since it was related to the matter of Liaodong, the emperor couldn't help but feel a little thumping in his heart, and hurriedly rushed to the imperial study room after being served by the Queen Meng.

"Gentlemen, what happened in Liaodong?" Seeing the serious expressions of Wang Yang, Su Dongpo and others, the little heart of the emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help beating non-stop.

Could it be said that receiving the good news yesterday is a kind of teacher's way of bragging?Thinking of this, the emperor's face suddenly became very ugly.

Wang Yang and the others really didn't expect that the emperor's inner drama would be so rich, Su Dongpo came out more and more, and said to the emperor after saluting.

"Your Majesty, although my Great Song Dynasty took advantage of Yelu Yujian of the Northern Liao Dynasty to obtain the land of Liao, the newly acquired land has not yet been stabilized. Today's way of teaching is too weak to be controlled by [-] tigers. Although Yeluyu Jian Descend me to the Great Song Dynasty, but there are tens of thousands of troops, if you are a little careless, you are afraid that things will repeat..."

Hearing Su Dongpo's eloquent words, the emperor Zhao Xu breathed out a sigh of relief, and seemed relieved. It turned out that he was worried about this matter, which made him fearful and thought it was a dream for nothing.

However, the worries of Su Dongpo and others are indeed the most urgent thing now. If something really happens, it will really slap Da Song in the face.

"The words of your family are very true. Since the Liao land has already belonged to my Song Dynasty, it must be firmly guarded, and it must not be taken by the Northern Liao. Otherwise, I and Qing will have nothing to do. Face the people of the world with face, face the ancestors without face."

As soon as the Son of Heaven said these words, the whole group of people breathed a sigh of relief. It can be seen that the Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, attaches great importance to the gains and losses of the Liao Land. In this way, the next thing will be much easier.

Su Dongpo then told the emperor all the strategies that had been discussed overnight and yesterday. The emperor listened and asked for various details, while Wang Yang and others answered them one by one.

After listening, the emperor laughed with satisfaction. "With the help of the nobles, there is no need to worry about the uncertainty of the world. These few things, I have agreed. By the way, Wan Binwan, the shopkeeper of Wanhong Trading Co., has contributed a lot to my Great Song Dynasty and Liao Dynasty over the years. Everyone, now I want to accept his position to comfort Wan Bin, what do you think?"

The ministers all nodded deeply, and turned their eyes to Wang Yang. On the face of it, the emperor gave Wan Bin, the big shopkeeper of Wanhong Trading Company, an official position, but it was because of Wang Yang. Yang's face.

After all, Wang Yang can be regarded as the big boss behind the Wanhong Trading Co. Everyone, even the intelligence agency of Song Dynasty, Huangcheng Division, almost regarded the Wanhong Trading Company all over the world as their hidden stronghold.

There are even quite a few spies who, after infiltrating into a foreign country, first worked in the Wanhong Trading Company to get familiar with the local customs and customs.

Wang Yang thought for a while, strode out, and saluted the emperor respectfully.

"Your Majesty is wise, if Wan Bin knows His Majesty's intentions, he will be ashamed to repay His Majesty's kindness. However, I think that it may be inappropriate to confer a position, and it may be more appropriate to confer an honor."

"Honored, why is this?" the emperor couldn't help wondering, even Su Dongpo and others all turned their attention to Wang Yang.

"The reason why I don't confer honors is actually because I have reduced officials' posts in the past few years in the Song Dynasty, so as to reduce the burden of redundant officials. It would be inappropriate to award them with conferments."

"However, if it is awarded an honor, the honor is very valuable, but it can only be awarded without a salary, it is only for honor..."

As soon as Wang Yang talked about it, the meaning was very clear, that is, all merchants who have made great contributions to the country and the people can report to the court through the prefectures and counties, and award honors according to their merits. He is a countryman, then he is a countryman, and the top is a countryman.

Those who have won honors can see that officials do not participate, but if they are criminals, they must go to the road-level yamen, and the road-level yamen must send officials to confirm the offender and deprive them of their honor before they can be convicted.

None of these honors can be passed on to future generations, but the state and county where the merchant is located should engrave his deeds on the stone tablet outside the county government office, so that the common people can learn about it, and it can also inspire the wealthy people in the state and county follow suit.

Moreover, these contributions to the country and the people are divided into several types, one is to build bridges and pave roads for the people, the other is to help the government with money and food when the people suffer from disasters, and the other is like the Wanhong Trading Company. Money and food or other methods to help me fight against the enemy in the Song Dynasty...

The emperor's eyes lit up when he heard it, and Su Dongpo and others couldn't help but glance at each other, deeply convinced.

Su Dongpo, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty who has been in office many times, can't help feeling full of emotion.

"Once this policy is implemented, those merchants all over the world will inevitably follow suit, and they will be honored because of their meritorious service, and they will always be vigilant for fear of losing their meritorious service. I, Da Song, don't know how many people's grievances have been lost..."

"Okay, it's a good idea to award honors and not to give posts. In this way, everyone in my Song Dynasty should be kind and loving, and the people in the world will have more happiness and less resentment." Zhang Yi couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"I agree, this policy is left to Su Qing and the Ministry of Rites to handle, don't let me down." The emperor also nodded heavily and replied.

These honorary titles are just honors, but they can be exchanged for many benefits, not only benefiting the people, but also benefiting the country. The most important thing is that they are more honorable than the appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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