Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 149 The Outrageously Detailed Cooperation Agreement

Chapter 149 The Outrageously Detailed Cooperation Agreement
Chapter 147

In this way, I can quickly regain the feeling of practicing calligraphy under the supervision of the elders at home, but my wrist is really affected.

Especially in the past two days, in order to catch up with this "Cooperation Agreement", Wang Dacai changed his draft at least three times, and almost broke his own wrist.

Wan Bin rolled his eyes helplessly. Unexpectedly, the day before yesterday, the two sides had finally negotiated all the general ideas for cooperation. Wang Yang, a great talent, volunteered to draw up the agreement. Wan Bin didn't think much about it, but Unexpectedly, after seeing such a thick agreement, the old driver Wan always felt very cheated.

However, the expression on Wan Bin's face changed when he opened the cover and read more. Fang was squatting behind Wan Bin at the moment, and his expression was also shocked.

"Brother, what the hell is the light box advertisement here?" After watching it for a long time, Wan Bin, a veteran businessman, became confused and couldn't help asking Wang Yang.

Wang Yang looked at the bewildered appearance of Wan Bin, the business elite of the Song Dynasty, and a sense of superiority in IQ suddenly emerged spontaneously.

After taking a sip of tea slowly, he explained. "Don't understand? You can understand a light box as a lantern. Let's go to a lantern shop and ask them to print our product slogan on the skin of the lantern. We will give him three to five dollars for every lantern sold. A copper rebate..."

Wan Bin's eyes lit up immediately, and he slapped himself on the thigh. "Oh, there is such a way of publicity?"

Wang Yang continued. "In addition to this light box advertisement, there are many other advertising methods. We can discuss these in detail based on the sales of the products we cooperate with in the future."

He babbled a few words, but seeing Wan Bin ignoring himself as if he was hitting a mosquito with his ear, and focusing on the solid agreement, Wang Daguan rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, yes, Let's let this guy appreciate it slowly, just to save some precious saliva stars.

Next, Wan Bin asked Wang Yang questions about the ambiguities in the agreement almost every one or two minutes, and Wang Yang naturally explained and answered patiently.

There are many rules and regulations that Wan Bin has never touched before. Although these rules and regulations seem to be very complicated, according to Wang Yang's words, everything should be agreed first, so as to avoid such a situation. Under the circumstances, there is no way to deal with it.

Wan Bin read more than 600 words from beginning to end, and it took him almost an hour to finish reading the "Cooperation Agreement".

After putting this "Cooperation Agreement" on the desk, Wan Bin's expression was as relaxed and cheerful as if he had just had hemorrhoid surgery. "It's amazing, it's amazing. Wan Bin has been in business with his parents since he was a child, and has been in business for more than ten years. However, he has never seen such an extremely strict and careful contract like Brother Wang's."

"It can be said that Wan has just racked his brains, but found that there are almost no loopholes in this "Cooperation Agreement" that people can exploit. Wan really admires the great talent of his brother."

"It's okay. In fact, when Wang made this agreement, he was thinking about every matter. He planned for the best and the worst, and tried to get as far as possible from all angles, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties. Consider it." Wang Yang explained with a very reserved smile.

In his heart, he was secretly proud, this was nothing, at most it was just a model of conventional cooperation agreement for later generations.When Wang Daguan went to discuss business with the boss, the cooperation agreement for a project alone was about [-] words, and that was the real penny and penny.

Wan Bin's two assistants picked up the cooperation agreement, read it and murmured for a long time, and finally handed it back to Wan Bin. For this kind of cooperation agreement, which is far more rigorous than they imagined , They really couldn't find any loopholes.

On the contrary, Wang Yang was very generous. "It's okay, you can take it home and take a good look at it first, and after you confirm that all the terms are all right, we can sign the contract."

Wan Bin nodded with some embarrassment, and paid respects to Wang Yang with tea instead of wine. "Brother Wang, your agreement is too meticulous, but don't worry, brother, it will take three days at most. After three days, if there is no amendment, how about we sign some contracts?"

"Of course there is no problem, but brother Wan, I have a suggestion here, I don't know if I should say it or not." Wang Yang nodded, then cleared his throat and said to Wan Bin.

"Between you and me, if there is anything unspeakable, brother, just speak the truth." Wan Bin said boldly, anyway, if you say what you say, it's up to me to agree.

"We went to see the site you bought, Brother Wan, the day before yesterday. It is adjacent to the Bian River and not far from the city. It is indeed very good. I have a suggestion. Brother Wan, do you know about hydraulic machinery?"

"Hydraulic machinery?" Wang Yang looked at Wang Yang with big eyes blinking. "Hydraulic machinery, Mr. Wang really doesn't know what hydraulic machinery is."

"Waterwheel, Brother Wan must know about this thing, right?" Wang Yang slapped his head. It seems that there is no such thing as a machine in this year, so Wang Yang can only speak in as simple a language as possible.

"How could Wan not know this? You must know that there are many waterwheels in Wan's hometown, which can be used for irrigation and rice milling..."

"Wan Bin said before that the weaving business in your family has been difficult to increase due to manpower, right?" Wang Yang narrowed his eyes with a treacherous expression on his face.

"That's right." Wan Bin nodded, then his expression froze, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Wang Yang, who was smiling but not smiling. "Brother Wang, what exactly do you want to say?"

"As long as Brother Wan can help me find someone, then Wang has many good ideas for getting rich, and I can continue to cooperate with you, Brother Wan. For example, a machine that can use water power to weave, or, Use the simplest method to remove the cottonseed from the cotton..."

Every time Wang Yang said something, Wan Bin's eyes lit up three points. By the end, Wan Bin's eyeballs had almost caught up with severe hyperthyroidism and severe glaucoma. Two kilowatt incandescent light bulb.

"Brother Wang, you, you are not joking with Wan, are you?" Wan Bin swallowed hard for a long time, leaned over, grabbed Wang Yang's arm, and said with a vicious expression.

At this moment, he looked like a thug who saw the vault with the door open, or a robber who saw a rich sheep passing by.

"Since Wang got acquainted with Wan brother, it seems that he hasn't cheated Wan brother yet?" Wang Yang said with a smile.

Wan Bin took a deep breath and looked at Wang Yang with flickering eyes. "I don't know what kind of person Brother Wang is looking for?"

PS: Updated, today is the [-]th update again, enjoy watching and remember to recommend and subscribe

(End of this chapter)

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