Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1488 Come on, let's have a good military exercise (Part 1)

Chapter 1488 Come on, let's have a good military exercise (first update)
Chapter 1497

Then I heard a crackling sound that was dense enough to make my scalp explode, and the smoke of gunpowder was left far behind by this group of cavalry.As for the patch of grass they were aiming at, they could see grass clippings flying in that direction.

But they didn't stop, they continued to use their legs to control the galloping speed of the horses, one blow followed by another, and every time they struck, the pile of straw man's grass would fly into the sky.

After driving six full rides on each ride, the horse turned around, before General Cao and the others, who had come to appreciate the musketeer training for the first time, took a breather.

These cavalrymen swiftly inserted the revolver that had already emptied its magazine back into the holster in front of the horse, picked up another rifle, and once again outflanked the straw men who had been brutally ravaged.

At this moment, Cao Shi, including those generals who followed him, couldn't help but stare round.After another round of shooting.

Almost none of the scarecrows who became targets were intact, and even many scarecrows who were hit by the wooden sticks inside fell to the ground directly, like the frightened enemy soldiers who bowed their heads and surrendered, and seemed to have been abused alive Enemy soldiers to the death.

The fifty galloping horses stopped their horses uniformly under the signal of the fist raised by the leader, and then under the command of their body movements, they began to drive their mounts to gallop in another direction. At this time, Although they pulled out their guns again, they didn't raise their guns to shoot, but held them in their hands, not knowing what they were fiddling with.

"Master Wang, what are they doing?" A general couldn't help asking Wang Yang.

"That was reloading during training. After all, if they really went to the battlefield, if they encountered enemy cavalry, I believe the enemy would never let them get off their horses and reload."

"It's definitely not an easy job to clean the barrel of the gun and reload it on a bumpy horse." Wang Yang said with some emotion.

"But fortunately, now, these thousand Musketeers have achieved all the training objectives, including the most difficult part, which is reloading on bumpy horseback and shooting from behind..."

"The so-called back shooting is at the training ground over there. You can follow Wang to have a look." Wang Yang said as he took big steps and walked in the other direction.

"How about it, the general thinks that if this musketeer meets elite cavalry with swords and bows, he will have the strength to fight?" Wang Yang raised his voice and heard Cao Shi, who couldn't hide his horror. Bian shouted.

Because there is the crisp sound of muskets, it is difficult to communicate, even if it is face-to-face communication, you must raise your voice.

"I have to look more before I can make a conclusion. However, in just a few months, such an effect can be achieved after training, I have no choice but to accept..." Cao Shi raised her thumb to Wang Yang and said.

In their hearts, they already deeply understood that if the same number of cavalry met this musketeer with two muskets that could be fired in bursts, all they could do was rush forward desperately. Going to a hand-to-hand fight, even so, you have to ask yourself if you can avoid the opponent's fierce twelve-shot shot and survive.

What's more, the range of their muskets far exceeds that of cavalry bows. Even infantry bows and arrows don't have such a long range. The only thing that can match them is the Yuanyou crossbow of the Song Dynasty.

But the problem is that the shooting interval of Yuanyou crossbow is far longer than that of bows and arrows, let alone muskets. Therefore, Yuanyou crossbow can only fire one or two rounds at most. Next, they will most likely become those who can The ghosts of the Musketeers firing continuously.

If he leads the army and encounters such a cavalry who can fight far and run fast, then the most wise decision is to run as far as possible.

Or we must find ways to ambush them. Apart from ambush, I am afraid that there is no way to defeat this elite cavalry who is armed with continuous gunpowder weapons.

Whether it is cavalry or infantry, when the difference in numbers does not reach an absolute number, facing such a Musketeer is definitely a nightmare...

There are not many people in this barracks. Compared with the many forbidden army camps outside Bianliang City in Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty, this barracks only stationed a thousand fine cavalry, and the barracks in a separate barracks can be regarded as the smallest.

However, Cao Shi and others stayed here for a whole day, until dusk, when Wang Yang began to urge impatiently, Cao Shi and the other three Ya generals reluctantly left the camp.

At this moment, the one-day training in the barracks had already ended, and everyone returned to the barracks, while Cao Shi and the others took their own mounts, which had endured the roar of the whole day, and whose eyes had become dull, to the barracks. go.

"The old man remembers that you made a promise to His Majesty before that you wanted to create another new type of arms for me, the Song Dynasty, like the imperial artillery. Now, the old man really thinks there is something interesting..."

"Thank you, General, for your good words, but for this military exercise, we need to trouble the General, all the generals, and the Sanya to put in more effort. Only in this way can the generals of the Song Dynasty understand the sharpness of this elite musketeer cavalry place."

"This is natural. Besides, musketeers, no matter what they are called, belong to the cavalry sequence of my Great Song Dynasty, and belong to the jurisdiction of the old man. If they can fight fiercely for the cavalry of my Great Song Dynasty during the martial arts show It has enough momentum to make His Majesty happy. Then, even if the old man abandons this old face, he will definitely ask His Majesty to expand the musketeer cavalry."

"Don't worry, General, they will not disappoint the expectations of you, the commander of the guards of the Great Song Dynasty and the Ma Jundu." Wang Yang opened his mouth wide and laughed loudly, the laughter seemed so reckless , even Cao Shi and other generals were completely conquered by the sharp attack power and maneuverability of the musketeers.

If it is used to recruit the Son of Heaven and a group of civil servants, it is just a matter of hand. The most important thing is that the Great Song Dynasty is developing, and it is secretly colluding with the head of the River East Road in the Northern Liao Dynasty.

Maybe it won't be long before the fertile horse grazing land will be owned by Song Dynasty. By then, with the improvement of Song Dynasty's gun-making technology, there will be enough horse resources.

When the musket cavalry reached a sufficient number, they would cooperate with the elite infantry of the Song Dynasty, and the artillery in front of the imperial army, which could destroy the world and destroy the world, would be able to attack the city and pull out the village.

On the sea, gunboats with five thousand or even eight thousand guns roamed the ocean wantonly, conquering east and west. At that time, among all the countries in the world, who else could shake the Song Dynasty?

What is important is not only the invention of gunpowder weapons and the use of gunpowder weapons, but the improvement and rapid development of basic industries.

With the development of metallurgical technology, it became possible to use more rigorous metal products to manufacture launch tubes, so it became possible to increase the dose of black powder, which brought about an increase in the power of black powder weapons.

Due to its ease of use, greater power, longer range, and higher accuracy, black powder weapons have gradually replaced cold weapons. Therefore, the development of the metallurgical industry has become the opening factor for the era of cold weapons, and it is also the end of the era of cold weapons. factor.

(End of this chapter)

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