Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1473 Training the First Firearms Troop of the Great Song Dynasty (Part 1)

Chapter 1473 Training the First Musketeer Unit of the Song Dynasty (Second Change)
Chapter 1482

Wang Yang smacked his mouth, are you fucking taking me or hurting me.Daguan Wang rolled his eyes angrily. "Everyone, in fact, the musket designed by Wang is currently unable to be equipped with soldiers on a large scale. What I hope most is to be used by an elite cavalry."

cavalry?The eyes of the three Sanya bosses all fell on Wang Yang in unison, looking at each other. In the end, it was Di Yong who stood up and said to Wang Yang with a smile.

"I said, Lord Wang, I originally didn't have many cavalry in the Great Song Dynasty, and the cavalry relies on its swift mobility and impact on the formation."

Picking up the not-so-light flintlock revolver in his hand, Di Yong continued to speak. "No matter how fast the musket fires, after they rush into the enemy's formation, it's probably not as effective as a saber."

Wang Hou, who was on the side, was in the northwest and had dealt with those nomads who were proficient in riding skills, so he also raised his objection.

"That's right, Lord Wang, even those cavalrymen can't hold such a musket with one hand, they can only do it with both hands at the same time. You can't use the barrel to stab the gun after the horse gallops to the front of the enemy after firing. The enemy? Even if the soldiers are brave and fearless, although this pipe can use horsepower to kill the enemy, but..."

"No, no, my lords, what I need is not a cavalry that goes forward bravely and penetrates directly into the hinterland of the enemy's formation, but a cavalry that cruises outside the enemy's formation and shooting range, using the muskets in their hands to far exceed the range of ordinary bows and arrows." , Carry out large-scale harassment and killing of the enemy, disrupt the enemy formation, and defeat the morale of the enemy's cavalry."

"Even if the enemy sends cavalry to pursue them, they can calmly escape and reload after the muskets are fired, and then turn around and attack the enemy..."

Wang Yang is very supportive of Cao Shi and Wang Hou's ideas. These two old drivers are quite sinister. One wants to build and train a group of elites similar to snipers, who specialize in shooting and killing the enemy's middle and lower-level officers and disrupting the enemy army. command system.

The idea of ​​the other made Wang Yang immediately think of those artillerymen in front of the Song Dynasty. You must know that for the convenience of their transportation and maintenance of artillery, those artillerymen also needed speed and accuracy during wartime. As a result, they cannot wear armor at all, let alone carry cold weapons.

The only armor they have is the breastplate, and even the helmet can easily interfere with their operations, so the helmet is usually worn, and it is basically thrown aside in wartime.

The melee weapon he owns is a short sword that is no more than one foot five and hangs from his waist. There is no way, as long as it is longer than this size, it will easily interfere with the artillery operations of those soldiers.

But this kind of short-barreled musket is different. The total length of the short-barreled musket is only one foot. The barrel can even be shortened for the convenience of the artillerymen.

But with this thing, if one day, once the enemy advances, then the artillery will no longer rely on the iron-like daggers to fight against the enemy's spears and big swords.

Instead, just pull out the revolver at your waist, fire, fire, fire.

After listening to Wang Yang's description, with Zhao Ji's support beside him, Di Yong nodded slightly after communicating with the two people around him.

"It's okay to equip the Song Yuqian artillery with such muskets, but at present, it seems that there is no such urgency for the time being, but the musket cavalry you mentioned, Mr. Wang, uses muskets far beyond the range of bows and crossbows. Strength, coupled with the swift and wind-like mobility of cavalry, if we can really have such an elite, it will indeed increase the chances of victory on the battlefield."

"Since the three lords think so, then please ask the three lords to call out an elite cavalryman from among the elite of my Great Song Imperial Army." Wang Yang said to the three big men with a smile on his face. own purpose.

"We originally came here at His Majesty's will. First, to appreciate the efficacy of the firearms developed by Mr. Wang. Second, it is naturally to meet your request, Mr. Wang. Since you have already mentioned it, we are naturally We need to cooperate. Although there are one or two battalions of cavalry, it may be okay, if too many are drawn..."

"We can't use that much. At present, we only have more than 300 spears in reserve, and if we train for a long time, we need to replace the guns. Therefore, Wang thinks that a battalion of cavalry is enough for the time being."

"One battalion? There is no problem, but Mr. Wang, when will we see the effect?" Cao Shi asked impatiently.

"Three months, three months later, Wang will invite His Majesty to visit the military study of the musket cavalry. At that time, we will need the cooperation of the elite Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty. Let Your Majesty see, is it the traditional cavalry that cooperates well?" Or the cooperation between infantry and cavalry is better."

"Oh, when the time comes, I will definitely be there to see it in person. If the Musketeers you have trained can be better, then we will support the establishment of the Musketeers you mentioned.

"Sir, in fact, I think they don't seem to be very optimistic about the firearms we developed. They seem to think that the effectiveness of this weapon is not as great as that of Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon." After saying goodbye to the three big bosses , Zhao Ji turned his head and whispered to Wang Yang.

"It's normal, but just wait, after we train those Musketeers, they will understand that any cold weapon will not be able to stop the development of gunpowder weapons." Wang Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Judging from his experience with the test firing of the revolving musket, Wang Yang can be [-]% sure that as long as this thing has sufficient and strict training, then this speed of fire far exceeds that of the revolving wheel of the Spanish Musketeers Musketeers will become the nightmare existence of all enemies in this world who dare to be hostile to Song Dynasty and dare to fight in the field.

In the northern country, the wind and snow have all disappeared, and the peninsula is covered with greenery. At this moment, the area south of the city wall is full of busy scenes.

And the huge hot air balloon flying high on the top of the north city wall has almost become a scene of the Liaodong Peninsula. Huge spherical shadow on the .

Even when many superstitious straight women came to Liaodong City for business for the first time, they would kneel down in fright and worship the hot air balloon floating high in the sky.

On the wharf, there is an endless stream of merchant ships, and a large number of inns and shops are constantly passing by.A lot of female straight people came to Dalian carrying all kinds of furs and treasures to trade with the merchants of the Song Dynasty.

Use their output to exchange for salt, ironware, and various living and production tools.The furs and mountain treasures obtained from them will be sold to the Song State, or the Wa State, or North Korea.

(End of this chapter)

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