Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1464 The young man of the Song Dynasty is better than the old man of the Song Dynasty (Part

Chapter 1464 The young man of the Song Dynasty is better than the old man of the Song Dynasty (first update)
Chapter 1473

After such a incident, Wang Yang was really embarrassed to keep the children here, and after a few perfunctory words with the emperor and the empress dowager Gao Taotao, he led the children away.

The emperor and the empress dowager Gao Taotao were left behind to look at each other in the imperial study. As for Zhao Shu and Zhao Chun, the emperor sent them away in the name of sending their master out of the palace.

Gao Taotao sighed with relief all over his face. "Congratulations to the officials, Wang Wushan's future is limitless. At a young age, he can refute a great Confucian like Cheng Yi. As long as he can guide him well, we will have another Wang Zuozhi in the Song Dynasty in the future."

"Speaking of which, I have finally decided that it is the best choice for Wang Wushan to be your son's master. And let Shu'er and Wang Zhiyuan be classmates. With this friendship, it will be even better..."

After Emperor Zhao Xu nodded happily, a worried look appeared on his face, and he looked at Gao Taotao worriedly. "Grandmother, what happened here just now..."

Gao Taotao smiled, waved his hands and said. "It doesn't matter. In ancient times, there was a twelve-year-old Ganluo. Confucius was a teacher of seven-year-old Xiang Li. At the age of six, he, Wang Zhiyuan, argued against the sixty-year-old Confucian. what can’t be done?”

"What the Ai family is worried about now is that child Wang Zhiyuan, who is as beautiful as a tree in the forest, and the wind will destroy it..."

"But fortunately, he has a father like Wang Wushan standing in front of him. Even if there is a big storm, the Ai family believes that Wang Wushan will definitely overcome all obstacles and prevent others from hurting his good son."

After hearing these words, the Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, finally let out a sigh of relief. As expected of a royal grandmother who has experienced many things in the world, she sees things far more far-reaching than she thinks.

"Father, you won't be angry with me, right?" After leaving the imperial study room, Wang Zhiyuan raised his head anxiously and looked at his father, Wang Yang, who was holding his hand and walking dully.

"Why are you mad at you?" Wang Yang grinned happily, patted the little guy's head and asked back.

Seeing that there was no anger on Wang Yang's face, Wang Zhiyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and began to smile again. "My sister said that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. In fact, the child also wants to keep a low profile, but who made that old man talk nonsense..."

"What do you call an old man? That old man is Cheng Yi. He is a well-known Confucianism master in the Song Dynasty. He is erudite and Confucian. I made you so angry today, hahaha..." Mr. Wang glared at the boy, and couldn't help but let out a loud voice laughed.

Happy, it's his own son, although his ability to slander people is a little bit worse than his own, but he is still very powerful.At such a young age, he can make that old man roll his eyes and close his breath. In the future, even if he is old, he will be regarded as a follow-up.

"My son did a good job, but we father and son must behave in a low-key manner and do things in a high-profile manner. Although we don't cause trouble, we don't have to be afraid of trouble. The important thing is to despise the opponent strategically and pay attention to the opponent tactically. I'm sure..." Daguan Wang began to spit and talk nonsense.

Hearing that Wang Zhiyuan blinked his eyes and nodded his head vigorously, a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety made Wang Wenwan roll his eyes repeatedly.

"Daddy, don't forget that this place is still in the palace. If you keep talking like this, you will be too low-key."

"Well... I missed my father's investigation. Hurry up and go home. Alas, I'm afraid this Tokyo Bianliang will be lively again after today..."

"Why, father?"

"Of course it's because of you, haha, I know exactly what kind of thoughts that old boy Zhang Dun is running so fast." Wang Yang curled his lips and sneered.

"But it doesn't matter. He just wants to have fewer political enemies in the court, but it does no harm to his father."

After returning to the mansion, he sent the couple into the arms of his wife and concubine. When Wang Yang told the story again, Li Qingzhao and the other three daughters couldn't help but gasped.

It took a while for the wives and concubines to consider the seriousness of the problem, but under Wang Yang's explanation, the three women didn't say much. Anyway, the matter had already happened, so it would be useless to say more.

Besides, this kid Wang Zhiyuan didn't do anything sneaky, but he beat that Cheng Yi face to face so that he was so ashamed and indignant that he passed out.

This kind of ability can really be regarded as something unheard of since the establishment of the Song Dynasty.

"My son is really amazing. He even won against a Confucian like Mr. Cheng. He is just like your father. If you don't make a sound, you will startle the world." Li Qingzhao poked Wang Zhiyuan's forehead lightly with his finger, with a look on his face. kindness.

"Yeah, Da Lang is so courageous, but he looks like our husband, he really has someone to follow." Liu Yiyi covered her lips and smiled.

"That's natural. The tiger father has no dogs. I believe that in the future, Wang Zhigao will be just like his elder brother. As for our family's gentleness, it is not bad..." Wang Yang is very satisfied, even if Wang Zhigao is only in his early three years old Although he is still at the stage of babbling, but now it seems that this little guy's IQ is not as bad as his brother's.

As for Wang Wenwan, the apple of the eye, it's even more 666.At least in Wang Yang's eyes, among the men in the world, I really don't know who can be worthy of his daughter with at least [-] IQ and EQ.

Wang Yang's eldest son, Wang Zhiyuan, who just turned six years old.In the palace, in front of all the storytellers and attendants in the Chongzheng Palace, as well as the emperor and the empress dowager Gao Taotao, he refuted the well-educated Confucian who had read poems and books and had disciples and old officials all over the world.

In the end, he even became angry from embarrassment, held his breath and fell into a coma. After being diagnosed and treated by the imperial physician, it was confirmed that it was caused by extreme anger. pot.

The six-year-old Wang Zhiyuan "the people can know it, but they can't let it be done." The debate between the sentence and the [-]-year-old Cheng Yi's "the people can know it, but not let it be done." The detailed gossip is heard in the market.

What does this mean?The young phoenix is ​​as clear as the old fengyin, the young man of the Great Song Dynasty, defeated the old man of the Great Song Dynasty in a war of tongues.From the dignitaries of the Song Dynasty to the common people of the poor family, everyone recalled the shocking "On Young China" written by Wang Yangwang when he was the number one scholar in Wushan High School a few years ago.

"Look at the family, the father was born in a lowly place like the Red Mansion. He is just a big teapot that opens the door to welcome guests, but it is already a blockbuster. Now he is a dignified court official, beating Xixia crying and crying. Mother, Beiliao even wished to sleep on her meat and eat her skin, and she is also the only one who has both civil and military talents since the founding of the Song Dynasty."

"I gave birth to a baby, who was only six years old, and was able to read a lot of books and speak well. He was speechless when he refuted that old master Cheng who had been famous for a long time and had disciples all over the world. He was so ashamed and angry that he almost died. The timely medical treatment finally saved his life.”

"Look at our children. They go to the house to expose the tiles after three days without playing. They are almost sixteen, and they haven't even read all the four books. It's really annoying and hateful..."

(End of this chapter)

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