Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1460 What does this kid want to do, cheating? (Part 1)

Chapter 1460 What does this kid want to do, cheating? (first update)
Chapter 1469

The knowledge taught by Wang Yang is not like those teachers in the past, who only knew how to hold the Four Books and Five Classics and stand in front of him, muttering, as if all the knowledge in the world, the Four Books, Five Classics and various histories have already been included. .

For example, in Wang Yang's last class, he talked about various principles of liquids, and even mentioned that although oil and water are both liquids, their densities are not the same.

It will be because the density of oil is low, and the density of water is higher than that of oil; oil is a fat-soluble liquid, which is incompatible with water.So when two liquids are poured into the same container, the oil floats on top and the water sinks below.

Such extremely interesting lessons not only attracted the children, but also the emperor Zhao Xu was deeply attracted and listened with great interest.

As for Gao Taotao, it was quite strange to hear it. He really never thought that those seemingly ordinary things on weekdays actually contained so much knowledge and reasoning in them.

After explaining for half an hour, Wang Yang announced that the get out of class was over, and the four little guys squatted together to start another manual class that could not only relax but also educate the mind, that is, how to use building blocks to build an arch bridge.

And at this moment, Ma Shang stepped into the imperial study room and whispered a reminder to the emperor. "Officials, it's time for you to go to the Chongzheng Hall. The storytellers and servants of the Chongzheng Hall have already arrived."

The emperor glanced at the imperial grandmother Gao Taotao who walked over and was happily watching the four little guys building blocks, and gave instructions to Ma Shang.

"You don't need to go to the Chongzheng Hall today, just let them all come to the Imperial Study, just to show them how their father works."

Ma Shang nodded and walked away quickly. In a short time, Cheng Yi and Zhang Dun, the storytellers of Chongzheng Hall, and Sima Kang and Zhao Wei, the ministers, arrived.

It's just that I didn't expect that after entering the imperial study, I saw not only the empress dowager Gao Taotao, but also the two princes and daughters, two children I didn't know, and the old driver Wang Yang squatting here .

After being stunned for a while, the four ministers still respectfully saluted these nobles one by one.

"Wang Qing's family came here today to teach the prince. Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why I ordered you to come here today is to let my son see that although their father is the emperor, he still needs to seek knowledge frequently. .”

Hearing this, Zhang Dun nodded in agreement. "Your Majesty is wise. Your Majesty's ability to set such an example for the prince is not only a blessing for the prince, but also a blessing for our Song Dynasty."

After a while of flattering, the emperor Zhao Xu waved his hands and smiled. "Today I want to listen to the Analects of Confucius, what do you think?"

The two storytellers and the two attendants glanced at each other, and after discussing in low voices, Cheng Yi, a well-known erudite scholar in the Song Dynasty, bowed to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the ministers feel that we can talk about the "Analects of Confucius" today, and I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

"Well, it's about Taibo." Emperor Zhao Xu nodded in agreement. At this time, the four children who had quickly done their homework were also sitting quietly beside the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao. By the side, looking towards this side curiously.

As for Wang Daguan, he could only squat aside and watch the excitement boredly.

The basic content of this chapter of "The Analects of Confucius · Tabor" involves Confucius and his students' evaluation of Yao, Shun, Yu and other ancient kings.The further development of Confucius' teaching methods and educational thoughts; the specific content of Confucius' moral thought and Zeng Zi's appreciation and analysis on several issues.

The four of them did not expect that today the empress dowager Gao Taotao and the emperor's eldest son Zhao Shu were both present. Since this is the case, they naturally gave up their energy to explain.

Originally, the storyteller and attendant lecturer in Chongzheng Palace were only for one person, and they were arranged by Gao Taotao for the emperor. The original Chongzheng Palace storyteller was Cheng Yi, a well-known and well-known scholar in the world, and the attendant lecturer was Sima Guang's great master. His nephew, Sima Kang, was also a talented Confucian.

The important thing is that both of them have a very distinctive label: the backbone of the old party is all elites.

After the Son of Heaven came to power, although the old party was not completely overthrown as in history, but for the sake of balance, Zhang Dun, the backbone of the new party, was promoted to be a storyteller at the Chongzheng Palace, and Zhao Wei was a lecturer at the Chongzheng Palace.

Now, both sides are not very happy, but they are helpless, and dare not disobey the emperor's will, but when they are telling history and storytelling, they will keep attacking their opponents.In this way, it is extremely difficult for both parties to use their own understanding to fool the emperor.

This is exactly the scene that Emperor Zhao Xu is very happy to see.Because Wang Wushan once said that the more debated the truth is, the clearer it becomes. If it weren't for the conflict between the old and the new, the emperor would sometimes not understand some truths, but he would discern the truths after the debate between the two sides.

The four bearded old men were all chattering there. Here, Wang Zhiyuan and Zhao Chun were whispering something in a low voice. Zhao Chun's face was red, and his bright eyes were looking at Wang Zhiyuan, who was chattering.

On the other side, Wang Wenwan was sitting there, but she listened carefully to the chattering of those long-bearded grandpas, while Zhao Shu, who was beside her, stared blankly at this charming man, with eyes and smiles like Such a bright Miss Wang Wenwan.

Gao Taotao looked left and right, the four children couldn't get enough of them, especially when Wang Wenwan nodded slightly after hearing Cheng Yi's words, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Can you understand?"

"Well, it's actually not that difficult to understand a little bit." Wang Wenwan nodded and said with a sweet smile.

Wang Zhiyuan next to him boasted for his elder sister with a look of admiration. "My sister and I have finished reading "Three Hundred Tang Poems", "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius" and "Sun Tzu's Art of War". Unfortunately, my memory is not as good as my sister's, so I can't recite it backwards."

At this moment, Gao Taotao couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring blankly at the two little guys in front of him. "You two are really only six years old? You have already read so many books..."

Isn't six years old just the age of enlightenment?Why is it that Wang Yang's children are only six years old and have already read so many books? Could it be that they were taught from the womb?
At this moment, Cheng Yi over there just said. "The Master said: 'The people can be made to follow them, but not to be made to know them.'...'The word 'government' is called administration, because what the sages do must be for the country and the people, and it is called good governance. At the beginning of the Republic of China, we could not understand its meaning, we must first make it From this, the effect has been achieved, and the people will know it..."

"No, no, that's not the explanation." Hearing such an explanation, Wang Zhiyuan couldn't help but frowned and shook his head.

The voice of this impulsive and reckless little guy was not low, and now, almost everyone in the imperial study room heard his voice.

"Gah?!!!" The Cheng Yi Cheng Daru who just spoke opened his mouth wide, and the rude words he gave to this brat nearly caused a cerebral vascular burst and a stroke.

Wang Daguan was so frightened that he almost sat down on his butt and fell into a big trough. He subconsciously turned his head and looked over. What does this kid want to do? Is he cheating on his father?
(End of this chapter)

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