Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1449 The Painful Beiliao Warriors... (Part 2)

Chapter 1449 Painful Beiliao warriors... (Second update)
Chapter 1458

Wang Yang was standing on the spot with peace of mind, with his arms outstretched, allowing Ling Zong and others to put on the shining silver Yuanyoujia for him.Fifteen inns and restaurants have already received news one after another. Those dead soldiers in the heart of Beiliao are enjoying delicious food with aniseed ingredients at the moment.

The onset time of croton is about half an hour, and the onset time of castor oil is almost the same.Therefore, in order not to miss the good opportunity to watch the theater, Wang Daguan has already started to wear armor, after all, safety comes first.

After Wang Yang finished dressing, his subordinates had already gone to the Wanhong Trading Company to fetch a few large bags, which were filled with the newly purchased simple version of the gas mask: the mask.

These masks are all reinforced masks, not only are cotton stuffed between two layers of gauze, but also finely crushed charcoal is spread in the cotton.

Of course, it is not used to prevent smog and prevent PM2.5, but to prevent those who died in the heart of Beiliao from taking a large amount of croton powder and castor oil and causing severe diarrhea from being caught by the other party. The excrement smoked into a fool.

After Wang Daguan finished dressing up and entered the room, he saw that the courtyard was already full of [-] elite imperial squadrons standing in a square formation, and Cao Shi, the great general, was actually squatting here , bored looking up to the sky.

Seeing Wang Yang appear, Cao Shi happily walked over. "My lord, the old man has already led five hundred elites from the Imperial Squad to listen to my lord's orders."

"Oh, I told you, General Cao, please don't say such things. Regardless of his official position or age, Mr. Wang can be regarded as a junior. Besides, you don't need to come here in person, General." Wang Yang hurriedly returned the gift. , somewhat helplessly authentic.

"It's okay, Mr. Cao is also idle when he is idle, and he just came over to have a look and join in the fun. Speaking of which, I heard that those guys are actually here for you, Mr. Wang, so Mrs. Cao is very angry. These Liao dogs , dare to hit my son's mentor's idea..."

After eating and drinking enough, he touched his swollen belly with satisfaction, Ye Luxiong also returned to his guest room and sat down, picked up the kettle placed on the indoor stove, and made himself some tea.

Just as he was about to drink a glass of relieving greasy food, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach. Ye Luxiong also rubbed his belly. Could it be that the stewed lamb at noon today was so delicious that he ate a little too much, which caused his stomach to feel a little uncomfortable? Unwell?
Before he could come up with a result, his face suddenly changed drastically. The discomfort in his stomach had turned into an indescribable cramping pain, and the cramping pain had already moved from the upper abdomen to the lower abdomen.

Yeluxiong also stood up just now, and was about to leave the room to go to the hut, and then it was like a volcanic eruption, and the sound of puffing could be heard endlessly.

Yeluxiong, who was standing there, also blushed with the strong smell, and almost fainted himself.Fuck!Actually,...

Suppressing the abdominal pain, Ye Luxiong also quickly pulled off the pair of pants that he could no longer wear, wiped his lower body, and then quickly found another pair of pants from the package beside the bed and put them on in a hurry.

As a result, just halfway through the wear, a strong, sudden abdominal pain knocked down the powerful deputy commander of the abdomen and heart of Beiliao again. He directly pressed his abdomen, knelt down on the ground, and squirted directly behind his big buttocks. A filthy jet of water came out, shooting about Zhang Xu...

"'s the Song Dog, it must be the poison of those Song Dogs!!" Ye Luxiong was also angry, and roared in pain, but the rear was like a fucking musical fountain, accompanied by his roar, One after another shot into the guest room, the strong smell of feces, the pungent and eye-piercing ammonia-like volatile gas, smoked Ye Luxiong to the point that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

The waiter and the chef, whose true identities were the detectives of the Imperial City Department, listened to the noises in those rooms with dark faces. They heard the sound of spraying liquid and the sound of farts like thunder.

If Lao Wang squatted here, he would definitely think of an excellent epic-level emotional literary drama: Thunderstorm.

The two brothers looked at each other.The shop clerk pinched his nose with his orchid fingers, and looked at his companion beside him expressionlessly. "I said, brother, is the dose of medicine you took a little too much? Why do I feel like they are going to die?"

The buddy also pinched his nose expressionlessly, rolled his eyes and retorted in a low voice. "Fart, less than a third of the medicine powder that Chief Zhao gave me has been used, and there is still half of the pot of oil left."

While the two were communicating in low voices, they heard another burst of spray from the official assembly, and the stench became more and more obvious, and the two of them obviously couldn't stand it anymore. "What the hell do we do now?"

"What else can I do? Hurry up and notify the higher-ups. Do you want our brothers to go in now?"

Before the words fell, they heard a strange sound, and the eyeballs of the two suddenly bulged. They saw that the white paper on the upper part of the door of Yeluxiongye's guest room seemed to have been sprinkled with an unknown layer. The liquid is slowly flowing downwards.

"Ugh... I can't stand it anymore. You watch here, don't let them run away." The chef's face turned green immediately, and he turned his head while covering his mouth and ran down the stairs.

"Run? You think they and the Beiliao people are gods, and they can still run if they pull this off?" The waiter rolled the eyes of the boss, thought for a while, and decided to go down the stairs and stand guard at the stairs to stop anyone People go upstairs.

"Boss, what the hell do you mean?!" A diner who was dining downstairs just took a few mouthfuls of food and felt more and more uncomfortable.

Obviously what I smelled just now was the alluring aroma of the stewed mutton, why did I feel that the alluring aroma became more and more delicious after only a few mouthfuls of vegetables, and it was replaced by an indescribable stench.

"Yes, sir, why are you so angry?" The shopkeeper rushed over quickly, walking towards the diner with an unfriendly expression.

"You smell it yourself, what does your restaurant smell like, damn it, I lost my appetite after just two bites." The diner was furious, and counted with his chopsticks excitedly.

The shopkeeper raised his head, like the green young man in the sun, breathing in the spring breeze, took a deep breath, Nima.

The shopkeeper immediately retched, quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, and looked up at the ceiling above the guests in horror.

The customer subconsciously followed the shopkeeper's gaze towards the ceiling. In an instant, his angry expression froze instantly, and his eyes turned into glaucoma-eyed goldfish, staring straight at the ceiling.

At this moment, an unknown liquid was seeping from the ceiling, showing a strange yellow color. Then, it was too late, but soon, a drop fell down, just right into the guest's pot of braised lamb that was still steaming...

(End of this chapter)

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