Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1442 The Imperial City Division's Reputation Is Not So Good (Part 1)

Chapter 1442 The Imperial City Division's Reputation Is Not So Good (Part [-])
Chapter 1451

"Your Majesty, the guards of the Liao Emperor's palace are the Liao Emperor's private army, which guards the Liao Emperor's safety. They are not bound by the Liao court and only act on the orders of the Liao Emperor.

Today, the Liao emperor's private army actually left the Liao emperor Yelu Hongji and went south in disguise. I am afraid that it has a lot to do with my Great Song's defeat of the [-] Liao army with the Yuanyou Shenwei cannon in the Liaodong Peninsula. "

The emperor Zhao Xu's expression fell instantly, and his eyes fell on the sample of the Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon that had already been placed in his imperial study.

"You mean, Emperor Liao sent someone here with the intention of stealing the casting blueprints or samples of my Great Song Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon?"

"Your Majesty is wise, I'm afraid that's the case in all likelihood." Wang Yang replied with a salute to the emperor.

Emperor Zhao Xu stood up angrily, gritted his teeth and said angrily. "I didn't expect Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji to be so despicable. After knowing that he couldn't do me the Great Song Dynasty, he actually wanted to use such a despicable method.

Ma Shang, let the Secretary of the Imperial City go to investigate immediately. I must stop and arrest all the spies from the Liao Kingdom who intend to sneak into Bianliang, Tokyo. In addition, I will dispatch the Sixth Battalion of Imperial Guards to take care of the gunpowder workshop and the cannon-casting workers. Fang, by the way, on the side of the artillery test field, two additional battalions of soldiers from the imperial army must be strictly guarded. "

"Your Majesty, please don't do this for the time being, so as not to overwhelm the snake." Zhang Yi persuaded the emperor after saluting.

"I just had a discussion before, and I think this is a good opportunity to lure the snake out of the hole. What's more, those dead men in the heart of the palace guards of the Liao Kingdom are still on the border of the Liao and Song Dynasties. It's better to find out and wait for them to sneak into Tokyo Bianliang." Then, we will catch them all in one go.”

"My minister seconded the proposal. Since the Liao emperor dared to send them here, it proves that they must have internal support within the Song Dynasty. At this time, the most important thing we should do is to tighten the inside and loosen the outside..."

"You mean to lure the snake out of the hole?" Emperor Zhao Xu understood what the three ministers meant, but hesitated. "But if the secret of Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon is leaked, what should we do?"

At this time, Zhao Ji cleared his throat and spoke confidently.

"Your Majesty, the difficulty and cumbersome process of making the Shenwei Cannon of the Great Song Dynasty is by no means comparable to that of the Yuanyou Stone Trebuchet. Just from the selection of iron ore, the production of fuel, and from smelting to casting, every step , I don’t know how much effort was spent.”

"Besides, the process of the cannon is separated, so if the Liao people want to steal the casting method of the Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, the possibility of success is very slim."

"What's more, if we can go through this battle and cut off the many secret spies hidden in our Great Song Dynasty in the Northern Liao Dynasty, our Great Song Dynasty will be able to act more calmly in the future."

"My dear family, do you think so too?" Emperor Zhao Xu pondered for a while, then looked at everyone present.

"Your Majesty, I think this is the only way to dig out those who secretly colluded with Beiliao in the Great Song Dynasty." Zhang Wei bowed forward and said solemnly.

"Well, since Qing and others feel that this should be the case, then I will leave it to you, Wang Wushan. I can only rest assured that this matter is entrusted to you."

Wang Yang nodded heavily, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for trusting me. I will not dare to slack off in the slightest. However, on my side, I need the assistance of the Imperial City Secretary..."

"Of course there is no problem with this. You can use the intelligence and manpower of the Imperial City Division as long as you can wipe them all out. If you need help from other divisions, just come to me."

"With the Secretary of the Imperial City and the staff of the Privy Council, it is enough. Besides, the more people who know about it, the easier it is for things to go wrong." Wang Yang refused without thinking.

Huangcheng Sima is the intelligence monitoring agency of the emperor. After several years of changes and innovations, its ability to infiltrate and obtain intelligence has become stronger and stronger.

Previously, the intelligence department of the Ministry of War had been directly planned to be managed by the Privy Council after the suggestions of Zhang Yu and Wang Yang, and was directly responsible to Zhang Yu, the Privy Council envoy, and Wang Yang, the Privy Council deputy envoy. The status of a spy also greatly reduces the number of layers of reporting, which is likely to cause information shortages and errors.

However, only the Imperial City Division has the power to supervise the internal supervision of the Great Song Dynasty, and the Privy Council mainly targets the surrounding countries of the Great Song Dynasty, as well as those business travelers from various countries who came to the Great Song Dynasty.Therefore, if you want to monitor those Liao people, you can only use the power of the Imperial City Secretary and the Privy Council to check for omissions.

Under the order of the emperor, he took Wang Yang to the Imperial City Department to meet his acquaintances. Wang Yang originally wanted to invite the two old drivers, Su Dongpo and Zhang Yi, to go there.

Unexpectedly, these two old fellows squeaked and left in a hurry. They only reasoned that Wang Yang was the person in charge of dealing with the secret affairs of the Liao Kingdom this time, so they didn't bother to go to the Imperial City Division to meddle.

"These two old fellows, why do they look like ghosts?" Wang Yang looked at the backs of the two of them leaving in a hurry, rolled his eyes helplessly, turned his head to look at Ma Shang who was beside him and asked.

"Our family doesn't know about this either. Maybe the two elders feel that dealing with the Imperial City Secretary is easy to be despised and criticized by the courtiers. After all, Mr. Wang, you should also know that the reputation of the Imperial City Secretary is not very good."

"This is normal. The Son of Heaven is close to the army and is not under the control of the officials. It's no wonder they are comfortable. Naturally, they are very upset." Wang Yang said disapprovingly, curling his lips.

If you know it, you already know it, this imperial city secretary is similar to the Jin Yiwei of later generations.So, for Wang Yang, it can be helpful to his future work, so what's the point of going there for a stroll?
The head of the Imperial City Division, also known as the Imperial City Envoy, is Ma Shang, the young eunuch in charge, but he is only in charge of the affairs of the emperor and the Imperial City Division.

On weekdays, he has to be responsible for the daily necessities of the emperor, so the three servants (names of the eunuchs) and the seven servants (also the names of the eunuchs) are the ones who are really in charge of the office of the imperial city.

The predecessor of Huangcheng Division is Wu De Division, Wu De Division originated in the Five Dynasties, and its name can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty after the Five Dynasties.The Wude envoy is the emperor's minion and has a lot of power. It is impossible for the emperor's confidantes and close people to restrain the "sustain guard generals" and the Privy Council.

And today's most trusted confidant eunuch is Ma Shang, the young chief eunuch in charge. Therefore, it has not been two years since he returned to Bianliang, Tokyo after making contributions in North Shaanxi Road.

The power of the Imperial City Envoy is very heavy, and the position of being directly responsible to the emperor fell to Ma Shang's head.The full title of the Imperial City Envoy should be "Shangchang sent the imperial city soldiers to investigate distant affairs".

"I believe you all recognize this Mr. Wang, right?" After Ma Shang led Wang Yang to the Imperial City Division's Yamen, he summoned ten officials responsible for the actual affairs of the Imperial City Division.

Needless to say?The famous Wang Yang, if they don't know the people who work on the disc newspaper, then there is no shame in staying in the yamen.

A group of people gathered around and saluted Wang Yang. "Our family has met Mr. Wang..."

Seeing the ten eunuchs with white faces and thin voices showing flattering smiles towards him, Mr. Wang felt uncomfortable all over, and he really had the urge to pull away and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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