Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1439 The old man is saving himself, and he is also saving you (Part 2)

Chapter 1439 The old man is saving himself, and he is also saving you (second update)
Chapter 1448

Xiao Shen suddenly thought of Zhang Xiaojie's expression yesterday when he was chatting with him while looking through the notebook, and couldn't help reading the content of the notebook with some curiosity.

This is a letter from the Privy Council of the Daliao Dynasty. As the prime minister, he naturally has the right to know it.And the content of this letter is not complicated, it is information from the east of the Daliao River.

The content in it is that Ren Duozong, the Zhongshu of Xixia, betrayed Xixia, and the Baorenduo clan fled south to the Song Dynasty, and his son Renduo Xianzong even seized a state of Xixia through cooperation from inside and outside.

At this time, Xiao Shen suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, flashing past last night, Zhang Xiaojie's meaningful but confusing words. "A land of one state is not as good as a land of one state, it shows more sincerity..."

Xiao Shen's face suddenly turned gray, his mouth began to tremble, and his whole body trembled like autumn leaves in the wind.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Shen, who was extremely angry, appeared in front of the yawning Zhang Xiaojie who still had a calm but indifferent attitude.

Holding the letter and pointing at the tip of Zhang Xiaojie's nose, but for a long time, he couldn't say a word.

"Originally, this old man thought you could figure it out last night, but unfortunately, I made this old man wait for you all night for nothing..." Zhang Xiaojie put down a book in his hand that was almost torn apart with a tired face and said with a wry smile.

"Sir, are you saving me? Or are you harming me?!" Xiao Shen finally didn't throw the letter on Zhang Xiaojie's face, but threw it on the ground, growling in a low voice.

"This old man is not only saving himself, but also you, my nephew..." Looking at Xiao Shen whose face was throbbing with veins, Zhang Xiaojie heaved a long sigh, and said earnestly.

"If you think that this old man is harming you, just hand over this old man, and this old man will definitely not complain to you. After all, if this old man leaves you, my nephew, where else can I go to find a shelter?"

"Sir, but do this..." Finally, Xiao Shen slumped down beside Zhang Xiaojie, picked up the letter helplessly, with a bitter expression on his face.

"If you can ask for your resignation and accept your position in the Eastern Dao of Daliao, you only need to think about the pros and cons. This is the best choice for you."

"First, you resign yourself and go to the border town to guard the border for the Daliao. Not only will your Majesty's impression of you be greatly changed, but it will also block the criticism of you by the officials in the court."

"After all, you are the one who was selected by His Majesty. You take all the responsibility for your crimes and ask yourself to guard the side. Your Majesty will definitely remember your achievements, and will defend you instead."

"If, if His Majesty can survive this period of time and recover in good health, then if something happens to me again in Daliao, His Majesty will definitely not forget you, this loyal minister who is dedicated to serving His Majesty..."

"If something happens to your majesty, the empress dowager will definitely clear the obstacles in the court when he ascends the throne. At this time, you are far away from the border, far away from the center of power, so it is not easy to cause harm to yourself."

"If the grandson of the emperor really insists on taking action against your nephew, then the nephew who is in charge can think about where the future lies..."

Xiao Shen has been silently listening to that Zhang Xiaojie's analysis, he has to admit that this Prime Minister Zhang Xiaojie who used to control the government of the Daliao Dynasty with Na Yelu Yixin, really deserves the name of his wily plan.

The strategy he made for himself, apart from the fact that he took the initiative to resign, which made Xiao Shen feel entangled, it can be said that it is absolutely the perfect strategy.

What's more, he intentionally left the letter on the desk, which not only described Renduo Zongbao's rebellion, but also recorded that after Renduo Zongbao entered the Song Dynasty, he was awarded the title of Duke of the county, and his son also became an official in the town. Will.

And his family is all under the protection of the Song Dynasty. The former Liang Yibu is now also a happy man in the Song Dynasty.Even the captured Empress Xixia Xiaoliang was said to have been imprisoned in a nunnery, but at least there was no need to worry about her life.

Seeing that Xiao Shen was lost in thought, with complicated and difficult to understand expression, Zhang Xiaojie stroked his long beard and said to Xiao Shen. "Do you know why Yelv Yixin was punished by His Majesty?"

"This...Xiao remembers that he was detained in Laizhou because of confiscating forbidden items in a foreign country. Later, it seemed that His Majesty was grateful for Prince Zhaohuai, so he secretly ordered him to be hanged."

Zhang Xiaojie stroked his long beard, his sunken eyes were narrowed until only a slit remained. "It's just that His Majesty doesn't want his subjects to know that the Prince of the Daliao Royal Family actually intends to defect to the Song Dynasty..."

"What?!" Xiao Shen jumped up in shock.

"Let me tell you, when Yi Xin was the Governor of Xingzhong, he was indeed convicted of "smuggling prohibited objects in foreign countries". Save his life. The old man made a plan for him, that is, according to the law of our Daliao royal family, the sentence should be commuted according to the eight rules.
Because of this, Yelv Yixin was spared the death penalty. He was beaten with iron bone sticks and detained in Laizhou.It's a pity that after he arrived in Laizhou, he was full of anger and secretly sent someone to contact the old man. He intended to raise his troops to surrender to the Song Dynasty..."

"It's just that the person who came here just passed the news to the old man, and he has already been investigated by His Majesty for leaking the matter. His Majesty was furious, but he didn't want to let people know about the scandal of the royal family's treason and defection to the enemy, so you hanged him to death." ..."

Xiao Shen stared dumbfounded at Zhang Xiaojie's eloquent account of the royal family's top secret, never expecting that this old driver actually hid it so deeply.

"And knowing this, there are probably no more than ten people who can survive in the world. This old man is one of them..." Zhang Xiaojie showed a sly smile on his wrinkled old face.

Back in his study in the courtyard, Xiao Shen, who hesitated for another day, finally made his own decision.When it was almost dusk, the carriage drove out of Xiao Shen's mansion, and galloped towards the emperor's place on Zhongjing Road.

Xiao Shen quietly entered the palace to meet Yelu Hongji, and after a full hour, he said goodbye.But Yelu Hongji, who was in good health but still seemed a little staggering, saw Xiao Shen prostrated himself on the ground outside the palace gate, and wept softly.

"Your Majesty must take good care of the dragon's body. The guilty minister, the guilty minister may not be able to serve His Majesty any longer..."

Yelu Hongji raised his hand, and the understanding eunuch quickly stepped forward and helped Xiao Shen up. "I know very well your loyalty to the court and to me. I will definitely not let down Xiao Shenqing's painstaking efforts."

Seeing that Xiao Shen finally got up, Yelu Hongji returned to the couch and sat down with the support of the eunuch after walking away.

The flames of the copper furnace in front of him were blazing, blocking out the chill of late autumn.Yelu Hongji leaned on the couch to rest with a tired face. After waking up from a coma this time, Yelu Hongji found himself getting tired more and more easily.

My favorite Baodiao bow, in the past I couldn't even shoot ten arrows without blushing and breathing, but now, after only firing the bow two or three times, I feel my face is hot and my heart is beating violently.

"Am I getting old?..." Seeing the flames spewing out of the copper furnace from time to time, Yelu Hongji stroked his well-groomed long beard, the silver threads mixed in it seemed to be getting more and more too much……

"Your Majesty, it's time to take the medicine." An eunuch carefully handed over a jade bowl of boiled thick black medicine soup.

(End of this chapter)

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