Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1432 At the end of the day, I will worry that they are here to make military exploits (Part

Chapter 1432 The general is worried that they are here specifically to gain military exploits (first update)
Chapter 1441

The three battalions were really bombarded and killed about half of the enemy soldiers, and the other half were either burned to death or trampled to death.

Especially when the soldiers of the Song Army were clearing Suzhou City, among the corpses of the fallen Liao Army soldiers at the four city gates, many of them were stabbed and hacked to death by their own people, all trying to fight for a way out.

It took a full day to count the results of the battle and clean up the battlefield. The uninjured and slightly injured prisoners of war were also escorted to the battlefield to clean up supplies.

Zong Ze, who had barely closed his eyes for two days, handed the booklet that he had proofread repeatedly to the hands of Shidao Zhong who was also exhausted but had to force himself to continue working.

"Our army was completely victorious in this battle. We were able to count more than 740 corpses in this battle, and captured [-] enemies. The rest fled north."

"However, it is a pity that almost all the enemy's camps and various materials were burned, leaving neither the enemy nor us. However, 97 of the trebuchets were counted intact... ..."

"Okay, very good. Our Dalian defenders have no more than [-] troops, but now we have won such a big victory. It is really thanks to the imperial artillery."

"Marshal, Marshal..." At this moment, a guard hurriedly ran into the hall from the outside.

"What happened?" Zhong Shidao looked at the guard's tense face and couldn't help shouting.

"The reinforcements sent by the capital just arrived at the pier..." The guard replied with a salute to Master Zhongdao.

"...The reinforcements sent by the court? I..." Zhong Shidao opened his mouth, really not knowing what to say.

The generals next to him winked and said. "Marshal, it's a good thing they came late enough, otherwise, the last general would be a little worried that they came here specifically for military exploits."

A group of generals were overwhelmed with joy, and even Zong Ze couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go with the commander to receive it. Anyway, although we have defeated the Liao army, but we can get more reinforcements, then we should just consider extending our steps to the north. It's..."

"By the way, Mr. Zong, please hurry up and send another copy of the good news to the capital, don't miss the business."

Zong Ze nodded approvingly, of course he understood what it means to be a teacher, that is to tell the court that before reinforcements arrive, we have already killed, wounded and disabled [-] enemy troops.

There were a total of 1 imperial troops who came this time, and they were commanded by Zhao Jin, the deputy commander of the imperial army. When the boat carrying them slowly berthed into the dock, they could still see the gunpowder smoke rising from behind the city wall.

Seeing Shidao Zhong and hearing the news that they had defeated the 700 Liao army outside the city, Zhao Jin immediately felt that this guy was bragging, but when he was accompanied by Shidao Zhong, he galloped out. City gate, after seeing the three huge camp ruins and the insensitive appearance of more than [-] prisoners of war, he couldn't help but deny it.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the strong sea wind two days ago, it would be difficult for us to travel, otherwise, we would be able to catch up with this battle." The generals of the forbidden army behind Zhao Jin couldn't help but sigh regretfully.

"Yes, if you, General Zhao, can arrive in time, perhaps the results of our pursuit will be even more fruitful. Unfortunately, the Liaodong Army previously only had more than [-] soldiers and horses. To be able to control so many prisoners of war, we have to take care of other things. This is already the limit." Zhong Shidao stroked his long beard, his modesty was very hypocritical.

Bianliang, Tokyo, at the turn of Yinmao, Bianliang, which was originally bustling with lights, has few lights at the moment, and it is not far from dawn. At this time, Wang Yang rushed out of his house and jumped onto the perfect place. The steed that Yan Aguda had prepared, surrounded by Wu Qilang and others, galloped on the streets of Bianliang where there were not many pedestrians.

The rapid sound of hooves even woke up a drunk man who had collapsed on the side of the road. He raised his eyes and looked at the receding horse team, then stood up trembling, wrapped his clothes , staggeringly walking towards the direction of home.

Wang Yang galloped ahead, with an excited look on his face, holding a good news from Liaodong carrier pigeons in his arms.

After rushing to the gate of the palace city, Wang Yang turned over and jumped off his horse, and opened the door with a stern voice.The general of the forbidden army who guarded the palace gate didn't dare to neglect, and quickly came to Wang Yang to salute.

"Master Wang, there is still half an hour before the morning court..."

"Open the door, good news, good news from Liaodong, hurry up, send someone to inform Eunuch Ma. Hurry up!" Wang Yang shouted at the general of the forbidden army.

"Liaodong Victory News?...Yes, the last general will go here, please wait a moment, Mr. Wang." Wang Yang is a big red man in front of the emperor. He is a small general guarding the palace gate, and he will not offend anyone. rise.

He quickly raised his hand to greet a forbidden soldier on the palace wall, and soon the forbidden soldier let go of his feet like a rabbit shot in the buttocks and rushed towards the inside.

At this time, the general of the forbidden army kindly asked Wang Yang to go to the gatehouse to rest for a while, and asked curiously. "Master Wang, what kind of good news is it, can you tell the young general?"

"Just the night before yesterday, our Song Yuqian artillery and the Liaodong Army joined forces to kill [-] enemies and capture more than [-] enemies. The Beiliao and Nvzhi armies were routed away."

The general's eyeballs suddenly widened and he grinned wide. "Isn't our Liaodong Army only in the early [-]s?"

"Nowadays, fighting requires more than just fighting face to face with real swords and guns." Wang Yang grinned at this guy and said proudly.

Ma Shang was awakened by a violent knock on the door, glanced at the dark room, heard the urgent call from outside, and couldn't help cursing in a high-pitched voice.

"Which bastard, it's not daylight, what are you doing knocking on our door?"

"Eunuch Ma, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, has received good news from Liaodong. My general doesn't dare to be a master, so I came here to ask you for an idea." The Imperial Guard soldier outside the door could only reply with a sorry smile.

"My lord, my lord Wang Yang?" Ma Shang turned over and sat up and asked with a husky expression on his face.

"It's Mr. Wang Yangwang..."

If it was someone else, Ma Shang would definitely tell the imperial guard to wait obediently outside the palace gate, but it was Wang Yang, the old driver, who survived.

The helpless Ma Shang could only push open the door with a depressed expression on his face. "Hurry up and lead Lord Wang to His Majesty's imperial study, our family will wait for him there, alas... when will this be..."

After a short time, the furious Wang Daguan rushed to the front of the imperial study, and saw Eunuch Yema waiting here.

"I said Xiao Ma, where is Your Majesty, haven't you woke up yet?" Wang Yang greeted him warmly.

"...My lord Wang, my lord Wang, who do you think would get up at this time?" Ma Shang said helplessly after saluting Wuyang with a bitter look on his face.

Wang Yang glanced at the sky, um... It seems that he was really too excited to get carried away.Maybe the son of heaven, Zhao Xu, is sleeping very sweetly with his arms around his mother-in-law. If someone calls her, it would be too inappropriate...

(End of this chapter)

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