Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1430 God of War's First Large-Scale Battle (Part 1)

Chapter 1430 The God of War’s first large-scale battle (first update)
Chapter 1439

An hour later, the officers and soldiers of the Liao army who arrived in Sucheng Prefecture after running around for several days were already tired. Except for a certain amount of manpower left to patrol as usual, the rest of the soldiers had already washed and calmed down. Into dreamland.

Even Xiao Shen, who is the commander in chief, is the same, at this moment, he has already felt the warmth of the stove in the camp, and fell asleep deeply.

At this moment, the three hundred gunners of the Imperial Artillery all focused their eyes on the direction of the gate tower, waiting anxiously, but they didn't make them wait too long, a torch began to shake up and down.

The battalion commanders of the artillery battalions immediately shouted loudly, and many artillerymen all came to their respective command positions, stood in a conspicuous place, and began to raise the red flag in their hands high, and waved it down!
Then, the arms of the gunners of the three hundred artillery pieces swung down in unison.

In an instant, everyone felt as if there was no sound between the heaven and the earth, and then, the eyes became extremely bright, and then dimmed again...

Next, I saw clusters of flames flashing across the dark night sky, gathering into three clusters, and flying towards the three pre-booked targets.

Xiao Shen, who had fallen asleep, was awakened in an instant. He seemed to hear a series of dense thunder that shook the world, but when he opened his eyes, the sound had disappeared.

No, there was a very strange sound, like a whistle, or like a bird screaming, it was long and uninterrupted, and it even made people panic.

Just as Xiao Shen was sitting on the bed and listening to the screeching sound getting closer and closer, suddenly, a thunderous sound that seemed to be exploding in his ears resounded through the world, and he was so shocked that he was sitting on the bed. He just lay down on the bed.

The clusters of flames were scattered in all directions, and the light suddenly brightened, and then the huge roar came over, but at this moment, the ears of many Liaodong Army soldiers were still buzzing.

"Idiot, don't let go, cover me back quickly, it will come again in a while..." Not far away, Dutou saw a few soldiers rushing to the wall and looking curiously at the barracks that was lit by artillery fire. Can't help being anxious, he kicked over and shouted sharply.

At this moment, the capital and the battalion commanders were all lying in front of the pile of walls, and they were relieved to confirm that the shooting range was not much different from the estimated impact point.

The artillerymen didn't have time to care about this at all. After the gun flames sprayed out of the gun barrel, they rushed forward and began to clean the gun chamber with mop-like things. After repeated cleaning several times, they put in the propellant , and then fill in the blooming bullets that have had the lead wire cut.

The artilleryman squatting in the back pierced the propellant pack with a knife fiercely, and poked the lead wire in.Then report loudly to the gunner.

And the artillery that moved to the rear with the shelling was adjusted back to its original position again.After the gunner's red flag was waved down, a white tube flame was ejected from the muzzle, and then there was a cloud of gunpowder smoke that could not be dispersed...

Gulnashu stumbled forward in the darkness. Although there were a large number of guards around him for personal protection, he still didn't feel the slightest bit of safety.

The divine fire falling from the sky is simply the most terrifying nightmare in the hearts of ordinary people. The huge roar is even more shocking than the roar of the mountain god.

After being awakened by the sound of gunfire, Gurnashu immediately put on his armor with the help of the guards who rushed in. After rushing out of the tent, he happened to see a ball of white light at a distance of only a few feet away from him. The distance exploded.

The scorching air wave directly knocked Gurnashu to the ground, and before he fell backwards, he saw with his own eyes a female warrior standing in the center of the explosion whose whole body was like a rag Torn apart like a doll.

And when he was helped up by the guards, what he smelled was the extremely choking smell of smoke, and what he saw was either a broken arm or a burning tent.

For this unknown thing that fell from the sky, Gurnashu lost all his courage in an instant, and ran away from the city wall with all his strength.

He could already clearly feel that this kind of weapon, which was so terrifying that his personal bravery could not refuse it, came from the direction of Dalian City from the people of Song Dynasty.

The three camps are already in a mess.Groups of fires flickered in the camp, and each group of fires would turn the camp into a terrifying hell.

The shattered shrapnel ravages everything around, cutting all soft and hard objects, and the huge shock wave can cause huge damage at close range.

And those projectile tails, the wooden projectiles soaked in oil, will turn into countless sparks, scattered in all directions, igniting everything that can be ignited.

And from the beginning of the third round of shelling, it can already be detected that the gap between the veterans and the recruits among the imperial artillery is gradually being widened. The cadets and soldiers had just started reloading.

Standing above the city gate, Zhong Shidao doesn't need a telescope, he just needs to look directly with his eyes, and he can see the obvious flames flashing non-stop on the left, right and in front of him.

The sound of thunder continued to rise and fall. At this moment, Zhong Shidao suddenly felt the sea surface on the west side also sparkle with fire. It should be that the naval guns were firing.

Although the naval gun is a short-barreled artillery, its range is inferior to that of the land battle gun, but the naval gun can still hit the Liao army camp three miles away.

Compared with the six-pound cannon, the explosive shell fired by the huge caliber of the naval gun is even more shocking. The fireball formed when it explodes is several times the size of the six-pound cannon.

Especially when the flowering bomb exploded at a low altitude, the huge shock wave even tore the horses and soldiers who had accidentally crashed into the core of the explosion into pieces.

The horses broke the reins in panic, rushed out of the stables and began to run wildly. More and more horses formed a herd like bulldozers, knocking over and trampling the soldiers of the Liao army who were panicking in the dark. mud.

The huge roar of the artillery and the explosion of the flowering shells like a thunderbolt from the blue made the Liao army and the women's straight army completely lose their command system.

This is the dark night. In the dark night, we rely entirely on sound to command and distinguish, but now the huge roar makes it impossible for everyone to communicate and communicate. They can only survive on their own.

Whether it is the Liao army or the female straight, they all wish their parents would give them a few more legs, crying and fleeing towards the outside of the camp, escaping from this hell made of flames and lava.

The Pishi Army stationed in Suzhou City was even more miserable. They were surrounded by city walls, and if they wanted to escape, they could only escape through the four city gates.

But the problem is that the city gate was originally not that big, and there were [-] elites of the Pishi Army. In front of this divine fire falling from the sky, even if they were wearing heavy armor and iron armor, they didn't have the slightest chance of resisting. With no strength, he could only wander around like a headless fly, wandering the streets and alleys, hoping to find a way out to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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