Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1427 I am the champion of literature, and I am also the champion of martial arts (Part 2)

Chapter 1427 I am the champion of literature, and I am also the champion of martial arts (second update)
Chapter 1436

Hearing this, Zhang Yi almost rolled his eyes and turned his back, Nima, with you, the Prime Minister of the Great Song Dynasty, you are either talking about it or watching a show on weekdays. I really don’t know that the emperor put you in this position. What's the use?

"Of course there is an opinion. Why, the court of the Great Song Dynasty, is it because you, Wang Yang, have nothing to say?" After hearing Wang Yang's words, Hubu Wang Shangshu immediately became angry again, Nima, what do you want?
"Just you? Hehe..." Wang Yang chuckled, walked slowly to Wang Shangshu of the household department, and raised his chin. "Are you the champion?"

A group of civil and military ministers and workers all have alarm bells ringing in their heads. This guy looks like he really wants to make trouble. How about such a naked provocateur?
Hubu Wang Shangshu's face turned dark, but he was still very tough and authentic. "...I am the second-best Jinshi in the sixth year of Renzong's reign."

"I am the No. [-] scholar, but you are not. It proves that your grades are not as good as mine." Wang Yang raised his thumb and pointed to himself, then extended his index finger to Wang Shangshu of the household department.

"Although I was not born as the number one scholar, since the Renzong Dynasty, I have worked hard for the Great Song Dynasty and wept blood..."

"I am the champion, you are not the champion, your grades are not as good as mine."

"...I, I won't talk about this topic with you." Nima, can you stop worrying so much.Hubu Wang Shangshu's face turned even darker, and he turned his sleeves away with a look of indignation. It was really impossible to talk to this shameless person.

"I am also the number one scholar in literature, and I am the number one scholar in the fourth year of Yingzong's reign." At this time, Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was very proud, and stood up with his head held high.
"Okay, you are also the number one scholar in literature, right? Then my poems have been spread all over the country, up and down the Yellow River. As for spreading far and wide, what about you?"

"I'm not only the number one scholar in literature, but I'm also good at bowing horses. I can wield a knife when I'm on a horse, and I can hold a pen when I'm off a horse. Can you do it?"

"...I, of course I can." Wang Shangshu from the Ministry of Rites felt that his heart was about to be pierced by thousands of arrows.

"You can mount a horse and dance a sword? But I have participated in martial arts and become the number one martial arts champion in the world. Have you ever participated in martial arts? Are you a martial arts champion?"

"Although I am not the champion of martial arts, I have read poetry and books since I was a child, and I have profound knowledge..." Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was really anxious, and shouted loudly. "Besides, what Your Majesty is looking for is the teacher of the emperor's son, not a martial artist."

"You said you are knowledgeable, right? You must know everything about astronomy and geography, right?"

"That's natural. I'm not only familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, but also dabbled in astronomy and geography..." Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was secretly relieved. Apart from reading the Four Books and Five Classics, the dignitaries of the Song Dynasty liked to fiddle with it. For example, Su Song, the famous prime minister, even came up with an escape device, and Shen Kuo's Mengxi pen talk, which is enough to show that the officials of the Song Dynasty dabbled in a wide range of science and technology.

"Then let me ask you a simple question. Three people went to the hotel to stay, and each person paid ten Wen to the owner. A total of thirty Wen was paid, right?"

"Naturally, that's right." Wang Shangshu chuckled, but he became vigilant in his heart. This guy wants to test the old man's arithmetic?

"The owner of the store said that there was a discount today, and the three of them only charged 25 Wen, and asked the waiter to return the five Wen to the three of them, but the waiter became greedy, took the two Wen, and returned the remaining three Wen to the three. One penny per person. Then I would like to ask Wang Shangshu, how much money did they each pay?"

"Naturally, it's nine coins per person. Is there a need to ask?" Wang Shangshu couldn't help laughing and spread his hands.I am afraid that my grandson can do such arithmetic problems.

"In that case, let me ask Wang Shangshu, the three of you have nine coins each, right? Thirty-nine and twenty-seven coins, plus the two coins taken away by the store clerk, the total is 27 yuan, so where did the remaining one penny go? "

"...Here, huh..." This Wang Shangshu, who was born as a literary champion, was immediately stunned. Not only him, but many officials present frowned and began to wring their fingers there. Why did you think that there was really a penny and it disappeared?
"The number one scholar in literature can't even figure out such a small math game, so let me ask you another question..."

"...Hmph, I'm too lazy to bother with you, Your Majesty, I have a sincere heart towards His Majesty, please show me your Majesty's lesson." Wang Shangshu turned his head away, not wanting to look at Wang Yang's hideous face again, and turned towards Wang Yang. The emperor bowed down, and there was no way to fight, it was really impossible to fight.

Wang Yang glanced at it, and the remaining three officials named Wang who had not spoken had already retreated to their respective positions with a tacit understanding. It was not that they did not work hard, but the enemy was too powerful, and the two ministers were embarrassed. It’s not the face, the nose is not the nose.

Are you waiting for someone with a more powerful identity?Or is he more knowledgeable than those two?

The gloom in Wang Daguan's heart finally dissipated a lot, he bowed to the emperor, and said loudly.

"Your Majesty, my minister is proficient in both literature and martial arts. I am not only the champion of literature, but also the champion of martial arts. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, I have been the only one. If I am not the prince's teacher, who else has the qualifications?"

Arrogant, absolutely arrogant, the eyes of the two Wang Shangshu were almost green, but they could only comfort themselves, not to be like this despicable and shameless person, we civilized people will not care about him.

"Well... that's right, I also think it's the same reason, Wang Qing can set an example for the eldest son of the emperor." Emperor Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes, yes, this is the Wang Yang Wang Wushan I know.

After Wang Yang thanked him, he turned around, glanced at the ministers, looked at the faces with different expressions, curled his lips secretly, and returned to his position in the squad, standing still with the old god still there.

In my heart, I was secretly proud, and I didn't look at who I was, the number one scholar in both civil and martial arts, compared with myself, don't care about literary and martial arts, I can't beat you to death.

Wang Yang, the number one scholar in civil and martial arts, worshiped an official as a storyteller for the prince. After the news spread from the court, it failed to cause any waves. What kind of talent can take on the responsibility?
The affairs in the court naturally cannot affect the Liaodong Peninsula, which is thousands of miles away. Similarly, the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty on the Liaodong Peninsula can only rely on themselves, and of course there is a steady stream of supplies from the Great Song Dynasty. support.

A lot of time has passed since the first siege of the female straight people, but apart from leaving a series of cracks and potholes on the wall of the city wall, there is not much to gain. On the contrary, the female straight warriors In the past half a month, more than 3000 soldiers have been killed or injured.

Seeing that the [-] female straight warriors failed to capture this place, Xiao Shen had no choice but to lead [-] Pishi troops and [-] Tokyo Dao soldiers and horses to rush here to join the female straight army.

Liao officials who supervised the army here carefully reported the current progress to the coach who was in a bad mood.

After listening for a while, Xiao Shen waved his hand impatiently and interrupted the man's words. "That is to say, those female straight people wasted so many supplies and damaged so many ordnance in my Daliao, and this is the only progress they have made?"

(End of this chapter)

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