Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1419 Seizing the Liaodong Peninsula Doesn't Look Easy (Part 2)

Chapter 1419 Seizing the Liaodong Peninsula Doesn't Look Easy (Second Change)

Chapter 1428

Although the night can block the sight, it cannot block the sound. When the sound of those heavy mechanical movements became louder, more and more soldiers of the Song Army climbed to the top of the city.

"Order Yuanyou's catapult battalion to throw kerosene bombs to detect the enemy's situation..." Zhong Shidao rushed to the city, listened to the strange noise coming from the distance, and issued the military order.

Following bursts of shouting orders, the soldiers who had already prepared put the kerosene bomb with a round stone bomb weighing [-] jin as the core and wrapped with vines soaked in kerosene after drying. Putting it down in the tossing spoon, carefully lit it with a torch, accompanied by an order.

Ten kerosene bombs that ignited a raging fire jumped into the night sky instantly, drew a beautiful arc of light in the dark night sky, and then slowly fell towards the darkness in the north.

At this time, all the soldiers of the Song Army saw that in the place illuminated by the kerosene bombs, there were countless female warriors in armor and armor. They raised their heads in amazement and looked at the Petroleum bombs falling from the sky.

Although most of the kerosene bombs just illuminated the ground, they fell to the ground, igniting a raging bonfire on the ground.

Still, a kerosene bomb hit the crowd of female warriors directly, and the flying vines ignited the armor of many female warriors, causing the female warriors to be in a mess , scattered in all directions.

"Damn it, blow the horn, attack, hurry up!" I didn't expect that the Song people would use such a method to illuminate the defenders. Now that their intentions have been exposed, there is no need to be careful, following Nagul Nashu shouted loudly.

The orderly next to him blew the sobbing and low-pitched horn, and those female straight barbarians who were already too suffocated screamed frantically in an instant, then took a big step, and rushed directly towards the city wall.

The rockets fell one after another, illuminating the ferocious faces of those female warriors and their moving figures.

Soon, the bamboo baskets made of bamboo soaked in grease were ignited, and then were ruthlessly thrown away.It fell down the city wall and bounced on the ground outside the city for a long time.

This lighting tool for night battles was also born in Wang Daguan, a young expert in invention and creation.This thing is much easier to use than the rocket or something. Not only does it have a wider burning area, but also has a larger lighting range, and it will not be destroyed when stepped on like a rocket.

And after there was light, the soldiers on the city raised their crossbows one after another following the command of the general, and then pulled the trigger. The arrow rain that flew away instantly set off a wave of screams and wailing.

At this moment, the kerosene bombs in the distance were still blazing, and under the city wall, dozens of wanton burning bamboo baskets reflected the city wall extremely clearly.

With the help of the firelight, the experienced shooter aimed at those swaying figures relentlessly and pulled the trigger. More and more female barbarians finally rushed to the bottom of the city and began to put the long ladders on the city wall , and then brave and fearless female straight warriors climbed up the long ladder one after another.

Further away, those female straight warriors also stretched their bows and threw arrows towards the city to block and interfere with the defense of the Song army.

However, compared to those straight female warriors standing under the city wall without any cover, the Song soldiers on the city wall were covered by the city wall and the battlements. Those arrow rains, with their falling kinetic energy, There is almost no way to penetrate the armor on Song Jun's body.

Another round of kerosene bombs flew out from behind the city wall, and then fell towards the front. This time, I finally saw the figure of the female straight man's catapult.

Already looking forward to finding an equivalent opponent, the observation post immediately began to plan angles and directions with the help of firelight, and loudly reported to the standard bearer behind.

After the flag bearer sent a signal to the Yuanyou trebuchet battalion under the city, those heavy Yuanyou trebuchets began to slowly adjust their angles until the adjustment was completed.

Put the stone bomb weighing a hundred catties into the throwing ladle, and of course you don’t forget to wrap the stone bomb with an oilcloth and light it. Otherwise, you will have no way of knowing whether you hit the target in the dark.

"Get ready, let go!"

Following this roar, five huge, flaming stone bombs flew up across the sky and fell towards the dark north.

But before, when they appeared within the light and shadow range of the kerosene bomb, a group of female straight warriors who were shocked into a cold sweat showed all their strength, and they were struggling to get rid of the stone, even if they used the log, but still It was the trebuchet that moved extremely hard and pushed forward.

The fireballs thrown by the stone-throwing machine of the people of Song Dynasty can fly such a long distance, but the soldiers in charge of the stone-throwing machine can only bite the bullet even though they cursed those unreliable craftsmen loudly. Push the trebuchet forward.

Only after reaching the designated position, can this thing exert its real power...

Just as they tried their best to keep pushing the trebuchet forward with shouts, they saw several bright fire bombs rising into the sky, and after drawing a beautiful arc, It fell towards this side.

The female straight warriors who were piled up with trebuchets subconsciously widened their eyes, seeing the fireball that was getting bigger and bigger, but it didn't mean to deviate at all, and finally smashed it down hard, and it went straight to the fireball. The front support beam of a trebuchet was smashed into two pieces, and the rolling wood on the ground was also broken in the middle.

"Bo Qing, Bo Qing, my brother, where are you?!" A female straight warrior stared blankly at the hand that fell in front of her. There was a severed hand with a familiar birthmark on the back of her hand, and she let out an earth-shattering cry. Howl.

It's just that Bo Qing, except for the broken hand that fell on the ground, his whole body has been smashed into a puddle of flesh and blood by the huge burning stone bomb.

Gurnashu, who was standing fifty steps behind, saw the catapult that was injured and tilted, and couldn't help but twitch his brows. On the trebuchet aided by the Liao state.

Now that the people of the Song Dynasty have occupied the geographical advantage, and now they still have a sharp weapon with a super long range, it seems that it is no easy task to seize the Liaodong Peninsula.

"Let all the parts disperse and attack separately, don't gather together, it's easy to become the target of the Song army, hurry up!" Gurnashu turned his head and sternly shouted at the messenger.

Burning fire bombs flew across the night sky from time to time. Although many of the fire bombs were useless and did not cause too much damage to the female army, they illuminated the space between the sky and the earth, giving them a sense of defense. Song Jun's extremely clear visual range, coupled with the bamboo basket fireballs falling from the city wall.

Not only can it illuminate the range near the city wall, but it can also unexpectedly cause some trouble and interference to those female straight warriors.

Time passed bit by bit, Gurnashu looked gloomy, looking at the fireballs that flashed past from time to time, at the foot of the blazing city wall, and the orderly Song army on the city.

(End of this chapter)

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