Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1417 Our female straight warriors also need assistance from the Liao Kingdom (Part 2)

Chapter 1417 Our female straight warriors also need assistance from the Liao Kingdom (second update)

Chapter 1426

Not two days after the Women's Straight Alliance dispatched troops, Di Gubao received the news from the Huanglong Mansion. Now he needs to hug Da Song's thigh tightly, so naturally he dare not neglect, and passed the news to Da Song as quickly as possible. In the hands of Song coach Zhong Shidao.

After thousands of calculations, it is impossible to calculate that a straight woman will rush over to do things, which really makes Teacher Zhong feel a little helpless.Before, he took a huge risk and issued a military order to raid the Northern Liao and Liao Hai Navy.

However, Ma Kui completed the task extremely satisfactorily, and almost completely burned the Liao Kingdom Navy in Chenzhou Port. Now, the remaining warships are not enough for the Song Dynasty Navy.

It can be said that the Liao army, which could have advanced by land and water, has already lost a leg.Originally, Zhongshi believed that after this battle in the Northern Liao Dynasty, he would inevitably become angry from embarrassment, and the extremely demoralized Xingda army went south to retaliate.

And the Song Dynasty, who had already made full preparations, hoped day and night, but he didn't expect that Liao Guoxing would mobilize the crowd, just like that barbaric underworld boss. It's really strange not to say a word.

As a result, the female straight person actually took the initiative to come out, and was instructed by the Liao Kingdom to go south to commit crimes. Although Zhong Shidao was a little depressed, he was relieved anyway.

It doesn't matter if it's a straight woman or a Liao native, as long as you come, you don't want to go back with your whole body.

And it will definitely let the Jurchen army who dare to come to violate the border have a good taste of the power of the latest weapons of the Song Dynasty.

As a confidant general under Mao Jianlu's command, Gurnashu led an army of [-] troops to the south and headed straight for the Liaodong Peninsula. They traveled fast all the way, and five days later, the whole army arrived in Ningzhou.

While resting the army in Ningzhou, Gurnashu also sent envoys to Dalian, demanding that Song Dynasty return the Liaodong Peninsula to the Women's Straight Alliance.

Regarding the female coach's coquettish manipulation, whether it is Zhong Shidao or that Zong Ze, the envoys sent by this guy are dumbfounded by their unscrupulous words.

In the end, it was just that someone drove the envoy of the female straight person out of Dalian City, told him to go back to Ningzhou, and told Gurnashu that this land is already the territory of the Song Dynasty, so don't force it if you have the ability, just show your strength Let Da Song take a look and see if you have the ability to take back the Liaodong Peninsula from Da Song.

Gurnashu is different from Mao Jianlu, who is tall, burly and strong like a bear. He is thin, but full of explosive power. With a hard bow in his hand, he hits every shot. It can be said that he is the most proficient in archery in the women's straight league. shooter.

In the past, Mao Jianlu often took the lead in fighting, and Gurnashu was by his side, responsible for shooting and killing enemies who threatened Mao Jianlu. Extremely loyal, and not a foolish person.

So this time, the position of the commander-in-chief of the army was handed over to Gurnashu by Mao Jianlu, who needed to stay and sit in Huanglong Mansion.

In addition to him, there were four female straight tribe chiefs and more than [-] minor chiefs. Among them, two female straight tribe chiefs could be said to be forced by Annai and had no choice but to be ordered to lead the tribal warriors to accompany the army.

They could have been regarded as Di Gubao's faction, but when Mao Jianlu killed his brother and seized the throne, they reacted too slowly. Other tribes generally pledged allegiance to Mao Jianlu.

But Mao Jianlu naturally couldn't trust them completely, and this time, Mao Jianlu dispatched troops to conquer the Liaodong Peninsula southward, and they were against it.

The result is of course self-evident. Now they can only obey Gurnashu's command honestly.If he is not willing, then it is very likely that Dubo Jilie will find a reason to annex himself and the entire tribe.

Since you can't resist fate, you can only close your eyes and enjoy it?Well, in short, these two tribal chiefs also thought very clearly.

The State of Song couldn't even take control of the Liaodong Peninsula at the beginning. Only by relying on our brave female straight warriors did we gain control of the Liaodong Peninsula.

In less than two months, if we want it back from Song Guo, it will not be too difficult.

Although I have heard that the Liaohai Navy of the Liao State was completely annihilated by the Song State Navy, but according to the news, the officers and men of the Liaohai Navy had almost no losses. Sincerely.

Besides, the navy of the Song Dynasty is strong, and it is on the sea, and even if the Liaodong Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides, it is still on land. Fighting on the ground, the brave female warriors have never been afraid of anyone.

The envoy who was sent to negotiate with the Song army had already stated the answer of Song's coach Zhong Shidao.It provoked a group of grumpy female chiefs, the little chief, to yell and curse.

They all expressed to Nagurnashu that the cowardly Song Guoan dared to humiliate our brave female straight warriors in this way, then we should use our swords to let those damn Song people understand what the anger of female straight people is.

And Gurnashu, the coach of the female straight army, used his calloused hands to play with his bald hair, leaving only a thin braid that looked like a rat's tail on the back of his head. He narrowed his eyes.

"Everyone, Bo Ji Lie, isn't the reason why Song State's cultivator did this is to provoke us and want us to be dazzled by anger? Therefore, we cannot be fooled by Song State."

"Should we just stay here and do nothing? Those cowardly Song people will definitely not take the initiative." A chief shouted in a muffled voice with some dissatisfaction.

"Of course not, of course we have to take the initiative to attack, but everyone, it's not the time yet. We need the Liao Kingdom to provide us with enough siege weapons. We can't let the brave warriors rely on their own hands and swords. Go and destroy that two-foot-tall, very strong city wall?"

"Don't you think it's bad to use the siege weapons of the Liao people to reduce the casualties of our Jurchen warriors?" Gulnashuna's hawk-like eyes swept over the many female straight generals present, and finally let the complaining female generals The chiefs and generals all shut their mouths obediently.

Three days later, a batch of siege weapons, twenty greatly reinforced siege vehicles, five imitation catapults, and thousands of siege ladders arrived from Chenzhou.

With the support of these siege weapons, Arnashu sent troops from Ningzhou, and marched towards Dalian with a murderous look.

For the people of Song Dynasty who abandoned almost the entire Liaodong Peninsula and only defended a small area of ​​Dalian, in the eyes of these female straight soldiers, this is completely a sign of cowardice and cowardice.

However, when the army surrounded by those huge siege weapons arrived in front of the city wall that completely divided the Liaodong Peninsula into two, those female straight warriors who thought that only one charge was needed to drive the Song people into the sea They finally shut their mouths obediently.

The gray city wall that reached a height of two feet, the battle flags fluttering above the city head, and the countless spears piercing the sky all seemed to indicate that this was definitely not as incomparable as the female straight people imagined. Easy fight.

(End of this chapter)

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