Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1411 If you don't give up Dingzhou, you will be rebellious (Part 2)

Chapter 1411 If you don't give up Dingzhou, you will be rebellious (second update)
Chapter 1420

"That's right, what's the matter?" Seeing the surprised expression on He Shilie's face, Shu Ye should also ask a little confused.

He Shilie spread out his hands and explained helplessly.

"It's really time for you to come. You may not know that just a quarter of an hour ago, I just received an ultimatum from the guards of Baozhou and Xuanzhou, asking me to lead the army to withdraw within two hours. Get out of Dingzhou, otherwise, they will storm Dingzhou."

"However, fortunately, I finally met you before this and learned the news of your lord. It would be great. It seems that the gods are blessing you and want you to occupy the land of the three states."

"You mean that those two idiots almost came out in full force and have already arrived at the dock area of ​​Dingzhou?" Shu Yegai also had an unbelievable expression on his face.

It seems that the gods believed by the female straight people are really protecting Lord Di Gubao and the female straight people, and they just decided to come and occupy the land of the three states, making him a stronghold for Lord Di Gubao to stay and be loyal to Mao Jianlu The defenders of Baozhou and Xuanzhou had already fled outside the city of Dingzhou to wait to die.

"Brother He Shilie, you should find a way to delay them first, and then I will find a way to send a message to Master Di Gubao who has come with the Song Dynasty's navy. The soldiers and horses will eat them all."

After explaining the strength of the Great Song Navy to He Shilie quickly, He Shilie no longer hesitated, nodded immediately, and rushed to the east gate of Dingzhou, first to stabilize the situation. The soldiers who live in Xuanzhou and Baozhou.

In addition, he assigned confidant guards who were familiar with the surroundings of Dingzhou, and led the generals that Nashu should have sent to a small fisherman's fishing pier seven or eight miles away to the south.

There, several fishing boats can go to the mouth of the Yalu River to contact Di Gubao and the navy of Song State.I hope they can come to help in time and cut off the return of the female soldiers from Xuanzhou and Baozhou.

Almost an hour later, at the mouth of the Yalu River, countless giant ships with bulging white sails appeared. Ma Kui stood proudly on the prow of his [-]-year-old warship. After truly seeing the super long range and terrifying power of these naval guns.

The navy commander used his own power, disregarding the resentful gazes and whispered complaints of the two warship generals, from the two [-]-ship battleships, each took five cannons and placed them on his flagship. .

In this way, his giant ship with [-] materials became the battleship with the most artillery, and the other two [-]-material warships were arranged around his flagship.

In this way, the three gunboats can be commanded to act and fire together in a timely manner, which not only ensures the integrity, but also ensures the power of the salvo.

The Jiaodong Navy has several [-] warships, but at the beginning, everyone didn’t think that this gun could have anything, and it would be more comfortable to use the giant crossbows of the past, so they pushed it to the two [-] warships. Warships.

Nowadays, countless naval generals are jealous and regretful, but they have already arranged it. They can only stare blankly, and they can only keep encouraging Ma Kui to give a performance to the court, hoping to get more naval guns, so that brothers We can all enjoy the glory, um... It should be so that everyone can make a name for our great song overseas.

Of course, Ma Kui patted his chest and assured his brothers that as long as the court could allocate enough naval guns for him, then the brothers would definitely have a share.

Now the naval commander is standing on top of his battleship, but his eyes have been wandering around those naval guns, but now, all the naval guns have lifted the covering tarpaulin, and those artillerymen are doing the last battle for the naval guns at this moment. inspection and cleaning.

In the wooden box fixed on the deck next to it, there are propellant packs and various types of shells.There are not only the chain bullets that once made the soldiers of the Liao State Navy miserable, but also the flowering bullets that can explode in the air and have a huge range of damage.

There are also heavy solid bullets that can pierce through a solid hull without any effort, and there are also those that have never been able to find a chance to test, but I heard that as long as they fire, they will be within a few steps and as far as fifty or sixty feet away, and no one will survive. shotgun.

As for Di Gubao, of course it is impossible for him to have close contact with my Da Song's secret weapon. Instead, he was arranged on a five-thousand-material giant ship later on, led by a navy general. Accompanied, of course, hundreds of his female warriors squatted together.

At this time, the whistle inside the mast and mast first blew the bamboo whistle to attract the attention of the Song Army sailors on the deck, and then shouted loudly.

"There is a small boat ahead, heading towards us..."

Ma Kui, who had been observing the artillerymen taking care of and maintaining the ship's guns, took the binoculars from the soldiers around him, looked forward, and saw a dilapidated fishing boat with several women dressed as straight warriors. People are paddling hard, and the leader is waving his hands in this direction.

That posture seemed to be saying, don't fire... Ma Kui subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the ten naval guns on the deck of his own battleship.

"Send a fast boat over there to ask, and see what's going on?"

Soon, the giant ship lowered a small boat towards the sea, and ten Song Army sailors rowed the fast boat vigorously, heading towards the dilapidated fishing boat that was getting closer and closer.

A quarter of an hour later, upon hearing the news from Dingzhou City, without any hesitation, Ma Kui immediately ordered all warships to advance at full speed and prepare for battle.

Soon, countless half-open sails were fully opened, and the strong wind bulged all the sails. The giant ship of the Jiaodong Navy of the Song Dynasty suddenly accelerated and galloped towards Dingzhou, which is not far from the entrance of the Yalu River. go.

"He Shilie, the time is almost up, you'd better stop dawdling, after the time has passed, if you haven't withdrawn the whole army from Dingzhou City, then you are a rebellious woman who violated Dubo Jilie's order, and will Become the enemy of all our tribes!"

The Baozhou defender who rode his horse and stood a stone's throw away shouted loudly in the direction of Dingzhou city.

He Shilie, who was standing on the city wall of Dingzhou, answered loudly in his spare time. "General Qu Chulu, I've already gathered my soldiers and I'm ready to leave the city. Why are you in a hurry? I'm also a Bojilie (chief), but you're just a little Bojilie (little chief), don't you? Have you even forgotten the superiority and inferiority?"

These words made Qu Chulu's face darken immediately, he gritted his teeth, raised his whip viciously, and said towards He Shilie on the top of the wall. "Don't play tricks on me. We are here to take over Dingzhou under Du Bo Jilie's military order. If you don't leave the city and give up Dingzhou respectfully, you will be rebellious!"

"There is still time for one stick of incense. After one stick of incense, if you don't get out of the city, He Shilie, then don't blame me and Qu Chulu for being rude to you..." Beside, the Xuanzhou guard quickly finished impatiently shouted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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