Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 140 Feeling the full malice of these two women (Chapter 2 arrives!)

Chapter 140 Feeling the full malice of these two women (the first update arrives!)

Chapter 138

"Hide, it's difficult. With your uncle Wang's agility, can't you avoid it?" Although she didn't understand why Wang Yang would ask such a question, Liu Yiyi still gave the answer after thinking seriously. own answer.

"What if we can't avoid it?" Wang Yang sighed softly. He didn't study history, but he also knew very well that the party struggle in the Northern Song Dynasty was more severe than his sister's Tang Dynasty.

The important thing is that a group of historical celebrities started from the reforms in the Shenzong era, from different political ideas at the beginning, and gradually evolved into cruel party struggles, until the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty represented by Song Huizong, they have been hurting each other.

The damage is so great that countless historical celebrities have either been relegated because of the change of the political stage, or they are sad.In short, in this era when the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats ruled the world together, it was not only the best era for literati, but also the cruelest era.

"I can't avoid it..." Liu Yiyi blinked her watery eyes and carefully looked at Wang Yang in front of her. For some reason, she always felt that the elder brother of the Wang family was very serious today.

It seemed that he had really encountered some big problem that was difficult to solve, and he should be very hesitant now, not knowing what to do.

Liu Yiyi stretched out her hand, and gently brushed up Wang Yang's messy hair at the temples. Seeing Wang Yang's upturned face, she showed a smile as bright as an intoxicating sunset. "Then face the difficulties."

"Brother Wang, you have told Nujia countless times that in your dictionary, you have never used the words failure and retreat."

Wang Yang looked at Liu Yiyi in a daze, and subconsciously said. "But this is different."

"How different can it be?" Liu Yiyi said sweetly, looking at Wang Yang's handsome face, she really had the urge to pinch his paw and eat his tofu. "Didn't you say it? Life is easy, and living is easy, but life is not easy."

"However, no matter what kind of predicament we are facing, the confidence in your face, eyes, and heart will always infect us, brother Wang. This brother Wang, who is always full of confidence, is our Yihonglou sisters. The most admired and admired pure man..."

Wang Yang stared blankly at Liu Yiyi, who was in front of him with slightly parted vermilion lips, and listened to her retelling of her past words, which made Wang Yang feel ashamed, and the hesitation in his eyes gradually faded away. Disperse.

That's right, when I was just thrown by God to this Yihonglou, didn't I always think that I would be able to ascend to the court one day, and make plans for the fate of the Song Dynasty and the revival of the Chinese nation?Or one day, I will be able to command thousands of troops and march northward to restore the homeland of my Han family.

Now, there is an opportunity right in front of us, Zhao Ji, who can accomplish anything and can't be the emperor, is willing to worship himself as a teacher. Isn't this an excellent opportunity?
Even the important ministers appointed by Zhao Ji have left infamy in later generations, why is that?It's not because Zhao Ji lost the Han family because of what he did.

Since you are the one who lost the family, it is natural to find trouble with you, but you are the king, you have big problems and your courtiers have even bigger problems, and those ministers who are important to you will naturally have big problems.

It seems to be true, what about Cai Jing and Gao Qiu, in short, there seems to be no minister around Song Huizong who is a good person.

But so what?Now that I have this opportunity, why don't I seize it well? I have farsightedness better than everyone else. I not only know the history of this era well (90 points in ancient Chinese history), but also understand the world at this time period very well. (World History 87 points).

It can be said that at least in terms of vision, I have come to the forefront of the world, like a great man standing on the top of a mountain, fully capable of taking on the role of the leader and guide of the Chinese nation.

Now that Zhao Ji is still a half-grown kid, and his brother Zhao Xu is still in power, how can he have more than 20 years to change his destiny.

Didn't I complain that God didn't give me a chance before, but now that the opportunity has come, is it possible that I should be a coward in front of the opportunity?
"...Master, why are you standing there with a bowl in a daze, the food is cold." At this moment, Li Shishi appeared in his line of sight with extremely resentful eyes.

"Oh, eat, eat quickly, master, I thought of it, um, I figured out a big problem, thank you, Miss Yiyi, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd have to struggle for several days to figure it out." Wang Yang, who came back to his senses, hastily pushed a few mouthfuls of rice subconsciously, then nodded gratefully to Liu Yiyi.

Seeing that Wang Yang had regained his former arrogance and high-spirited fighting spirit, Liu Yiyi, who was secretly relieved, smiled sweetly, took a silk handkerchief and wiped the corners of her lips. "You and I are not outsiders. Why are you being so polite? If you really want to thank my family, you should work hard for the exam. It is best to be nominated for the gold list. This is the greatest gratitude."

"Well, don't worry, no matter what, there will definitely be a place for me in the court of this great dynasty. At that time, let's see how my uncle Wang can change the world of this dynasty... Huh?" It was only half of it crooked, and the mouth and nose were directly blocked by Liu Yiyi's hand that suddenly stretched out.

I almost couldn't breathe in one breath, the rice ball choked directly into the trachea, shit!

"You..." Wang Yang only had time to slap Liu Yiyi's hand away, and coughed wildly.Liu Yiyi hurriedly patted Wang Yang's back lightly, complaining softly. "My living ancestor, can you stop talking nonsense as soon as you open your mouth."

"What changed this dynasty? Do you want to rebel? Even if you really want to rebel, you are not so blatantly clamoring here."

Hearing Liu Yiyi's words, Wang Yang finally understood that he thought Liu Yiyi, a woman, would suddenly attack her with a tiger's mouth.

Wang Yang, who coughed for a long time before he could catch his breath, rolled his big eyes and said weakly. "Sister, can you stop making trouble, can I mean that?"

"Since you don't have that meaning, why do you say that? Food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. You are really old, and your mouth is like a little brat who doesn't know the door." Liu Yiyi She gave Wang Yang a cross-eyed look with slight annoyance, and her tone was as if a big sister was educating her little brother.

"Hey, can you pay attention to what you say, Mrs. Wang, after all, I am also a beautiful young man who is about to be crowned weak, what a brat, how young am I?!" Wang Yang couldn't help but puffed up his chest muscles, and rushed to Liu in a demonstration Yiyi narrowed her eyes.

"Of course the master is an adult, but master, you should eat quickly, otherwise the food will be cold in a while, but it will hurt your stomach, be obedient..." Li Shishi also came over and expressed his agreement with Wang Yang's words seriously, and then used the same Said in a tone of coaxing a kid.

Wang Yang looked at the two fairies with black lines on his face, feeling the full malice of these two women.

PS: Well, today is still the same, first three updates, and then one more update by the rudder master, and then see if we can work hard to make one update, and strive for today to be the fifth update,
 Well, it’s still the same today, first three updates, and then one more update by the rudder master, and then see if we can work hard to make one update, and strive for today to be the fifth update,
(End of this chapter)

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