Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1394 Fortunately, this reinforcement of yours lives up to its name (Part 1)

Chapter 1394 Fortunately, this reinforcement of yours lives up to its name (first update)
Chapter 1403

Those were countless dummies tied up with straw, and they were blown apart by the dense rain of iron bullets, shattering and splashing grass clippings, but it fell into everyone's ears, except for the initial roar In addition, there was only a dense and rapid sound, like rain hitting plantains, amplified at least ten times.

Afterwards, everyone turned pale and looked at the shooting range in the messy place. The nearly one hundred dummies standing upright, especially the thirty dummies at the front, were completely reduced to debris. The broken leather armor and iron armor on the ground, as well as the broken wooden stake, showed the traces of their existence.

In the entire shooting range, there is almost no scarecrow that is far away. Even at a height of eighty feet, the towering shields are all filled with holes pierced by iron bullets.

Looking at this miserable shooting range, all the previous voices disappeared without a trace, but no one spoke at this time, and they all stared blankly at the shooting range that seemed to have been ruthlessly ravaged by thousands of troops.

"Five... just five cannons, they have this power..." Zhong Shidao's breathing became heavy, his eyes widened to the extreme, and he repeated these words repeatedly.

Whether it's leather armor, iron armor, or a shield, it's like paper in front of the power of Yuanyoushen's mighty cannon. Five cannons make up a shooting range of about seven or eight feet wide and eighty feet long. , turned into a hell of death.

Such terrifying power is indeed unprecedented and unheard of.

"Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, well-deserved reputation..." Zong Ze's mouth trembled slightly, his face flushed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his arms high. "God bless Song Dynasty, God bless Liaodong!"

"God bless my Great Song Dynasty, God bless me Liaodong..." Zhong Shidao first closed his eyes tightly, murmured softly, then drew out the saber at his waist, pointed it at the sky, and shouted loudly. "God bless Song Dynasty, God bless Liaodong!"

In an instant, all the soldiers present, whether they were the soldiers of the Western Army, or the miscellaneous soldiers on Jingdong East Road, or the artillerymen in front of the Imperial Palace, all raised their arms or weapons high, facing the vast sky, and issued that An impassioned roar.

"God bless Song Dynasty, God bless Liaodong!"

At the request of the excited generals of the Liaodong Army, Guo Yan had to let the Wu Jinshi test fire a few more times, in order to satisfy the desire of these agitated soldiers to appreciate the power and range of the artillery.

And after each salvo, what it brought was no longer panic and fear, but full and passionate cheers and applause.

Seeing this scene, Guo Yan and Xu Zhao couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded. This feeling really resembles the scene of scoring a goal in a ball game.

"General Guo, General Xu, you two are worried about wasting ammunition too much here?" At this time, Zong Ze approached them with a smile and asked in a low voice.

"It's not like that, I just think that brothers like this kind of excitement." Guo Yan replied with a respectful salute to Zongze.

"That's because you may not know that the [-] elite Pishi army of Beiliao has already arrived in Chenzhou, and it's only three or four days away from us."

"Now, the only soldiers we can fight here are the five thousand elite Western Army soldiers. As for the soldiers recruited from Jingdong East Road, it will be difficult for them to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time..."

Teacher Zhong also came over, stroked his long beard, and interrupted with a much more relaxed expression at the moment. "Fortunately, the reinforcements that Lord Wang mentioned in your letter are indeed worthy of the name. Otherwise, this defensive battle would have been very difficult."

"So, let the brothers see more and feel the power of my Great Song Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, so that they can also give them more confidence. After all, this is a place hanging overseas, so we need a confidence and willpower They are strong enough elite teachers."

Guo Yan nodded in agreement. At this moment, he also felt a heavy pressure on his shoulders. Looking at the city wall that was five or six miles long, such a wide defensive surface was only five or six miles long. It is indeed too difficult for a soldier who can fight thousands of times.

But fortunately, he came and brought the most elite and most powerful weapons of the Song Dynasty. With these three hundred Yuanyou Shenwei cannons, not to mention the 30 Pishi army, even if it is [-], so what , as long as you have enough ammunition, blast him.

And in Liaoyang Mansion, Xiao Shen, the old driver who rushed to Tokyo Road to preside over important military and political affairs, finally waited until the messenger he sent to Huanglong Mansion brought the reply from Chang Ashu.

After being taken from the back by the Beiliao people and hit hard, his head, which had been a little dizzy from the victory after victory after victory, finally regained consciousness.

Afterwards, Chang Ashu led his army to counterattack towards Binzhou that had been captured by the Northern Liao Dynasty. Instead of retaking Binzhou, the commander of the Liao army took advantage of the counterattack and copied its retreat, and was burned down. Even Xiangzhou in the north of Huanglong Mansion was almost taken away by Beiliao people for approving grain and grass.

At this moment, Zhang Ashu finally calmed down completely, and regarding the situation in front of him, other voices began to appear inside the female straight person, and some people even thought that Chang Ashu was too arrogant.

The reason why the Nvzhi tribes were able to win consecutively before was because the Northern Liao Dynasty did not pay attention to the Nvzhi tribes at that time, and only let the Tokyo Road, which had the smallest population and military strength, struggle with the Nvzhi people.

But now, when Beiliao got serious, or was finally irritated by the female straight people, their counterattack was so sharp.

Under such circumstances, in order to prevent being surrounded by the Liao army in Huanglong Mansion, we should retreat to the northeast to the land of white mountains and black waters, so as to prevent the main force of the female straight from being encircled.

And several consecutive offensives to recapture Pennsylvania were repelled by the elite Liao army, and some food and grass were destroyed, which made Chang Ah Shu feel guilty.

At this time, the envoys of the Liao Kingdom came to Huanglong Mansion with a letter written by the imperial envoy of the Liao Kingdom, Xiao Shen.

The gist of the letter was to ask the Ministries of Women's Straight to give up their offensive on Dongdong Road in the Liao Kingdom, retreat to the north of Pennsylvania, and retreat to Zhengzhou and Luzhou in the east.

If the Female Straight Alliance agrees, then Daliao will release the thousands of female prisoners of war, women and children captured by the Northern Liao Dynasty, and promise not to send troops to the female straight tribes.

Moreover, they are willing to start trade with the women's tribes, and no longer block food, salt, cloth and other living materials from the women's tribes.

If the Women's Straight Alliance disagrees, then the Liao Kingdom will no longer be scruples, and [-] troops will enter Tokyo Road, strangle all the women's tribes, and slaughter all the women's men.

Facing the ultimatum of the Liao Kingdom, coupled with several defeats, the Women's Straight Alliance, which was originally united as one, has become a quarrel.

In the Women's Straight Alliance, not all the tribes are willing to be enemies of Liao, but they are coerced, afraid of Nachang Ashu and other tribes, so they have to join the battle against Liao.

Once a problem arises, these people will naturally become the spokespersons of the main peace faction.

(End of this chapter)

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