Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1390 By the holy order, the guns are in the people, and the guns destroy the people (Part 1)

Chapter 1390: According to the Holy Order, the cannons are there and the people are there, the cannons are destroyed and the people are killed (first update)
Chapter 1399

In addition to a large amount of cement masonry, the materials brought by the Wanhong Sea Fleet under Wanhong Trading Company also include excellent building materials such as prefabricated panels. On this island, the common sun in May and June also makes This became an excellent prefabricated panel manufacturing workshop.

You only need to weave bamboo sticks as thick as your fingers into the shape first, then place a hollow iron tube in it, then pour it with the mixed cement sand and gravel, cover it with thin cardboard, and water it regularly every day. It is one foot long, about two feet wide, and mostly half a foot thick. The prefabricated boards are perfectly formed.

Strong military camps that are completely different from the architectural style of the Song Dynasty are rising from the ground. There is no way, this is a bitterly cold place in Liaodong. If we don't build enough residences at this time, we can't let the soldiers wait until winter. Are you shivering in a tent that is easily blown away by the biting wind and snow?
Zhong Shidao and Zongze followed the stone stairs that had been built and slowly climbed up the city wall that had been built to a height of two feet.

Above, there are still more than a thousand workers working hard, smoothing the stones and bricks, then pouring the buckets of cement slurry in, and then laying wooden boards on top to facilitate the construction. The craftsmen and civilians stepped on and walked, but it did not affect the solidity of the newly grouted city walls.

At this moment, the width of the top of the city wall has reached two feet, which can completely allow the soldiers of the Song Dynasty to calmly accumulate supplies for the defense of the city wall on it, without affecting the formation of troops.

"It seems that if you want to wait until the north city wall is completely built, it will take a lot of time..." Looking up and down the busy city wall, although he was reluctant to leave, Zhong Shidao's tone still revealed A wave of determination.

"Time waits for no one. Now that the Pishi army has arrived, if the city wall cannot be put into use as soon as possible, then for our Liaodong army, it is no different from a waste. In this way, let them stop increasing the city wall from now on, and start leveling it. Walls, build walls."

Zongze also nodded helplessly, agreeing with Zhong Shidao's point of view. "Yeah, time is waiting, but now it has a height of nearly two feet, and it is built with bricks, stones and cement. The solidity of its walls is no less than that of the city fortresses on North Shaanxi Road in the Song Dynasty."

"Yes, although it is much worse than that of Youzhou City, it is still barely enough..." Master Zhong couldn't help but sigh with regret.

"It's just that the length of this city wall is close to five miles or nearly six miles, and now our army can really climb the city and fight fiercely, only the [-] elite from the Western Army. I'm afraid this battle will be difficult to fight."

After Zongze carefully stepped on the wooden plank, he looked towards the north, and the Suzhou City, a small town several miles away, was clearly visible.

Regarding the bad taste of Beiliao, Zong Ze was really powerless to complain. Such a small village with a radius of no more than two miles and a mud wall less than ten feet high had the nerve to be called Suzhou.

Think about the prosperity and liveliness of Suzhou City in the Song Dynasty. Compared with this desolate small Tuweizi city with a population of only a few thousand, there is a world of difference.

Zongze suddenly remembered something. "By the way, Mr. Wang said before that if a large army that would impress the world would be sent to help, I'm afraid it should be here soon, right?"

After hearing Zongze's words, Zhong Shidao couldn't help but curled his lips and smiled in a nonchalant manner.

"Well, it should be here soon. It's been more than half a month since I received Lord Wang's letter, so it should be here soon. Speaking of which, Zhong really wants to see what happens to the army that Lord Wang praised so much. What kind of elites are they, can they be more powerful than the elites of our Great Song Dynasty’s Western Army?”

Hearing the dissatisfaction in Zhong Shidao's tone, Zongze wisely closed his mouth. As the saying goes, "Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second."

Everyone will have a competitive heart, not to mention the Western Army of the Great Song Dynasty who has achieved great victories over the years. People dare to stand up and blatantly disobey.

At most, they can just say a few words in private. After all, no one can refute his illustrious achievements.

However, Wang Daguan wrote a letter, telling Zhong Shidao, telling Zhong Shidao in an exaggerated tone that there is a powerful one that will definitely cause a sensation in the world, and the army that conquers the barbarians will come to help.

Although Zhongshi couldn't offend Wang Yang and didn't dare to write back, it didn't mean that he, the commander-in-chief of the Western Army of the Song Dynasty, had no emotions at all.

Soon after Zhong Shidao issued the order, the craftsmen in charge of building the north city wall could only notify the peasants to suspend work as quickly as possible, and immediately started the project of leveling the wall and building the piled wall.

But at this moment, Wan Bin was standing on the pier in Dengzhou, staring dumbfounded at the chanting and chant of the peasants, pushing the cannon carts hard to transport them to the ship.

"General Guo, what kind of weapons are these? They look so heavy." Wan Bin asked Guo Hong, the deputy commander of the Imperial Artillery of the Song Dynasty.

"These are weapons designed by Mr. Wang's novices. The name was given by the Emperor himself, Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon. Once fired, the sound of this cannon can be heard for ten miles. It can be used for close defense or long-distance attack. It is so powerful that it is rare in the world. "Guo Hong, who was standing next to him, said with pride as he watched the artillery carts being loaded onto the huge ships.

Under Wang Yang's order, he led an army here, and Guo Yan, who was about to set up a ship of the Wanhong Trading Company and head to the Liaodong Peninsula across the sea, naturally knew that Wan Bin had a deep friendship with Wang Yang. You Shen Wei Pao is about to come to the front of the stage, and there is no need to hide it at this moment.

"The sound booms for ten miles, close defense and long range attack... well, it really sounds like a very powerful weapon." Wan Bin slammed his mouth, and after listening for a long time, he still couldn't figure out how this thing could do close defense and long range attack.

"Shopkeeper Wan, when will everything be ready for shipment?"

"At least it won't be all shipped until early tomorrow morning." Wan Bin estimated the time and looked at the piles of boxes as tall as a person piled there. Those things are said to be all gunpowder. How to transport those things You have to be extra careful, otherwise, if the boat is accidentally set on fire on the way to the Liaodong Peninsula, everyone's fun will be over in a flash.

"It will take so long..." Guo Hong's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"Wan has tried his best, but these things are too heavy, and it is very difficult to transport and board the ship. Moreover, the delivery of the gunpowder must also be handled with care. Don't make mistakes because you are in a hurry."

"If General Guo is anxious, how about you, General Guo, lead the soldiers to Liaodong first, and then Wan will let the ships carrying the Yuanyou Shenwei cannon and those dangerous ammunition arrive?"

Guo Hong shook his head in frustration. "This can't be done. We have been ordered by the Holy Order. The cannons are with the people, and the cannons destroy the people. The people and the cannons cannot be separated. Forget it, tomorrow will be tomorrow. I don't know what's going on in the Liaodong Peninsula?"

"Don't worry, when Wan Mou left Dalian today, he hadn't received the news that the Northern Liaopi Army was going south. Even if you set off early tomorrow morning, by tomorrow evening, you should be able to reach Dalian's wharf and set foot on the Liaodong Peninsula. land."

(End of this chapter)

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