Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1388 The Pishi Army Was Actually Sent (Part 1)

Chapter 1388 The Pishi Army Was Actually Sent (Part [-])
Chapter 1397

In the next few days, there were less than 5000 people. After the survival of the fittest again, only 500 people were left in the way of cultivating teachers. The remaining unqualified people were all arranged into the migrant workers team. Let's work together to contribute to the defense of the Liaodong Peninsula.

The remaining 500 people were all organized into the elite of the Northwest Frontier Army, bringing the old to the new, striving to improve their morale and combat effectiveness as quickly as possible.

Although the equipment of these state troops is poor, at least the five thousand soldiers of the Western Army are elite. From top to bottom, the five thousand soldiers are all wearing the high-quality Song Yuanyou Armor, each with a Yuanyou crossbow, and a large number of accessories , It is not a problem at all to assemble three thousand Yuanyou crossbows.

After the survival of the fittest, the [-] state troops are finally fully equipped with armor and weapons, even if they are leather armor, they still have some defensive power. After training with the Western Army, and with the passage of time, this The [-] state troops finally had the appearance and momentum of a Song soldier.

It's just that the Liaodong Army of the Great Song Dynasty is immersed in construction and training, and the most secret imperial artillery squad of the Great Song Dynasty is getting closer and closer to the Liaodong Peninsula.

And in the farther north of Liaoyang Mansion, the Taoist government office in Tokyo, an elite Liao army was quietly passing through the south bank of the Yazi River, rushing towards Pennsylvania with lightning speed.

Binzhou City is also an earth-enclosed city similar to Naning Prefecture and Fuzhou. The city is not high and the walls are not strong. Captured as slaves of those female tribes.

And with the offensive of the women's straight army, after breaking through the Huanglong Mansion last winter, they went all the way south, and the main force has already reached the Tongzhou area.

The population of female straight people is not large, which leads to the obvious emptiness behind them. Among the Pennsylvania by the Duck River, there are only [-] female straight soldiers.

After quietly entering Pennsylvania in the night, Yelu Shuobo, the general of the Yellow Leather Army in military uniform, stroked his long beard and looked at the quiet Pennsylvania city with only a few lights, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised. .

It seems that his strategy is really effective.Yelu Shuobo's eyes turned and fell on the generals around him. "General Amo, you lead five hundred elites to bypass Pennsylvania and attack from the east. This commander will personally lead the army to attack the west of Pennsylvania city. And you, General Han, your navy, must block the Duck River , Don’t let a straight woman escape from the Yazi River.”

Following the Yelu Shuobo military order, a group of Liao army elites began to act one after another.At this time, the female soldier in charge of the night duty above the city of Pennsylvania was already sleeping soundly with a wine bottle in her arms, completely unaware that death was coming.

When the elites of the Liao army climbed to the top of the city, those female straight warriors who had been safely in Pennsylvania for more than a year and had never been attacked before reacted.

However, facing the elite Liao army that was several times larger than their own, their resistance did not even stir up a wave, and they were directly beheaded and killed by countless Liao troops on the spot.

After that, of the five hundred female warriors, less than two hundred survived. Together with more than 2000 female women, children and slaves living in Pennsylvania City, they were all detained in the city.

At midnight the next day, Ningjiangzhou City, located on the north side of the Yazi River, also fell into the hands of the Liao army, and all eight hundred female warriors were wiped out.

Three days later, Ah Shu, the leader of the Women's Straight Alliance, who was on the front line in Tongzhou, received the news that Pennsylvania and Ningjiang Prefecture had been broken by the Liao Army, and his rear was cut off.

Chang Ashu was shocked, the army withdrew from Tongzhou, and arranged for the Nvzhi Yidian Department to guard Xinzhou, while he led the [-] Nvzhi main force and rushed back to Huanglong Mansion, which had become the center of Nvzhi rule.

The news that the Liao army suddenly launched an assault to the rear of the Women's Straight University via the north, breaking through two states in a row, causing the vigorous Women's Straight Alliance army to retreat back to Huanglong Mansion, soon spread to Zhongshi Dao In the ears of Zongze.

"What do you want to do?" Zong Ze looked at the information he had just received, raised his head in doubt and looked at the opposite seed teacher.

And Zhong Shidao, who was dressed in a military uniform, also frowned: "Chong is also a little confused, it stands to reason that since the Liao army reinforcements arrive, they should come to our Liaodong Peninsula as soon as possible.

Now, although the elites of the Northern Liao Dynasty came here, there were only tens of thousands of teachers.What's more, its large army actually went directly to the hinterland of that woman. Such an approach seemed to treat my Liaodong Army as nothing. "

"This may be a good thing. No matter what the purpose of the Northern Liao Dynasty is, the later they attack the Liaodong Peninsula, the more beneficial it will be for our Great Song Dynasty. Brother Shi Dao, now that the Northern Liao Army treats our Liaodong Army as nothing, Then we might as well move the defense line forward first. After all, the progress of the fortress defense in Ningzhou and Zhenhai Mansion is too slow..."

Before Zong Ze finished speaking, he saw a panting general and rushed in quickly. "Commander, there is news from Chenzhou that there is a Liao army with a number of about [-] to [-].

Just two days ago, it appeared here. After investigation, it can be confirmed that it is from the Pishi Army among the elite guards of the Emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty. "

Zong Ze stood up straight away, his face involuntarily changed. "Are you sure it's the Pishi army of the Northern Liao Dynasty? Is it the left and right Pishi or the North and South Pishi?"

"That's right, we've double-checked the detailed work we arranged in that area, and there's nothing wrong with it. In the big camp, the infantry is very obedient, and there aren't many cavalry. It should be one of the North and South Leather Army." The general nodded heavily and explained.

Zhong Shidao took a deep breath and ordered without any hesitation. "Come here, send an order quickly to let the generals come to discuss the matter. In addition, tell Liu Tongzhi in the north that no matter what, you must give this commander a look. Once there is a warning signal of the enemy's movement, report it to me as soon as possible. "

What Liu Tongzhi led was the scout cavalry of the Western Army, who were currently scattered on the front line of Chenzhou, monitoring the movements of the Liao Army.

"Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Daliao didn't make a move, but when he made a move, he was generous. He even sent the Pishi army here..." After the general retreated quickly, Zong Ze sat back slowly, Can't help feeling a little authentic.

The Pishi Army is the personal imperial army of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom. It was founded by Yelu Abaoji, the emperor of the Liao Dynasty, and was standardized in the period of Yelu Deguang, the emperor of the Liao Dynasty.

Pishi means King Kong in Khitan language.The Khitan people love Buddha and worship Buddha, and in Sanskrit, Vajra refers to one in the Dharma Realm that cannot be cut off, but because there is no other method to replace or destroy it, it is called Vajra, which means indestructible.

At the beginning, Yelu Abaoji used the camp as his palace, and selected elite men from various tribes to be the heart of the army, which was the predecessor of the Pishi Army.Later, Liao Taizong Yelu Deguang officially named it the Pishi Army. As the Pishi Army continued to grow, this army was gradually divided into four leather chambers: left, right, south, and north.

Today, there are a total of 12 Pishi troops in Daliao, and each of the four Pishi troops in the left, right, north and south has [-] elites.

(End of this chapter)

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