Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1385 Then there will be you, the treasurer of Lao Wan (Part 2)

Chapter 1385 Then there will be you, the treasurer of Laowan (second update)

Chapter 1394

In the south, the original Suzhou city is about four hundred miles away from Chenzhou in a straight line.Now the construction of Ningzhou has begun to take shape. Thanks to the help of the fleet of Wanhong Trading Company, more than ten sea-going ships will berth on the pier every day, and a large amount of cement, bricks, and The Song Army in Dengzhou, Mizhou, Jiaozhou and other places.

Now the number of Jingdong East Road soldiers who arrived by boat is close to [-], but Zhong Shidao is really not happy.

"Mizhou has 870 troops, Dengzhou has 780 soldiers, and Jiaozhou has [-] soldiers. But now, except for the four battalions of Jiaozhou soldiers, which are fully staffed. The two battalions in Mizhou have been counted, and there are only [-] soldiers. And The four battalions in Dengzhou have only [-] nine people..."

Not only is there a problem with the number of people, but also the armor. Among the five thousand soldiers, only 2000 are wearing full-body leather armor. Among the remaining 3000 soldiers, less than 1000 are wearing half-body armor, and there are about 1000 soldiers. There are breastplates, and the rest don't even have leather armor, only military uniforms.

Only those at the first level can wear iron armor, and as for the Yuanyou Armor, only the first level of battalion control is eligible to wear it.

In addition, less than 500% of the crossbows are equipped, and less than [-] are crossbowmen, and only about half of these crossbows are god-armed crossbows, and there are a large number of miscellaneous crossbows.

The so-called miscellaneous crossbows are old-fashioned crossbows with a short range and insufficient accuracy.

This is because of the layout of Liaodong, the Privy Council had greeted Jingdong East Road in advance, but out of the ten battalions of soldiers, six battalions were not full, and even the rate of armor was speechless.

This really pissed off Master Zhong. He never expected that the military equipment on Jingdong East Road would be so relaxed.

Zong Ze also had a dark face, looking at the roster of Mizhou soldiers and horses he just got, and said helplessly. "They also gave a reason, saying that the old and weak members of the army were eliminated by them, which led to the fact that those battalions were not fully staffed."

Zhong Shidao, who kept his face dark and silent, slammed the roster in his hand on the desk, and stood up. "Do you know, just now Zhong Mou went over there to see these newly arrived soldiers and horses, hehe, they are said to be soldiers and horses of my Great Song Dynasty, but in my opinion, they are worse than his mother's Northwest Township Yongdu Not as good."

"General Zhong, it's useless to be angry now. It's better to think about how to solve it." Wan Bin, who just stayed here because of the delivery of supplies and those soldiers, saw that the always gentle teacher Zhong was furious. Can helplessly persuaded.

Zong Ze stroked his long beard, nodded deeply and said. "That's right, General Zhong. Now that they have planned the Liaodong Army's health system, and it is under your command, Zong can cooperate with you in whatever way you want."

"Master Zong, even if you cooperate with Zhong, it is useless. After all, although Zhong is the commander of an army, he cannot dismiss these generals for no reason. However, if these people are kept, this army will need more troops. How long does it take to describe combat power?"

In the eyes of Zhong Shidao, those gangsters are full of fat, and one or two are fat and strong. I am afraid that they can't even read the words on the military book, and they don't understand the method of training soldiers. Go to the sea to feed the fish.

However, if he really wants to do this, he will wait to be impeached, and he is afraid that even the position of the coach of Liaodong will be shaky.

"The problem now is that those soldiers and horses need to be tempered a lot, but those generals are not only very slippery, they are very obedient to my army, and they are very afraid of those Liao people. If the generals are like this, then how can we let those soldiers Can you bravely fight for the first place in the face of those invading enemies without fear of fighting?"

"Yes, this is indeed a big headache, but these 5000 troops cannot be used, but these generals..." Zong Ze could only helplessly slapped his mouth and smiled wryly.

"It would be great if we could only use soldiers instead of generals."

Wan Bin, who didn't leave beside him, heard the complaints of the two Liaodong military and political leaders, and rolled his eyes reverently. "Actually, it's not impossible..."

"Huh?" The eyeballs of Zhong Shidao and Zong Ze fell on Wan Bin's body at the same time, making the shopkeeper Wan Da feel uncomfortable.

"You two, hey... Since there is nothing else, Wan will leave first. Wan has other things to do."

"Treasurer Wan, stay a step." Zhong Shidao quickly stepped forward and grabbed the guy, and looked at the shopkeeper Wan, who was almost half a head shorter than himself, with a smile.

"Just now you said that this matter is not without a solution, and I hope shopkeeper Wan can tell Zhong some."

Zong Ze also nodded. "That's right, Shopkeeper Wan, you and I have grown-ups, old friends who have dealt with us many times when we were in the Northwest, since you have a solution, you might as well tell Chen Bugong yourself. "

"Don't worry, if this matter is feasible, even if there are any consequences, Chong will bear it all, and he will definitely not shirk." Seeing Wan Bin's hesitant look, Zhong Shidao continued to increase.

"Come on, let's go, since the two adults have said so, it would be too hypocritical for Wan to be condescending." When Wan Bin saw the two, he also knew the nature of the two, so the short After thinking about it for a while, he stomped his feet and expressed his idea.

"This, is this method really feasible?" Zhong Shidao and Na Zongze couldn't help but say in unison.

"What's not feasible, after all, only this way can make them leave in a reasonable way, and Wan believes that as long as you can make the problem more serious, General Zhong, they can run faster." Bin sniffed and said.

"What's more, Wan Mou has been operating in Jiaodong for more than two years at least. I know some of these generals and schools. As long as you agree with the general, then Wan Mou will go and talk secretly. I believe that with the temperament of those guys , I will definitely take the initiative to ask for my life."

"Then...then there will be Master Lao Wan." After hesitating for a long time, Master Zhong became resolute and bowed to Wan Bin.

"You don't need to be so polite, then Wan Mou will go say hello to those people first." Wan Bin laughed, returned a salute to Master Zhong, and walked away quickly.

"...This method, although it seems absurd, is still possible." Zong Ze looked at Wan Bin's hastily slapped his butt and fled away, stroking his long beard Think carefully.

Master Zhong nodded. "Treasurer Wan really deserves to be an old friend who has been with Lord Wang for many years. This idea makes me feel a bit like Lord Wang. It is also unexpected, but it can be practical."

"General Zhong really wants to do this?" Zong Ze glanced at Master Zhong and wanted to persuade him, but in the end he could only let out a long sigh. "Indeed, apart from this, it seems that there is really no other way to solve the immediate predicament."

(End of this chapter)

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