Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 138 The opportunity for a big turning point of fate has come? (The rudder master adds more!

Chapter 138 The opportunity for a big turning point of fate has come? (The rudder master adds more! The fourth update)

Chapter 136

You are the younger brother of the current emperor. As an example of the royal family, you actually go to worship a brothel teacher as a teacher. Even if you and your brother have a good relationship with the current emperor, the emperor will not say anything, but the problem is, the empress dowager Gao If he knew about this, wouldn't he be so angry?

Seeing Gao Qiu's anxious face, who was too raw to say anything, Wang Yang waved his hand at Zhao Ji and smiled if he realized something. "I said, Mr. Zhao, don't be joking. If you like Wang's calligraphy, you can just use it to copy it. You don't accept apprentices..."

"Could it be that Mr. Wu Shan dislikes Zhao's dullness and not being smart enough?" Zhao Ji was like a bastard eating a weight, as if he had made up his mind. Wang Yang stepped forward to help him, but after lifting the guy up, he actually bent down again , his gaze and expression seemed so firm and unhesitating.

"Of course not, so what..." Wang Yang couldn't help but feel a little numb. From the attitude of that Gao, he had already seen that this guy's identity was unusual, and he didn't want to mix it up so vaguely. Go in, but now this guy is acting like he is mentally ill. He wants to worship himself as his teacher. What should he do?

Zhao Ji was still chattering on and on. "...Don't worry, Mister. Although he is a young man, he will respect his teacher, and he will definitely not embarrass him or tarnish his name."

"Stop, there are so many talented people in the world, and there are countless honest and patient teachers. If you want to come to me as Mr. Zhao, it should be no problem to worship a good teacher. But Wang is just a brothel teacher, so you are not afraid to come. When the people next to you talk?"

When Wang Yang said this, he couldn't help sighing. "You know, people's words are scary..."

"Could it be that Mr. is afraid of gossip?" Zhao Ji looked at Wang Yang, and suddenly said such a sentence, Wang Yang, who was playing the role of a melancholy and underappreciated elder, subconsciously twitched his eyes. "Huh? What am I afraid of, don't talk nonsense, even if it's a knife and an axe, so what?"

"Doesn't the gentleman even dare to accept Zhao as his disciple?" Zhao Ji blinked and said again.

Damn, what kind of person is Uncle Wang, he always eats soft things but not hard ones. Hearing this, he laughed and sat down. "Why don't you dare, since you want to worship Wang as your teacher wholeheartedly, that's fine, but don't regret it when the time comes, just think that I, as a teacher, have little talent and little learning."

"Since that's the case, sir, please accept the apprentice's obeisance first, and stay for a few days until the disciple prepares the ceremony of worshiping the master, and then come to visit the master." Zhao Ji, who finally succeeded in playing tricks, respectfully saluted Wang Yang and said.

"Okay, then Wang will wait and see." Wang Yang raised his hand and replied. "Young Master Zhao please get up quickly."

After Zhao Ji got up, he patted his forehead a little embarrassedly. "Sir, please excuse my disciple's rudeness. I didn't reveal my identity to my master before, but I was afraid that my master would not want to discuss friendship with my disciple. Now our master and apprentice status has been determined..."

Gao Qiu beside him stood up helplessly, cleared his throat, bent slightly, and introduced the real identity of Mr. Zhao to Wang Yang. "This is the No.11 son of Shenzong, His Royal Highness Zhao Ji..."

Wang Yangfang heard that this guy was actually a majestic prince, and when he was able to gain a prince's loyal fan and apprentice, he was able to smile. After hearing his name, Wang Yang suddenly felt like a thunderbolt.

He stared dumbfoundedly at the reserved, yet terrified His Royal Highness Duan Wang in front of him, as if he had just bought a hundred dogs in his heart.

"It turned out to be His Highness. Wang really didn't expect to be able to become His Highness's teacher. It's really..." Wang Yang twitched the corner of his mouth numbly to express his inner joy.

Seeing Wang Yang's shocked expression, Zhao Ji felt as if he had poured a big ladle of cool water in the dog days, and he was very happy. "It is also a blessing to have my husband as a teacher. However, my identity is among the people and should not be easily exposed. I also ask my husband to keep the secret for me."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Mr. Wang will be reasonable. I don't know this Mr. Gao..." After Wang Yang squeezed out an ugly smile, his eyes fell on Mr. Gao next to him.

His Royal Highness Duan already called this guy Mr. Gao, how dare he pretend to be called Mr. Gao?Gao Qiu quickly waved his hands and smiled wryly. "You don't dare to be a son. Gao Qiu is just a small follower next to His Highness. Sir, just call a certain name to cultivate virtue."

"Hehe... so it's Gao Xiude." Wang Yang felt the thunder coming again, as if the chains of lightning in the magical world had all struck his forehead, and his whole body was already scorched and tender. .

Oh, the foolish emperor and treacherous ministers are all in battle. Should I shout for the sake of the motherland, grab a knife and chop off these two guys directly to change the fate of the Chinese nation, or should I continue to follow suit and collude with them?

Before the hesitant Wang Yang made up his mind, Zhao Ji had already bid farewell to Gao Qiu...

"Your Highness, if you do this, His Majesty will be very embarrassed..." After leaving the Yihong Building, Gao Qiu couldn't wait to say.

"Why is Ninth Brother so difficult? Gu has always liked poetry, calligraphy, painting, flowers and birds, so why did Ninth Brother say anything?" Zhao Ji waved his hands indifferently and smiled. Being able to worship Mr. Wang Yang, Mr. Wu Shan, as his teacher made him feel very happy It's hello.

"But, but this person's identity is unknown, and now he is just a teacher in a brothel, but you are the majestic Prince, but you go to worship him as a teacher. If the Empress Dowager finds out..."

"Will the Empress Dowager take care of us?" Although Zhao Ji was young, how could he not understand the many cruel realities inside the Tian family. "Even if the Empress Dowager really knows, she can only say a few words at most. You know, the emperor is my brother, not me..."

Hearing Zhao Ji's answer, Gao Qiu couldn't help but nodded silently. These words really left him speechless. What every emperor of the Song Dynasty hopes most is that his brothers are doing nothing. The more they are doing nothing, the more they are doing nothing. The more you feel at ease.

After all, the succession of the imperial line in the Song Dynasty was very chaotic, and things often happened between brothers and brothers. When Zhao Ji's father, Song Shenzong, uh, if it weren't for the support of those important officials, the empress dowager supported him.It is very possible that the dragon robe was not worn by Zhao Ji's ninth brother, Zhao Xu, but by one of the two young and powerful uncles.

But Zhao Ji himself understands it very well, or it can be said that his interest is not in being an emperor or getting involved in politics. What he likes most is to focus on calligraphy and painting, flowers and birds, and pursue the dual satisfaction of body and soul in the world of art.

And his way of doing what he wanted not only allowed him to meet his physical and mental needs, but also made the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty feel at ease, and also made his ninth brother feel at ease, and it was even a kind of conniving attitude .

Therefore, the relationship between Zhao Ji and today's emperor is even closer than the relationship between the folk brothers.And similarly, the empress dowager's attitude towards him was also very kind.It seems that the royal family is very pleased to have such a talented prince like him.

In fact, everyone knew what was going on in their hearts, but they all had a tacit understanding not to say anything.

PS: I will strive for another violent update today, but it will be a little late. Thanks to the book friend "Xiaoyao" Chasing the Wind for the reward and support, as well as the support of dear book friends' monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, it is simply full of love Ah, thank you, for you I will write seriously, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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