Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 132 He is a teacher in Yihonglou, and his surname is Wang? (3 of 3 updates)

Chapter 132 He is a teacher in Yihonglou, and his surname is Wang? (third of three)

Chapter 130

"Master, don't you have amnesia, why do you still remember these things?" Li Shishi, who was lying on Wang Yang's back with a happy smile on his pretty face, asked curiously.

Wang Yang was taken aback for a moment, and almost wanted to cover his ears. Damn, why did he suddenly miss out.However, before Wang Yang could explain, it was Li Shishi who spoke first.

"Master, Shishi knows that you are a very powerful person, and you are the only relative of Shishi now, so Shishi believes in you. If you don't say it, it is because you have unavoidable difficulties. Shishi just hopes, Master, don't separate from Shishi for these reasons, okay?"

Wang Yang was taken aback for a moment, his heart felt sore for no reason, he patted the hand supporting Shi Shi's butt and shouted softly. "Nonsense, you are the girl I bought for 250 coins, um... this price doesn't seem very worth it now, hiss, you little girl is a dog, how can you bite people."

"I'm saying this for your own good. You have to work hard, eat more, and gain more meat... This way you can increase the quantity without increasing the price. At least, your master and I can have a better psychological balance, you know?"

"Well, good master, Shishi will definitely work hard to eat, and strive to increase the amount without increasing the price..." Li Shishi rolled his cute eyes, then replied loudly, and then pointed at Wang Yang, pretending to be He made a fierce grimace, then smiled, and put his face happily on Wang Yang's generous and strong back.

After Li Gefei left in a rage, he walked along the long corridor to the back floor, and then up the stairs to the third floor, and then came to the private room that he had agreed with a group of friends to take a deep breath of fresh air. After making his expression less ferocious and gradually calming down, Li Gefei knocked on the door of the private room.

"Hey, why did Uncle Wen come so late?" At this moment, there were quite a few people sitting in the private room. Although they were all dressed in relaxed Taoist robes or ordinary clothes, everyone seemed to have an extraordinary bearing, or was very refined. .

"There was a small accident just now, so I was delayed for a while. Thank you for waiting..." Li Gefei laughed dryly, and after saluting to everyone, he sat down on the only unoccupied desk. A few steps forward.

"Uncle Wen is also here, so let's raise our glasses quickly. This glass of wine can only smell its aroma. It's a pity that Uncle Wen didn't come, so I just endured until now... come here, gentlemen!" Xu Daguan, a frequent visitor of Miss Yunyan in Yihonglou.

A group of old men began to eat and drink happily, bragging and farting while eating and drinking. As a group of officials who entered the imperial examination, the topic was naturally inseparable from the imperial examination that was about to start, and Jin Ming who was just a few days before that. The Mid-Autumn Festival dinner in the pool, and the Mid-Autumn Festival literary meeting.

As the father of Li Qingzhao, the most talented woman in the Song Dynasty, Li Gefei won No.2 in the Mid-Autumn Festival. As a woman, she stood out among the men, and was naturally praised by many old men present. This made Li Gefei very impressed. There is light on the face.

But soon, the topic shifted to the song "Mulan Ci", which won the first place in the Mid-Autumn Festival.Li Gefei couldn't help but praise him. "This "Mulan Ci" is indeed a wonderful poem that has never been born in the world. It is a pity that I have been busy with the imperial examination during this period, so I did not see it with my own eyes that day. It is really a pity."

"By the way, everyone, do you know who is the author of this "Mulan Ci"? I heard that it is a very young talent." One of the guests couldn't help but said.

Xu Daguan was very complacent and authentic. "Don't tell me, the author of "Mulan Ci" has already been seen by this old man."

"Master Xu, is it true or not?" Several middle-aged and elderly people in the literature suddenly opened their eyes and asked repeatedly.

"That's natural, there's no need to deceive you." Mr. Xu said with a laugh. "This person is very young, and I am afraid that he is not as weak as the crown. He has already had a masterpiece spread and sung on both sides of the Bian River. However, at that time, he never used his real name, but wrote lyrics under the title of Wushan Layman."

"I have heard about it a little bit, but I really don't know much about it. I'd like to ask Brother Xu to explain it in detail." Li Gefei also asked with great interest.

After Mr. Xu took a big sip of wine, he narrated with high spirits that he went to Nayi Red House, listened to the lyrics of the top red lady there, Miss Yunyan, and finally learned about Wushan layman through those words. As for knowing whether Wang Yang was a Wushan layman, or These days.

"...I have seen that old man Wang Jiaoxi before. He is very handsome, and you can tell at a glance that he is a dragon and phoenix among people. Looking at it now, the old man really didn't miss it..."

The smile and sense of anticipation on Li Gefei's face gradually disappeared, and his face darkened slightly. He cleared his throat and asked Xu Daguan. "Wait... You said he is the singing and dancing instructor of Yihonglou, and his surname is Wang?"

Senior officer Xu nodded his head and replied. "That's right, the old man really didn't expect that not only is he exceptionally talented, but also he is rare in the world in composing lyrics and music, and even choreographing dances so shockingly..."

"Isn't that guy quite tall, with big eyes and thick eyebrows?" Li Gefei began to get a little out of breath, but there were too many people, and he was embarrassed to spray sparks from his nostrils to express his inner anger.

"That's right, it's true. Could it be that Uncle Wen has seen this person?"

The corners of Li Gefei's eyes twitched, and he gave a half-hearted smile. "That's not true, but I've heard someone mention it, but I haven't had the chance to meet him. If Li can meet him in the future, he must ask for advice on the literary talents of this Wang Jiaoxi..."

"Haha, I have always admired Uncle Wen's talent. I really want to see what kind of scene it will be if Uncle Wen's young phoenix and Wang Wushan can meet together." Said a blind-eyed guest. "It would be my court's luck if such talented people can be used by the court."

But these words are really hard to say, so I can only laugh twice. "The old man feels that talent is secondary. If his character is not good, it will only be a disaster for the government, not a benefit..."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and the leader Xu Daguan couldn't help laughing. "Haha, Uncle Wen really deserves to be a loyal person. Come on, everyone, let's respect Uncle Wen for a cup, and use the young phoenix of Uncle He Wen's family to win this year's Mid-Autumn Festival..."

Li Gefei could only force himself to smile, accepted everyone's congratulations, and drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, but he was not in a good mood.

PS: There will definitely be more additions to the promised helmsman. Dear book friends, please be patient!

 The promised rudder will definitely be added, dear book friends, be patient, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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