Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 13 Sure enough, knowledge is shining wealth

Chapter 13 Sure enough, knowledge is shining wealth

Chapter 13

"Yeah, Brother Wang, your tricks are really poisonous." Seeing Wang Yang, Steward Niu nodded with a wry smile on his face. "Well, every month, the old man has a headache and fever..."

"Ah?!" Wang Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words behind him. Damn, I was taken aback.

"I'm talking about Lao Niu, can you stop being so awkward, big man, how can there be so many days in every month?" Wang Yang said in relief, patting Niu Guanshi's shriveled shoulder.

"No way, the old man has to go out to buy words at this time..."

"Buy porcelain? What kind of porcelain do you have to buy every month?" Wang Yang touched his chin and asked curiously. "It seems that there are not many dishes in our building that are broken."

Manager Niu looked at Wang Yang in front of him with a dark look on his face, and explained helplessly. "It's not the porcelain of porcelain goods, but the words of poetry. If there is no good word, how can we attract those noble people? So, every month, I have to take time to search everywhere and spend a fortune Spend a lot of money to buy..."

Hearing Guanshi Niu's rambling words, Wang Yang waved his hands, and walked straight towards his room for less than three steps without interest. His body froze suddenly, and then he walked straight back to Guanshi Niu without turning his head or waist. in front of. "What did you say?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Yang suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared like a ghost, which made Manager Niu tremble with fright. "What did I say about me?"

"Repeat what you just said." Wang Yang's eyeballs were covered with glittering golden light that made it difficult to look directly at him.

Seeing this stupid guy's appearance, Niu Guanshi couldn't help but tremble a little. "I said, Brother Wang, I didn't offend you, Lao Niu..."

"Not this one. Hurry up, I didn't hear what you said before I was leaving just now..." Wang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, shit, is he that scary?He could only squeeze out a smile to make himself look a little bit more pleasant.

"You, oh no, I said, what did I say...don't worry, I'll think about it..." Steward Niu trembled for a long time before recalling. "By the way, I said that it is not the porcelain of porcelain goods, but the words of poems. If there is no good poem, how can it attract those noble people? So, every month, the old man has to find time everywhere. Find it, spend a sum of money to buy it with a lot of money..."

"A lot of money to buy?" Wang Yang's eyeballs were wide open, and there was a copper coin with a square hole in his pupil, which was spinning non-stop.

"That's right, is it true that you, Brother Wang, are educated people you know?" Steward Niu echoed casually with a smile on his face.

"How much is a poem?" Wang Yang looked around and dragged Niu Guanshi to the eaves next to him. His hideous appearance frightened Niu Guanshi so much that his legs went weak, and he thought that this guy was a robber. thoughts.

"It can range from five to ten guan, to as many as [-] to [-] guan. If it is written by a famous artist, there will be a retouching fee of [-] to [-] guan or even a hundred guan." After calming down and making sure that Wang Yang did not intend to rob himself, Steward Niu hurriedly poured beans into the bamboo tube.

"Five to ten guan, as many as thirty or fifty guan, written by a famous artist, one word can be hundreds of guanqiu?!" Wang Yang was shocked, oh no, shocked. He held Steward Niu's hands and slowly opened them, and then The ten fingers slowly make the shape of the God of Wealth holding a gold ingot, Nima, it seems that you really need to be educated, knowledge is wealth.

"Brother Wang, can I go?" Manager Niu asked tremblingly when he saw Wang Yang's hands with fingers like hooks and a ferocious smile on his face.

"Come here..." Wang Yang came back to his senses and showed a very kind and kind expression towards Manager Niu. "Come on, Manager Niu, Wang will discuss this with you..."

"Brother Wang, Uncle Wang, I still have important things to do, little old man, please let me go."

"Stop talking nonsense, come here if I tell you, your old chrysanthemum face makes me feel disgusted, are you still afraid that a handsome young man like me will molest you?" Wang Yang dragged Steward Niu to He dragged him to the Datongpu house where he lived.

"Hey, Manager Niu, why are you back so soon?" Liu Yiyi, who was making tea in the room, heard the door ringing and called out softly. After coming in, she saw Manager Niu opening the door hesitantly. , couldn’t help but ask.

I saw that Steward Niu shrank his feet subconsciously, and then he heard some movement outside the house, which frightened Steward Niu, cleared his throat and saluted Liu Yiyi. "Miss Yiyi, I just went to find a talented man, oh no, a great talented man, after begging for a long time, I finally got a new poem from him..."

"Great talent?" Wang Po who was dozing on the couch heard this, opened her eyes and sat up. "Really? I said Lao Niu, you kid, you must be fooling me, right?"

"Well, how dare that little one, and that great talent also said that if you think this poem is really bad, you can return it to him, but if you think it's good, you have to pay at least this amount... " Steward Niu scolded Wang Yang in his heart for that stupid bastard, but he still bit the bullet and stretched out his finger, making a gesture.

"One hundred strings? Which noble poet is this, who is willing to hand over a masterpiece to you?" Liu Yiyi also covered her lips in surprise and whispered.Could it be that Steward Niu, who has always been unlucky and can't even get the first third-rate words, is going to be lucky?
"Quickly tell me, you dumbass, have you found out clearly, who is that expert poet?" Wang Po was also anxious, and quickly got up from the couch, and walked to Niu Guanshi with two big strides and shouted.

"Then, the name of that poet..." Steward Niu really wanted to report the real name of the guy who threatened him, but when he thought of the stupid temper of that guy, he was still timid. "He insisted on refusing to tell the truth, but said that he didn't want to reveal his name, and writing such a poem was just playing with wind and dust, so he didn't want to sign it."

Hearing this, although Wang Po was still confused, a strange light flashed in Liu Yiyi's eyes. It seemed that generally speaking, those noble and talented people would say such scene words when they seemed embarrassed. .

"Where are the words? Show me." Liu Yiyi ignored her mother's doubts, and stretched out her hand towards Steward Niu to urge her...

Liu Yiyi couldn't help but take a deep breath when she looked away.However, although the calligraphy seems a bit jerky, it is like a sword and halberd, piercing through the back of the paper, like a silver hook and an iron stroke.

"My dear daughter, is this poem really good?" Wang Po asked with concern as she looked at her daughter, who had been smart since childhood and was good at playing, playing, chess, calligraphy and painting.

"Compared with the poems that Guanshi Niu bought before, they are nothing like leftovers..." Liu Yiyi said categorically.

PS: This is a book full of Guang Weizheng's positive energy, poured into the author's passion and dreams, and I would like to share hi with all of you

 This is a book full of Guang Weizheng's positive energy, poured into the author's passion and dreams, and I would like to share hi with all of you

(End of this chapter)

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