Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1292 This kid squatted in Taixue and made troubles to the Imperial Army? (Part 2)

Chapter 1292 This kid squatted in Taixue and made troubles to the Imperial Army? (Second more)

Chapter 1301

Just when those civil officials were secretly gleeful, and the military bosses seemed uneasy, the emperor suddenly raised his brows and let out a light sigh.

Instantly attracted everyone's attention.They are all carefully examining the changes in the emperor's expression, which is very strange. I have to say that the emperor's expression is both novel and playful. Then, they continue to enjoy the news about the Imperial Army from the Imperial City Division with relish. .

With relish... The use of this adjective here really made everyone a little dazed. You must know that when the emperor read the news before, his expression was as if he had eaten a fly, and he looked very disgusting.

As a result, such a dramatic expression change has actually happened now, which is really unacceptable.

But at this moment, it is not easy to ask, so he can only wait patiently for the emperor to continue to appreciate the news from the Imperial City Secretary.

After a full column of incense, the emperor Zhao Xu raised his head, his eyes fell on a group of military leaders, and asked in a gentle tone. "Gentlemen, what exactly is that battle ball?"

Di Yong explained after bowing to the emperor. "Your Majesty, it is a new competitive game invented by Taixue Wang Xuezheng, which is very suitable for the competition between soldiers and soldiers..."

"Wang Wushan again?" Su Dongpo smacked his mouth, and couldn't help asking with a painful expression on his face, what the hell, this kid is obviously squatting in Taixue, why did he mess up and get into the Imperial Army?
"That's right, it's Mr. Wang. My children and grandchildren are studying there, so I wanted to go and have a look, but I didn't expect to see Quanzi and the others participating in the ball game in the Taixue. We all feel that this battle ball not only understands the art of war, but also is very suitable for soldiers in the army to play."

"So after asking Mr. Wang and getting his approval, I want to promote it among the Forbidden Army to see its effect. During this time, I often go to the Forbidden Army camp in the east of the city to watch the battle. This competitive sport , is indeed deeply loved by the soldiers, and it can even be said that they are a little fascinated..."

"Even Lianchen will occasionally try it himself, to feel the atmosphere that is close to the battlefield."

After Di Yong threw the ball game and the coach borrowed from Wang Yang to other camps of the Forbidden Army, he was busy squatting in the camp of the Yuqian squad to enjoy the game, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the affairs of other camps.

However, the emperor's mention, combined with the impeachment of the imperial censors against the imperial guards, has decreased sharply.He naturally reacted, thinking that this ball must be very popular in the Zhuxiang Forbidden Army camp, which caused those prostitutes to be busy playing the ball, and they didn't have time to rush out and cause trouble.

Not only Di Yong, but Cao Shi, Wang Hou and other military leaders who came to the palace also stood up and expressed their opinions. They all agreed with Di Yong's statement, and they all thought that the game was too fun and awesome.

Seeing that these gangsters sounded in unison, even the emperor became a little suspicious. Could it be that Wang Yang poured some ecstasy soup on these gangsters, and they are so unscrupulous here to tout a competition? sports.

This is really not very scientific.A group of civil servants over there peeked at each other, and they also thought it was too incredible.

"My lords, according to your opinion, the reason why the forbidden army's disturbance to the people has decreased so much in the past month is because those soldiers are busy playing sports like Cuju?"

"Cuju? That light and flirty sport that has to be jumped up and down, how can it compare to the bloody battle ball." Over there, the old general Hu Yan couldn't help but spitting out viciously.

The emperor Zhao Xu silently looked at the old general Huyan. Well, I didn't expect that he would have such a bad temper at such an old age.But judging from this point alone, it at least proves how popular the war ball is in the eyes of military bosses like them.

Seeing that the civil servant over there wanted to speak with a look of resentment, at this time, the emperor Zhao Xu simply revealed the mystery. "My lords, over the past month or so, the reason why there have been fewer right and wrong troops stationed in Beijing is because of this battle ball."

"I have been told the news clearly by the Imperial City Division. For more than a month, the Imperial Guards stationed in Beijing have been busy playing this sport, and there have been far fewer incidents of going out to camp to cause trouble."

"And those soldiers will compete in the camp, and there will be competitions every now and then, which even attracts many people around the camp to watch the competition."

"...a mere competition can be so popular among hundreds of thousands of soldiers?" Deng Shangshu of the Ministry of War grinned, his face full of disbelief. At least in his eyes, this is really impossible.

"Isn't this statement too exaggerated?" Liang Tao, who was beside him, also nodded in agreement.

"Could it be that my lords don't believe in the charm of this game?" Wang Hou couldn't help raising his eyebrows, looking at the group of weak civil servants. People with both civil and military skills who carry knives naturally don't look down on this group of civil servants who have nothing in their bodies except their tongues.

Over there, Jia Yi chuckled and stroked his long beard. "This is not a question of whether we want to believe it or not. We have never seen this ball before, so naturally we dare not make such a judgment. As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing..."

Looking at the thick memorial on his imperial case, the emperor Zhao Xu, who was already sitting sorely and backache, could not help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, nodded in agreement and stood up.

"Jia Qing's family's words are reasonable, hearing is believing, and seeing is believing. If this is the case, then let's go and have a look with our own eyes to see if this game is really so popular and popular with my big Song Huben. .”

"Your Majesty, there are still so many official duties here..." Seeing the emperor's expectant face, Su Dongpo looked at the official documents that had not been processed with a bit of pain and said in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, the camp of the imperial squadron is just outside the palace city, let's not go to far places to see, just go there to see what's going on, it won't waste much time. Do you want to go there together?" the emperor asked He waved his hand, and walked forward first, as if he was afraid of the jabbering posture of a group of officials.

Seeing the emperor like this, they had no choice but to put down the official documents in their hands and quickly followed the emperor's footsteps.

The main task of the imperial squadron is to keep the emperor and defend the palace, and their camp is also the closest to the palace, in the suburbs of the north of the city, so the emperor and others didn't take much time to rush here.

And before the emperor and the others drove into the camp, at the gate of the camp, they could already hear the cheers and roars like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

This time, the emperor Zhao Xu's curiosity was even more aroused, and at the same time, a group of civil servants who were reluctant to accompany the emperor to this tour were shocked.

Looking at these officials with pale faces, the expressions of the gang of military bosses became more and more disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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