Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1282 This is a posture where one person makes a mistake and the whole group sits together

Chapter 1282 This is a posture where one person makes a mistake and the whole group sits together

Chapter 1291

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Since you are quite familiar with each other, why don't you go on your own?" Wang Yang smiled kindly and asked Di Fei.

Di Fei subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the dozen or so old acquaintances behind him. These people were all brothers who had played with him since childhood, and they all had a good relationship with each other, otherwise they wouldn't know each other. will play together.

It's just that this Wang University is asking, is there some conspiracy, or is he thinking of some sinister tricks to deal with us young people?
Seeing that Di Fei didn't answer immediately, but seemed a little hesitant, Wang Yang grinned. "Of course, if you don't want to, then they will be broken up and divided according to the order of drawing lots. At that time, you will most likely be in the same division as them..."

The corners of Wang Yang's mouth raised slowly, looking kind, but in the eyes of Di Fei and others, he looked hideous like an evil big devil.

Over there, Cao Ye saw the bulging and grinning muscular bodies of the Northwest Jiangmen's family, looked at his thin arms and legs, and immediately shuddered.

Feeling that it is safer to squat with acquaintances, he quickly stood up and spoke to Wang Yang. "Wang Xuezheng, it's better for us to have our own fast. Right, everyone?"

Wang Yang couldn't help but look a little regretful when he saw a group of dandies all agreeing with each other. "Since you want to have your own fast, that's up to you, but don't forget, tomorrow morning, all the students who have finished reporting will be ready to start classes."

After Wang Yang threw down such a sentence, he slapped his ass and went straight away, while Wu Qilang and others continued to carry the short stick wrapped in thick linen and painted with black paint, and continued to patrol the Taixue Academy. among.

But all the students who saw this group of vicious Taixue temporary security personnel retreated one after another, it was too cruel, even the heirs of the princes and noble families were beaten like dogs, we can't afford it, let's compare honestly good.

As for those dudes who were beaten up, although they were very angry in their hearts, so what?Don't forget, they all noticed that the temporary security personnel of Taixue were all the f---ing guards of the old driver, Wang Yang.

Instead of those little servants who can be bossed around by them without the slightest back, wanting revenge?Hehe, do you still want to stay in this Taixue for three years and wait for graduation?

Signed up, found his own dining room, let the servants put down the luggage they brought, lit the stove, and then, a group of dudes could only look at those smart and capable servants Left Taixue.

Because the school regulations of Taixue clearly stated that students of Taixue can only enroll alone, and are not allowed to bring anyone to serve in Taixue, and those who violate it will be expelled from Taixue.

Such strict academic rules really made them very angry, but there was nothing they could do.Compared with the residence in their own mansion, the fasting room assigned to them by the Taixue is really too simple, and it can even be called crude.

Except that each person has a couch, a desk, a bookcase, and the corresponding four treasures of the study, the school no longer provides any extra things.

Looking at the appallingly simple living room, without any ornamental beams and paintings, no good food and wine, no beauties to accompany, no servants to wait on, even the fucking iron stove needs to be refueled by oneself.

This made a group of playboys who are not working hard and don't know the five grains are very moved.He made complaints about Wang Yang, the Tai Xuexue, and was secretly angry. When he was able to go home on the rest day, he must sue Wang Yang severely to his elders.

A group of playboys were still not used to it because they lived in an unfamiliar environment for the first time. Some of them ran to each other to brag and complain, and they didn't go to sleep until midnight.

As a result, early in the morning of the next day, there was still a quarter of an hour before the turn of Mao and Chen, and the piercing sound of getting up and ringing the gong sounded like a fucking fate-blowing talisman.

The important thing is that someone knocked and yelled at the same time. "Five points will be deducted for being late in the morning, and five points will be deducted for all students who have not participated in the exercise for more than a quarter of an hour..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but clear their heads, and hurriedly began to put on clothes and hats. In any fasting room, anyone who sleeps on the bed will be kicked awake by the fellow fasting people.

Because Taixue's academic rules are so f*ckingly cruel, one person makes a mistake, and the whole group sits together.

The following days represent the coming of the miserable years of these dandies. In the first few days, they were tormented enough. Night owls like them who often sleep until the sun rises, feasting and feasting every night, I am afraid Since the lanugo faded, I never went to bed early or woke up early.

Now just changing their sleep habits is killing them, causing them to doze off frequently during the first three days of basic courses.

If Wang Yang hadn't specially instructed the school discipline officials, I'm afraid that after a few days, the [-] credits of these dudes would not be enough to deduct.

After five days of adjustments, this group of dudes only saw some improvement.After all, they are all the children of the Wu Xun family, no matter how dandy they are, but anyway, the family's character is there, and there is a ruthless spirit in their bones.

Once they were forced into a desperate situation, their desire to survive finally stimulated their potential, even if it was like the 200-pound Cao family fat man.

Although every morning exercise is still in the last place, but from the very beginning, I couldn't even finish the whole course, and often collapsed on the playground halfway. After ten days, I was able to walk to the It fell at the end.

"They all persevered?" Wang Yang raised his brows in astonishment after hearing the report from the officials in charge of academic discipline.

"Yes, my lord. Although they have all deducted a lot of credits more or less, they all persevered. Especially in the past few days, no one of them has been late or left early during that fast."

"However, there is almost no communication between them and other students. This is what worries the lower officials." Xu Zhao rubbed his brows and reported to Wang Yang in distress.

This champion of martial arts and the deputy commander of the Dianqian Division who has cooperated with Wang Yang countless times is now appointed by the emperor Zhao Xu to be responsible for the supervision and teaching of martial arts.

Wang Yang smiled, put down the pen he was writing on official documents, moved his wrists, and narrowed his eyes. "Wang doesn't think there's anything abnormal about their actions like this, after all, their family background and identities are there."

"It's impossible for them to make friends with those ordinary Taixue students in such a short period of time. In a short amount of time, it came together.”

(End of this chapter)

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