Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1280 Taixue finally ushered in a new school season (Part 2)

Chapter 1280 Taixue finally ushered in a new school season (second update)

Chapter 1289

"Boss, at present, we have built a cement kiln, and the daily output of cement can reach about 30 catties. At present, our accumulated reserves have reached this amount, and a dozen or so warehouses over there have already installed cement. If it is more than half full, maybe half a month at most, there will be no place to store it."

"It doesn't matter, let's wait until it's full, if there's not enough warehouses, let them build the unoccupied houses before and use them as warehouses.

Remember, we are not just building docks and ports here, but building many workshops in Jiaoxi Port. Here, in the future, it will become the stronghold of my Wanhong Trading Company to develop maritime trade. "

After wrapping himself up like a bear, Wan Bin, who was walking wobbly, finally arrived at the wharf area that had been planned long ago.

Wan Bin, who was standing at a high place, could see that the ox carts were pulling one by one, similar to giant concrete pillars with four legs, towards the land that was rammed with soil and extended into the sea. Go ahead, and when you reach the front, those oddly shaped concrete blocks will be thrown into the sea that is rolled by the big waves.

Those things were designed by Wang Yang, an academic leader in the Song Dynasty. They are called breakwaters, which are said to prevent the invasion of waves.

But from the current point of view, it seems that there is not much effect yet, but Wan Bin prefers to believe that there is nothing, and requires the craftsmen to strictly follow the design requirements of Wang Daguan.

Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. has spent a lot of money to purchase twelve sea-going ships from the sea merchants of various countries. The smallest seagoing ship costs more than 3000 materials.

One material is one stone, and five thousand materials means that the load capacity is five thousand stones. According to the Song Dynasty system, one stone is equal to 120 kilograms. Five thousand materials is equivalent to a load capacity of about [-] tons.

Wanhong Trading Company spent a total of 50 guan on the purchase of these twelve sea-going ships, plus ten most exquisite and luxurious chime clocks, and ten large glass bottles with beautiful shapes and no flaws.

You know, the huge colorful crystal bottle with a height of more than two feet is worth at least [-] to [-] guan in Bianliang auction in Tokyo. Naturally, if it is sold to these barbarians, the price will not be doubled. But it is also necessary to increase profits by a few percent.As for a gilt self-ringing bell, the price is over [-] to [-] yuan.

In other words, the twelve sea-going ships with a minimum service life of at least five years and a maximum of 12 years cost Wanhong Trading Company close to 150 million guan.

That's not counting, after that, those captains and crew members who are willing to go north and far away from their hometown will be recruited again.Just the initial investment, together with the construction of Jiaoxi Port, Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. has already invested nearly 200 million yuan...

This is only the initial investment. It is expected that at least hundreds of thousands more will be invested when the various facilities in Jiaoxi Port are fully constructed and put into use.

"It's almost spring. As soon as the weather warms up, I will immediately start the construction of the wharf and get it done as soon as possible. In this way, those ships that currently belong to the fleet of my Wanhong Trading Company will be able to come to Jiaoxi Port and berth early. Some are beginning to explore the northern shipping lanes."

After inspecting Jiaoxi Port, Wan Bin, who was almost blown into a fool by the bitter sea breeze, quickly retreated into the warm carriage. Under the care of the long-legged young lady, warm and plain hands, he finally recovered a little bit. Feeling warm, I began to write letters to Wang Yang in this carriage, which was extremely stable even when it was moving.

Taixue finally ushered in a new school season. However, in addition to the normal recruitment of new students, a group of very special students also came.

They were students of the separately established Taixue Martial Arts Department. The old students were already accustomed to the addition of new subjects in Taixue. After all, the Gewu Department had already been added before.

It's just that these students know at a glance that they are either rich or noble, and they look at each other with their noses in mind.On the first day of entering the school, he had a dispute with others because of a disagreement. If Taixue's security forces hadn't discovered it in time and stopped it in time, it almost caused a group fight.

For this reason, Wang University was furious and rushed to the scene of the accident in person.

On one side was a fat man who weighed two hundred catties, Cao, Cao Ye, Cao Min, and Di Fei, and on the other side were Zheke Zhongshen, Zhong Kui, Zhong Hao, and Zhong Xi's four caste children.

Fatty Cao had dark circles under his eyes. He was sitting down on the ground, covering his face in mourning. Although Cao Ye and Cao Min next to him had no scars on their faces, they could clearly see footprints on the gorgeous skirts of their bodies.

Di Fei was grinning and rubbing his elbows, and the clothes of the fourth brothers from the Chong family on the opposite side were also a little messy, but one and two were as proud as a fucking little rooster, but they still sneered from time to time. Grind your teeth and inhale.

At this moment, nearly twenty security personnel headed by Wu Qilang and others were holding short sticks and surrounded the two gangs in the center with murderous looks on their faces.

Surrounding them, the sons of the dude from the capital and the sons of the Northwest Jiangmen stood on each side clearly, and both of them stared at each other with unconvinced expressions on their faces.

"My lord, do you want to let the students disperse first, and then deal with it?" A staff member in charge of new student admission next to him stood beside Wang Yang with sweat on his head and asked in a low voice.

Wang Yang glared at the official, strode to the center, and then waved his hands. Wu Qilang tactfully led the former Wang Yang's personal guards, and now the temporary workers of Taixue's security forces backed away. go.

"Who provoked it first?" Wang Yang glanced at the group of perpetrators, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Sir, it's not us, it's the one they scolded first." Here, Zhong Shen was the first to stand up, saluted Wang Yang respectfully, and then pointed to the side.

"You guys from Northwest China were the ones who insulted my cousin first!" Cao Min, who was impatient, couldn't help but raise his eyes and shouted.

"That's enough!" Wang Yang shouted sternly with a cold face to stop the renewed argument, and his eyes fell on Wu Qilang.

"At the registration point, the brothers of the Chong family signed up first. Just as they were about to leave, they happened to see these students coming over. When they signed their names at the registration office, Zhong Hao sneered at the side. A fat man weighing more than 200 catties must have It will hold everyone back..."

Wu Qilang's voice is not low, the most important thing is that he repeated the ins and outs of the matter so that the students present and Wang Yang could understand it.

Just now, Fatty Cao signed up there, and it turned out that the Zhong Brothers happened to sign up next to him.And saw this Fatty Cao who had met at the cannon test site in the past.

It reminded the Zhong brothers of the scene when they saw this guy squatting down on the ground that day when he was frightened by the sound of gunfire.Coupled with the posture of this guy who is as fat as a pig, he actually has to sign up for martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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