Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1274 Please Your Majesty Appreciate the Test Firing of New Weapons Tomorrow (Part 2)

Chapter 1274 Please Your Majesty Appreciate the Test Firing of New Weapons Tomorrow (Second Change)

Chapter 1283

Hearing that they were going to be thrown into the Taixue to study, they ran amok, played and hunted, and the playboys who were used to eating, drinking and having fun immediately exploded.

Crying endlessly, dying or living, but after the emperor's imperial decree, those princes, nobles, princesses, princesses, sons-in-law and so on were all dumbfounded.

After that, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao also sent a message from the palace, if anyone dared to violate the will of the Holy Majesty at this time, her old man would be very angry, and the old lady would be very angry, and the consequences would be very serious.

In desperation, this group of playboys could only continue to let themselves go as if to vent before entering the school, while waiting anxiously for the arrival of the entrance to Taixue.

When the common people in Bianliang, Tokyo, heard that those misbehaving dandies were about to be thrown into the Imperial Academy to study, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate with their hands in the air.

Similarly, Wang Yang, who accepted the trust of the emperor and the empress dowager, deeply felt the heavy burden on his shoulders, but the resourceful Wang Daguan had already sent someone to collect all kinds of information about these dudes who were about to enter the imperial school.

After carefully reviewing these materials, Mr. Wang needs to use these materials to find a solution to the gang of dudes who are going to live in the Imperial Academy and wait to die, instead of studying hard, to be a useful person to society.

However, Taixue's work needs to be done, but other work cannot be stopped. At this time, Wang Yang finally heard a good news from Zhao Ji.

After Wang Yang read the news sent by the guards Zhao Ji sent from the weapons supervisor, he said hello, left the Imperial Academy, and headed towards the weapons supervisor.

After arriving at the Military Weapons Supervision, Zhao Ji had already been waiting here, and he was overjoyed to see Wang Yang's arrival. "I finally waited for you, sir..."

"The cast iron pipe poured this time has been carefully inspected by those craftsmen, and I think it should meet your needs, sir."

Wang Yang nodded, and followed Zhao Ji's footsteps to the workshop dedicated to melting and casting. He saw that the wall thickness of the pipe was about one inch, and the inner diameter of the pipe was about four inches.

The inner wall has been polished and looks very smooth and looks exceptionally bright.Wang Yang carefully inspected the cast iron pipe, which was thicker at one end and slightly thinner at the other. The thicker end was completely closed, with a length of 1000 feet and a weight of more than [-] kilograms.

Seeing Wang Yang's focused expression, Zhao Ji who was beside him showed off his superficial skills.

"The cast iron pipes before were full of small holes and eyes like air cannons. After the hard work and trial and error of all craftsmen, the cast iron pipes made today should be able to meet your requirements, sir. gone."

After carefully checking twice, Wang Yang nodded in satisfaction. "The cast iron pipe this time is much stronger than the previous one."

From the first cast iron pipe requested by Wang Yang to the present, those craftsmen have melted and cast it at least 120 times, and the time has been close to half a year.

This melting and casting workshop has gathered ten skilled craftsmen of military weapons supervisors, and more than a hundred apprentices.And it was only under the condition of ignoring the cost that such a result was obtained.

It cost nearly 20 guns back and forth, beating this extremely strong cast iron pipe, Wang Yang couldn't help but sigh with emotion, technology really burns money, really burns money so badly.

"Yes, according to the contract I signed with the Armament Superintendent, once a qualified product is produced, the craftsman who made the most contribution will get a reward of [-] guan, and the remaining craftsmen will each receive [-] guan, and the apprentices After nearly half a year of hard work, everyone will be rewarded with [-] guan."

Hearing this award, the craftsmen and the apprentices couldn't help cheering, and thanked Wang Yang one after another.

After the excitement of these craftsmen and apprentices passed, Wang Yang told these people to continue to make persistent efforts to make more complete and beautiful products.

In addition, let's see if we can cut beautiful and flawless rifling on the inner wall of the cast iron pipe. Of course, Wang Yang also told these craftsmen that they can use the garage to do it.

As for how to do it and how high it is, it needs these craftsmen to study it by themselves.

Wang Yang ordered five more such cast iron pipes, and then left the workshop with satisfaction, and came to Zhao Ji's office to taste the tribute tea given by the emperor.

After drinking the tea contentedly, Zhao Ji couldn't wait to ask Wang Yang. "Sir, you have always said before that the day when our military inspector can make a cast iron pipe that suits your wishes is the day you reveal the truth about the use of this cast iron pipe."

"Why, you can't wait?" Wang Yang smiled and sipped his tea, feeling the warmth in the house. It's already deep winter. At this time, ordinary people seldom appear in the wilderness. The test of artillery in the suburbs outside Bianliang City is not afraid of disturbing the common people.

"Of course I can't wait. You said that this thing will be more powerful than that Yuanyou stone throwing machine. If not, how could my little brother have always regarded this as the most important thing in the past half a year, and went to it every now and then?" run here.

It's just that I hope to see that this thing can be manufactured earlier, which is in line with your wishes, sir.In this way, we can also see earlier whether the new weapon you made, sir, is really as exaggerated as you said. "

"Since you really want to see it, then of course there is no problem, but not now, this thing just has a tube, it is not enough at all, and other structures must be added."

"Wait for a while, and when everything is ready, I will send someone to inform you. At that time, I will let you see what kind of weapon is called the king of war." Wang Yang laughed. He was so arrogant and domineering, as if the whole world was about to be trampled under his feet at this moment.

"How long do I have to wait? Brother, I really can't wait..."

"Don't worry, it won't take long, you can see it this winter." Wang Yang replied decisively.

These cast iron pipes are actually the most important and necessary parts of the artillery designed by Wang Yang: the barrel.

With the gun barrel, it is natural to equip it with corresponding parts, fix it firmly on the gun mount, and then adjust it according to the preliminary test gun, so that the gun mount and the gun body are perfectly integrated into a whole.

While busy with artillery experiments, he also had to worry about Taixue's affairs. In this way, the time finally advanced to the end of winter, which was only five days away from the Chinese New Year.

And at this time, Wang Yang once again entered the palace to see the emperor.Came to the palace together with Duan Wang Zhao Ji, the emperor Zhao Xu who was playing with his own children couldn't help being a little curious.

After rushing to the imperial study room, he couldn't help laughing. "There are still five days until New Year's Day. Why don't you stay in the mansion well and prepare for the New Year, so why did you come here?"

"Guan Jia, the new weapon that Mr. Wang once said he would develop has been sampled. I would like to invite the officials to go to the southern suburbs tomorrow to watch the weapon test firing."

"Has it been done?" Emperor Zhao Xu looked at Wang Yang in disbelief. "How powerful is it?" In the emperor's impression, the Yuanyou trebuchet can throw away stone bullets weighing more than a hundred kilograms, which is already very impressive.

Wang Yang once described that the new weapons he designed would be more powerful, which naturally filled the emperor who believed in the power of weapons first with great expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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