Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1271 Isn't it said that a good life depends on waves? (Part 1)

Chapter 1271 Didn’t I say that life is all about wandering? (First update)
Chapter 1280

"How about it, isn't the old man's idea good?" Seeing Wang Yang's face suddenly enlightened and convinced, Prime Minister Su boasted happily.

"Uncle is really wise, he can think of such a way..." Wang Yang nodded and smiled, but his brows still could not be relaxed.

Su Dongpo drained another glass of fine wine and asked with a smile. "Why, do you still feel dissatisfied with this old man's idea?"

"Uncle, this method of yours has indeed cut off the escape route for those people who want to escape from Taixue, but my nephew has a worry. These guys are likely to cause rebellious psychology because of this. I think Taixue is a big pit , For them, it is simply a tiger's mouth."

After listening to Wang Yang's analysis, Zhang Wei, who had quite agreed with Su Dongpo's strategy at first, fell into deep thought, and nodded.

"It makes sense. In this way, even though they have been forced into Taixue for three years, with these guys' arrogant virtues, Taixue may not be at peace..."

Su Dongpo smacked his mouth and nodded helplessly. "This is also a trouble, but otherwise, how can we make those guys unwilling to be restrained and dare not leave Taixue?"

"I have to think about it...but uncle, your nephew thinks it's worth a try." Wang Yang rubbed his brows for a long time. He has no other way for the time being, but although Su Dongpo's method is a bit outrageous, at least it can work. to a certain effect.

As the saying goes, it is much better to let the meat rot in the pot than to think about how to drop out all day long after these guys just entered Taixue.

As expected, at the next day's court meeting, Cao Shi, a big boss, stood up and led a group of heads of noble families to make a request to the emperor in one order.

I hope that the emperor will allow them to throw those mischievous and mischievous children and grandchildren to Taixue to receive education, so that they can feel patriotism and rules, and let them study hard in Taixue and strive to become useful to society. People who are useful to Da Song.

At this time, Zhang Dundang, the censor Zhongcheng beside him who had never been used to those dudes, stood up and expressed strong opposition. "Your Majesty, I think that those honorable children should be able to enter the government with grace, so why bother to go to some imperial school. Besides, I have heard about the behavior of those honorable children in Beijing... "

"Master Zhang, what do you mean, Mr. Cao hopes that his son can learn from Mr. Wang, so that they can become talented, isn't there a problem?" Cao Shi immediately got angry.What the hell, my son's misbehavior is very clear to me as a father, but there's no need to show it to the court, okay?

Your damn Zhang Dun, my old Cao family did not offend you, what do you mean by jumping out now?
"Although the children and grandchildren of this old man are useless, this old man believes that as long as they are taught by famous teachers and polished a bit, they can become the pillars of the country..."

"That's right, my children and grandchildren of Huyan's family, how can they learn, do they have to stand up to you Zhang Dun and talk too much?"

The princes and nobles are not civil servants, they are all relatives of the royal family who are related to the royal family.Although they are too lazy to speak on weekdays, it does not mean that they do not have the strength.

Liang Tao from the old party also stood up with a smile, persuading him like a peacemaker. "My lord Wang first took charge of Taixue, and now the Taixue has added a department of Gewu, and everything is heavy, and I am afraid it will be difficult to handle it. Since you adults want your children and grandchildren to become useful, it is better to let them go to the Imperial College directly. If you want them to jump Ma Hengdao, then go to study martial arts..."

Those gangsters with a notorious reputation in Bianliang, Tokyo, actually want to become the pillars of the country?Isn't this the biggest joke in the world?
But the problem is, the children and grandchildren of this group of princes and relatives are stuffed into Taixue. Who knows if they just want to find a place for their children and grandchildren to be controlled, or what kind of private relationship did they have with Wang Yang? agreement.

Wang Yang is an opponent with the highest level of danger, both in the eyes of the old party and the new party.He already had the emperor's full support.

Although there are not many ministers who support him, there is also the support of Su Dongpo's old driver, the privy envoy Zhang Yu, and Su Dongpo's henchmen among the old party.

But now, these noble families who are related to the royal family are actually throwing their children and grandchildren to the Taixue one after another, and they even act as if their own children and grandchildren can really become useful if they enter the Taixue. The new party and the old party are suspicious.

Naturally, the new party and the old party, who were aroused to be vigilant, expressed strong opposition to this as if they had been beaten to death.The main reason is that those nobles hope that their children and grandchildren can inherit the ancestral business and continue to make contributions to the Song Dynasty in terms of martial arts.

However, Wang Yang presided over Taixue, and he had no experience in teaching martial arts at all. It would be useless to go there. It would be better to go directly to martial arts.

Seeing that the two sides were already at a stalemate, the emperor was also very distressed, but he didn't know how to persuade him.Wang Yang, on the other hand, had a gloomy look on his face, listening to the two parties jumping up and down in front of him like giants, and occasionally mentioning himself by name.

Wang Daguan, who was getting increasingly angry, finally broke out. "Enough! If, after their children and grandchildren enroll in our Imperial College, more than half of the children who are eligible to participate in the imperial examination this year cannot pass this year's martial arts provincial examination and cannot be listed on next year's martial arts examination list. Then I am willing I apologize to Your Majesty and resign from the post of Imperial Academy Xuezheng."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire court hall was instantly dead silent, not to mention the emperor, but only the princes and nobles who had just quarreled so much that their spit was flying everywhere, all looked at Wang Yang in a daze at the moment.

What the hell, are you hanging like this?We ourselves have no confidence in our own children and grandchildren, yet you dare to say such words.

We just hope that they can have a place to be controlled. Of course, we also hope that they can follow Wang Yang, who is both civil and military, and has brilliant military exploits, or that they can get acquainted with each other, or that they can learn a little bit of skills.

As a result, Wang Yang actually said that he would allow them to pass the provincial examination in just half a year, and also allow them to be on the list of martial arts scholars...

That must not be our children and grandchildren, it must be someone else, at least Cao Shi said inwardly with a face of determination, of course, he must not admit cowardice on the surface.

"Lord Wang, this place is above the imperial court, so there is no joke in front of you." The old driver Zhang Dun's eyes lit up immediately, he took a step forward, and said with a sinister smile. "Half of it, Zhang is afraid that you will choose one or two people to participate in the martial arts."

"My lord Zhang, I know what the occasion is here, and I know what your plans are, hehe... Don't worry, there are 14 of them in total. Lose." Wang Yang looked at Su Dongpo's former friend, and now the imperial censor Zhongcheng Zhangdun, who was already in the same situation, said with a half-hearted smile.

"What this officer says is always a mouthful of spittle and a mouthful of nails. It will never be like some insidious and despicable villains who are capricious and capable of stuffing their own shit back."

As soon as this remark came out, the low noises that had been rising and falling in the court hall suddenly stopped again, and there was a sound... that came from the direction of the imperial court.

The emperor, who couldn't hold back his laughter, reacted very quickly. He immediately turned his head and looked at Ma Shang, as if this guy was the culprit.

Ma Shang faced everyone's gaze with a confused face, and in the end he could only plead guilty to the emperor full of grievances. "Your Majesty, this servant will die..."

Seeing that his personal eunuch was so polite, the emperor raised his lips with satisfaction. After all, as a superior, it was indeed a bit embarrassing to laugh at his ministers. Although he also felt that Wang Yang's words were very vulgar, but he was very image.

"Well, I won't do it next time, dear friends, oh no, Wang Wushan, this is the court, so don't say such vulgar words again..."

"Yes, I obey the order." Wang Yang was naturally not stupid, and quickly expressed his repentance respectfully. But after being shocked, a group of old and new party bosses who were so angry that they were almost splitting their livers and gallbladders could only gasp for breath at this moment. Apart from glaring at Wang Yang, there was no other good way.

"Your Majesty, since Lord Wang dares to speak such nonsense, he must be sure that he can do what he says." Jia Yi first bowed to the emperor gloomyly, and then his eyes fell on Wang Yang.

"I think, since Mr. Wang has already made a promise, let him give it a try. If it works, we will have nothing to say. If it doesn't work..."

(End of this chapter)

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