Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1255 The gang of idiots in the official department are really going to be unlucky (Part 1)

Chapter 1255 This gang of idiots from the official department is really going to be unlucky (first)
Chapter 1264

"May I ask Mr. Wang, how many vacancies were there in the past, and how many are there now?" Zhang Dun asked Wang Yang slowly.

Wang Yang met Zhang Dun's gaze, and then seriously raised his fingers. "Six doctors, six teaching assistants, and ten people in the classics and Zhanggu used to be, but now there are 49 people in the classics and Zhanggu."

"That is to say, there are 29 more people?" Zhang Dun looked at Wang Yang's face that didn't seem to have changed much, and his heart became more and more uneasy. Have you made a report with the Ministry of Officials?
Or, Wang Yang has already colluded with the old party and wants to deal with him?

Just when Zhang Dun was full of thoughts and his expression was changing, Zhang Shangshu couldn't help but gasped, oh shit!Is Wang Yang crazy?
It is not a small mistake to recruit officials without approval or report. The important thing is that Wang Yang recruited nearly thirty officials at once. Does this guy want to rebel or not? Alive?

"It seems that Mr. Zhang has a good calculation." Wang Yang nodded with a smile. "It's exactly 29 more teachers."

"Then someone in Zhang wants to ask Mr. Li, the Imperial College's sacrificial wine, if you know about it?" Zhang Dun's eyes turned to Li Gefei, this upright gentleman, let's see what else you can do this time?
Just when a smug feeling rose in Zhang Dun's heart, he saw Li Gefei leaving the squad. He first gave Wang Yang a vicious look, and then met Zhang Dun's gaze with neither humility nor condescension.

"Wushan, the King of Taixue, asked me for instructions a few months ago, and I think what he said is very reasonable. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, Taixue has had quotas for both students and teachers."

"Six doctors, six teaching assistants, six classics and six Zhanggu. The students of Taixue are divided into five classics, each with a hundred people. However, during the reign of Emperor Renzong, the number of students in Taixue was nearly a thousand, and the number of teachers The number also began to increase, but it was better than nothing."

"Today, the number of students in Taixue has reached more than [-], while the number of doctors and teaching assistants remains unchanged, and only four places have been added for Dianxue and Zhanggu."

"The teachers of Taixue have been unable to cope with such a large number of students, and the officials have always been evading this matter..." Speaking of this, Li Gefei gave Chen Shangshu a vicious look again.

"So Wang Wushan made this suggestion, and I naturally agree with it."

Zhang Dun stared blankly at the eloquent Li Gefei, but his ears still echoed the report of the censor who had gone to the Imperial Academy to inquire about the news. The Imperial Academy had never heard that the imperial academy wanted to increase the number of teachers, and it was Li Gefei, an upright gentleman. I said it myself.

But now, Li Gefei stood up, and the answer he gave was completely contrary to the information he received.

Zhang Dun suddenly turned his head, saw Wang Yang's annoying smiling face, and then his eyes fell on Li Gefei, and Li Gefei kept a straight face, showing no strange expression.

Zhang Dun couldn't help yelling in his heart, what kind of upright gentleman are you, you are clearly a hypocrite who is in collusion with your son-in-law and is easy to attack?

However, he was born with Zhang Dun's eyes above the top, and he was played by Wang Yang and his father-in-law in his life. Even if he was cursing in his heart, he could only forcefully continue to maintain his composure on the surface.

"Then..." Although Li Gefei hit a wall, what about the officials?

Zhang Dun asked Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials: "Dare to ask Mr. Zhang, did Wang Wushan report to the Ministry of Officials?"

Zhang Shangshu looked confused at the moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the other two old officials.And the left and right servants of the official department also peeped at each other, with a look of incomprehension.

"Master Zhang, please answer." Seeing the three people's eye contact, Zhang Dun finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally caught a loophole. For the bureaucrats controlled by the old party, he Zhang Dun can't No guilt at all.

"As far as I know, there is no..." After making eye contact with the two subordinates, Zhang Shangshu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and could only answer like this.

"No...then I'm going to ask Mr. Wang about you. Have you reported to the officials?" Zhang Dun turned his head again and asked Wang Yang.

"Of course, Mr. Zhang. Although the relationship between you and me is not very harmonious, you don't need to be above the court to make fun of such things?" Wang Yang cast a contemptuous glance at Zhang Dun. , and turned to Zhang Shangshu, the official department, and shouted.

"Lord Wang, what do you mean? Are you suspecting this official of deceit?" Zhang Shangshu immediately got angry, you f*cking Wang Wushan, who personally hates dogs, if you come to deal with the officials, how can this official not know?

"That's right, the officials and others have never heard that any Taixue officials have come to the Ministry of Officials to report this matter, recruiting nearly 30 teachers. Such a major event is definitely not something that can be handled by the divisions." The Minister of the Ministry of Officials also stood up bravely Speak up for justice.

"You guys, what do you officials mean? Do you think I, Mr. Wang, is lying?!" Wang Yang stomped his feet angrily, his eyes rolled around, and his tone rarely stuttered.

For Wang Yang, who is eloquent and eloquent, and never gets tired of insulting people thousands of times, this is the first time.

Guilty, he must be guilty... Seeing Wang Yang's appearance, Zhang Shangshu was not as arrogant as before, but rather stern.

Based on the communication with his subordinates and Wang Yang's performance, the quick-thinking Zhang Shangshu quickly came to a conclusion, that is, Wang Yang was very likely to maintain the trust of the emperor and had no control over the officials at all. Keep it in your eyes.

After saying hello to his father-in-law, he adopted the strategy of cutting first and then playing, recruiting those new teachers first, but he did not expect that before he reported to the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Dun, who was in charge of Yushitai, would be recruited. Check this old guy.

Although I was implicated by Zhang Dun, the leader of the new party, if Wang Wushan could be killed, what the officials would lose would be nothing more than a reprimand from the emperor and throwing out one or two A worthless scapegoat.

"Wang Yang!" Zhang Shangshu took a deep breath, staring at Wang Yang with burning eyes and shouted sharply. "Since you said that you sent someone to tell my officials, why didn't I and the two servants know about it?"

"I don't know this, but Wang can swear to God, he has already sent someone to report to the official department." Wang Yang rubbed his nose, his eyes continued to roll around.

"Who is the person you sent to report to the Ministry of Officials, whose name is it, and what position is it in Taixue?" Zuo Shilang next to him couldn't help asking.

At this point in the play, if the son of heaven, Zhao Xu, still doesn't understand the reason why Wang Yang gave him the vaccination before, then he really lacks IQ.

Seeing Wang Yang's realistic acting skills, Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, what the hell, it looks like this time, the gang of idiots from the official department are really going to be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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