Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1248 It's okay, my will is unshakable (Part 2)

Chapter 1248 It's okay, my will is unshakable (second update)

Chapter 1257

"For example, the four-wheeled carriage dedicated to His Majesty, and those four-wheeled carriages that are very popular in Bianliang, Tokyo, are both stable and comfortable. Why?"

"For the same horse, if it pulls a two-wheeled carriage, maybe [-] jin is already the limit, but if it is a four-wheeled carriage, then let alone [-] jin, it will be double the weight.

A horse can still pull fast, and here, it is also applied to a large number of geometric and physical problems..."

"As for chemistry, Your Majesty must know how powerful our gunpowder weapons are in the Song Dynasty. Using charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur in a certain ratio, igniting them with fire, and finally producing a violent explosion, here, There are physical and chemical reactions..."

"For example, the candles we use at night are heavy, but when they are lit, they will continue to emit light and heat.

And when it burns out, there will only be very little residue left, and its solid has completely disappeared. This is because its chemical properties have undergone great changes, and it has changed from a solid to a gas or a gas. ash……"

Wang Yang's explanation may not be very professional in some places, but it is enough to fool, um, persuade the emperor of the Song Dynasty more than 1000 years ago.

The emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help being fascinated by it. "I really didn't expect that these little inadvertent things actually contained the principles of physics and chemistry, mathematics and geometry you mentioned. Listening to you today really opened my eyes."

Seeing the admiration and admiration eyes of Emperor Zhao Xu, Wang Yang said modestly.

"Actually, I'm just more willing than ordinary people to observe the bit by bit changes of these four seasons and all things, and then try to figure out the reasons and principles, and then synthesize the principles of those predecessors, and then sum it up..."

"With your ability to figure out the truth and knowledge from the things you observe, there are probably not many people in this world..." An old voice sounded from outside the door.

The thick door curtain was lifted, and the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao walked into the imperial study room with a smile under the support of Xu Degong.

Wang Yang hurriedly saluted the scheming empress dowager. "Your Majesty welcomes you."

"Grandmother, why are you here? It's such a cold day, be careful of catching a cold." Emperor Zhao Xu quickly walked forward, supported Gao Taotao, and sat down in front of the stove.

"The Ai family is also bored, and I want to come to see the official house, but I didn't expect that after hearing Wang Wushan's words, I was deeply touched..." Gao Taotao looked at Wang who was sitting beside him kindly. Wu Shan laughed.

"These principles of yours are very fresh and novel, but they are extremely useful to the industry, commerce, and military equipment of the Great Song Dynasty. Moreover, Aijia heard that you built houses for those refugees in Huanglongze. It took a lot of novel materials and tools to enable those tens of thousands of refugees to live in their new houses in such a short period of time before winter comes."

"It turns out that the emperor's grandmother also knew. At that time, the grandson heard rumors that Wang Wushan cut corners and built houses for those refugees. They actually used hollow bricks, and the roofs did not use tiles, but hollow prefabricated panels. on."

"The grandson even asked someone to inquire about it, and asked them to bring some samples, and only then did I know the reason. These hollow bricks are not only very strong, but also warm in winter and cool in summer.

As for the prefabricated panels used for the roof, although it looks crude, it is very strong, even if people walk on it, it will not crack at all, and it can also dry things on the roof or place heavy objects..."

Wang Yang explained with a shy smile. "Those hollow bricks and prefabricated panels are actually the products of my own trial production."

"I just feel that nowadays, if we need large-scale construction in Song Dynasty, we often need to transport wood thousands of miles away. Now, the price of wood is so expensive that ordinary families can't afford it."

"And cement is a ready-made building material. The important thing is that all the bricks in the past consumed a lot of soil, so I wondered whether I could make a light-weight but very suitable for use. Building materials for building houses..."

The Empress Dowager listened to Wang Yang's vivid description of his process of inventing hollow bricks and prefabricated panels, with great interest.

At the end, I made a few pertinent comments, hoping that Wang Yang can teach the students of the Taixue the principles he has figured out, so that those students can also benefit the country and the people of the Song Dynasty.

Wang Yang naturally agreed, but soon, he did not appear to be full of fighting spirit as the empress dowager Gao Taotao and the emperor Zhao Xu thought. A salute to the big guy.

"I am naturally willing to give all I have learned to those students, but I am very worried about one problem."

"Perhaps it won't be long before there will be countless scholars who hold the Four Books and Five Classics in their hands, talk about Confucianism to achieve benevolence, and shut their mouths to say righteousness, self-proclaimed disciples of Confucianism, disciples of saints, and scholars who will impeach your ministers to your majesty and the court It's..."

"Wang Wushan, what do you mean?" Emperor Zhao Xu looked at Wang Yang in a daze, not quite understanding.

The scheming Empress Dowager Gao Taotao frowned thoughtfully, seeming to understand what Wang Yang was worried about.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember that Wei Chen once ran a vocational school when he was on Shaanxi North Road?" Wang Yang directly clarified the words.

"The teachings in that school are all superficial mathematics, geometry, and physics problems, so that craftsmen without much knowledge can master the principles of textile machinery as quickly as possible.

After letting them understand the structure and principles, with the knowledge they have learned, they can find a suitable job in those many workshops and solve their own livelihood. "

But even such a vocational school, which had no influence on the intellectuals and scholars in the Song Dynasty, provoked the impeachment of Wang Yang by countless ministers in the court.

In the same way, this is also the reason why after the emperor ordered Shen Kuo to set up the Department of Gewu in Taixue, Yushitai, the Ministry of Officials, etc. would always try to find trouble.

"It's okay. If they impeach them, you can continue to do what you think you should do. I know that all you have done is for my Da Song. I hope you can cultivate countless state-owned people for my Da Song. Talented people to use."

"When they get tired of impeachment and know that my will is unshakable, then they will naturally stop."

After the emperor said this, he turned his head and looked at the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao, who also nodded slightly and smiled. "The officials are right. Those ministers' impeachment of Wang Yang is really not good enough. Ai Jia believes that Wang Wushan and you will definitely not feel that their actions will affect you."

(End of this chapter)

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