Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1239 Wouldn't it be better to be a pig than a dog if you want to mix both sides? (Part

Chapter 1239 Wouldn't it be better to be a pig than a dog if you want to mix both sides? (first update)
Chapter 1248

"However, Li Qing, as the Imperial College Jijiu, you are more familiar with the affairs of the Imperial College than others. Tell me, who do you think can take on this burden?" The emperor's eyes turned and fell again. It arrived at Li Gefei whose face was red and black.

Hearing the emperor mentioning himself, Li Gefei finally put aside his distracting thoughts, and his gaze fell on Wang Yang.Forget it, what, I don't need to be concerned about other things, Li Gefei glanced at all the ministers present, and then replied loudly.

"Your Majesty, I think that Lord Wang Yang is the most suitable."

"..." Oh, it seems that Li Gefei, a loyal gentleman, really lost his temper. He is not humble at all, and he just pushed his son-in-law forward, but it seems inappropriate for him to do so, right?

An old party leader who was almost vomiting blood by Li Gefei just now, Zhang Shangshu from the Ministry of Officials once again stood up, with a yin and yang authenticity. "...Master Li, does it seem inappropriate for you to do this?"

Li Gefei's face immediately turned dark, what the hell, you guys...

Seeing his father-in-law like this, Wang Yang knew that he would be nothing if he didn't show up. He watched the excitement for a long time before and kept silent. It was because he really didn't want to go to Guozi Academy to squat. After all, in his subconscious, The Taixue that I once studied should be more cordial.

Besides, in the past when I was a student, I was at least a student leader of Taixue, but then I went to Guozixue again.
You, Zhang Shangshu, dare to still hate my father-in-law at this time, what the hell, if the best son-in-law of this dynasty doesn't turn you into shit, I will believe you.

Therefore, the beautiful man Wang Yang, who had been keeping a strange silence and quietness in the first half of the Chaotang battlefield today, suddenly raised his head, which immediately attracted the attention of the Emperor Zhao Xu of the Great Song Dynasty.

The corner of the emperor Zhao Xu's mouth raised slightly, um... It's fun again, bah, it's time to see Wang Yang, an incomparably eloquent talent, fighting with scholars again.

The emperor gestured towards Ma Shang, even if there are no melon seeds in this era, it is still a kind of enjoyment to be able to enjoy such a scene with a sip of fragrant tea.

Then Wang Yang walked out of the shift with a smile on his face, looked at the Master Zhang Shangshu, and laughed. "Heheheheheheheh……"

A series of standard and large-scale hehe sounds that did not meet the expectations of the society made everyone's hairs stand on their heads from laughter, and all the civil and military officials in the court could not help but tremble.

Even Li Gefei, who had a dark face just now and looked like he wanted to hit someone, made Wang Yang and the little chick disappear and the old hen who was insane was crowing. It exploded, and subconsciously took two steps away.

Wang Yang's laughter had just ended, facing Wang Yang's eyes and laughter, Zhang Shangshu, who was under great pressure, couldn't help but counterattacked. "why are you laughing?"

Sigh... Wang Yang sighed long and leisurely, his face was full of regret and pain, as well as complex pity and contempt. "It seems that Mr. Zhang is so overworked because of his official duties that he even forgot all the books of sages..."

"????" These words caused a series of golden questions to pop up on the heads of Manchao Wenwu.

Damn it!You are so poisonous, you are so poisonous, Wang Yang, your words are really poisonous.

Zhang Shangshu's face is really black with red in it, red with blue in it.Pointing fingers like swords, pointing at Wang Yang, shouted in his changed voice. "Wang Yang, how dare you humiliate this old man!"

"Humiliate you? You are wrong, Mr. Zhang. I am just telling you the truth." Wang Yang's expression and tone seemed so calm.

Wang Yang cleared his throat and suddenly read a passage. "Therefore it is said: 'External promotion does not avoid enemies, internal promotion does not avoid sons.' Zhao Wu recommended 46 people to his king, and when Wu died, each of them took the guest position. His selfless virtue is like this."

But it wasn't over yet, Wang Yang continued. "The Master said: "Do not avoid enemies by exercising externally, and do not avoid sons by exercising internally.Qi Huangyang can be described as fair! "

After reciting these two sentences, Wang Yang's eyes fell on Zhang Shangshu. "I would like to remind Mr. Zhang that the first sentence is from "Han Feizi·Wai Chu Shuo", and the second sentence is from "Lu Shi Chunqiu·Quishi"."

"Wang Yang, this is not a place for you to show off your knowledge. Of course I know the source of these two sentences." Zhang Shangshu glared at Wang Yang angrily, trying hard to maintain his sanity, and said through gritted teeth.

"Oh... I wonder if Mr. Zhang just came out to criticize the Guozijian's sacrificial wine, did he ever think of these two sentences?" Wang Yang asked again as if suddenly enlightened.

"..." Damn it!Zhang Shangshu was really angry and anxious, with a dog on his face, MMP in his heart.This kid just put on an appearance of being harmless to humans and animals. Everyone really thought that this guy was embarrassed to stand up because he needed to work.

Now it seems that I was wrong, really wrong, no one knows when this crazy guy like Wang Yang will go crazy and come out to bite someone.

"Master Zhang just feels that something is inappropriate. Master Wang, why do you need to hurt others with your words?" Seeing his colleagues being frustrated, Jia Yi quickly jumped out to disperse the firepower.

"Hurt someone? Mr. Jia, are you joking? Wang has spoken so far, but he hasn't said a word of swearing. Why did he hurt someone? Who did he hurt?" Wang Yang spread his hands, with an extraordinarily innocent expression on his face.

"..." Zhang Shangshu opened his mouth, wanting to refute Wang Yang's accusation that he had forgotten all the sage books, but when he thought of Wang Yang's combat power, if he continued to fight against the sharp-toothed Wang Yang like this, he might only know what to do. I am getting more and more frustrated, so I might as well take this opportunity to call for gold and retreat.

Therefore, Zhang Shangshu, the majestic official of the Ministry of Officials, snorted, and returned to the ranks to stand proudly as if I disdain to argue with you.

Seeing that his colleagues had withdrawn from the battlefield, Jia Yi also knew that he was no match for the old driver Wang Yang. After completing the task, he immediately took a step back and returned to the squad.

Here, Li Gefei looked at Wang Yang with satisfaction, stroked his long beard, and looked kindly. "Okay, it seems that my son-in-law has not forgotten to study while he is busy. I am very relieved..."

"Thank you, father-in-law, for your compliment. In fact, my son-in-law always feels that learning can not only increase knowledge, but also make people happy and smart. Therefore, my son-in-law has been studying hard." Wang Yang hurriedly saluted his father-in-law , replied very seriously.

Zhang Shangshu, who had just returned to the shift, was relieved just now, and was so angry by Wang Yang's accusation and scolding that the three corpses jumped violently, and the blood vessels in his brain almost burst.

God damn learning makes people happy and smart, you fucking are just teasing people, okay?

"Master Zhang, please control your anger. Don't be fooled by Wang Yang. It's best to bear with it at this time and plan for the future." His companion Liu Anshi quickly stretched out his hand to stop him, and wanted to jump away. Then fight Wang Yang with Zhang Shangshu, who is life and death, and speak with sincerity and sincerity.

"Today's humiliation, if I, Zhang, don't report it, I swear I won't be a human being." Zhang Shangshu growled with a gloomy face and an extremely ferocious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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