Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1214 The intelligence work of the Privy Council is not in place (Part 2)

Chapter 1214 The intelligence work of the Privy Council is not in place (second more)
Chapter 1223

"Of course there is. Although Liaodong is a place of bitter cold and covered by ice and snow for half a year, rice can be grown there." Wang Yang raised his head and looked at the three big brothers in front of him. , as if casually said.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but gasped, even the little eunuch, like a bamboo rat that had been hit by a chrysanthemum and a firecracker, his eyes widened and he didn't move at all. .

"Hehehe..." After Zhang Kai regained his composure, he let out a burst of laughter that seemed both perfunctory and sarcastic.

"You boy..." Su Dongpo raised his hand, his eyes were wide open, his beard and hair were all stretched out, as if I wanted to slap your ears.

And Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help showing a trace of anger on his face. "Wang Wushan, can you be more reliable?"

"Not to mention the bitter cold places like Liaodong, even if you cross the river, where can you grow rice?" Isn't this funny?But the problem is that everyone is talking about very serious topics, isn't it good to cut when it's funny?
Wang Yang has a headache. It seems that it is not because he is ignorant, but because those in power in the Song Dynasty really need to supplement their knowledge of geography and biology.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Su, and Prime Minister Zhang, please think about it calmly. How did the Wa Kingdom and Goryeo survive? They don't know how to grow wheat and barley. Their staple food is rice, which is rice."

"Huh?!" Several big brothers of Song Dynasty were in a mess in the wind.

"Rice? Are you sure? Rice doesn't grow in such a bitterly cold place. Well, we don't have rice here, and we can't carry it alive. Why can they plant it there?" Zhang Wei, the old driver, was quite confused. He cried out angrily.

Emperor Zhao Xu carefully looked at Wang Yang's innocent expression and was [-]% sure that Wang Yang did not mean to lie.

That is to say, Koryo and Japan should indeed have rice as their staple food. However, the rice-producing areas of the Song Dynasty were mainly concentrated in the area south of the Yellow River.

In some places, even in the south of the Yellow River, it is still impossible to grow rice, but now, Wang Yang is here to tell everyone in a serious manner that rice can be grown in Liaodong.

Everyone knows that the yield of rice is much higher than that of wheat. It is precisely because of this that Song Dynasty attaches so much importance to the grain-producing areas in the southern part of Song Dynasty.

With one mu of paddy fields, the output of rice is comparable to the income of several mu of dry land.If, if Beiliao heard the news and started planting this kind of rice, wouldn't that mean that Beiliao would be able to feed more troops?

The more he thought about it, the darker the emperor Zhao Xu's face became. This is the typical reason why he can scare Xiang out of himself by scaring himself.

And Zhang Ling and Su Dongpo were also aware of this problem, and their breathing began to become heavy.

Wang Yang saw the expressions of these three bosses, so he naturally understood what they were thinking, so he quickly cleared his throat. "Your Majesty, the two gentlemen, the matter is not as serious as you imagined, because Beiliao is different from us after all.

Our Song Dynasty attaches great importance to farming, but we don't know it, let alone the Beiliao, where even the emperor likes to stay in the camp all day long, lingering on the grassland for many years? "

"That's true..." After hearing Wang Yang's words, everyone looked relieved but still terrified.

"...Why do I feel that your kid's words are not tasteful to people." However, after feeling rejoiced like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, Su Dongpo, an old driver, smacked his mouth and squinted at the snickering Wang Yang. Yin and Yang are authentic.

"Su Xiang, Uncle Su, how can you think that way, am I that kind of person?" Wang Yang quickly changed his face as quickly as possible, very upright and righteous, and said with dignity.

Over there, Emperor Zhao Xu waved his hand. "It seems that not only the Northern Liao Dynasty, but even my Great Song Dynasty really knows too little about the surrounding lands, and they didn't even notice the problems under their noses. It's really... "

"My minister is dead. It seems that my Privy Council still has a lot of work that has not been done properly." Zhang Kai, an old driver, could only be the first to prostrate himself to the ground and apologize to the emperor.

"Okay, that's not necessary. It's not your fault. You have only taken over the Privy Council for more than a year. Now, the intelligence work for the surrounding countries has just begun. It's just that in the future, I don't want it to appear again." It's such a big loophole." After the emperor Zhao Xu helped Zhang Wei, a hard-working old driver, he first comforted him, and then beat him.

Zhang Yi naturally agreed without a word, gritted his teeth and vowed secretly that after returning to the Yamen, he must let the officials of the Privy Council, big and small, see the anger of himself, the majestic head of the Privy Council.

Hmm...Should I also walk around more with Wang Yang, and have a little more personal friendship? In this way, this kid should not suddenly say something out of tune, and cause myself to be criticized Bar?
Wang Yang suddenly felt that there seemed to be something more in the eyes of the old driver Zhang Yu looking at him. It was very weird and very strange. Seeing Wang Daguan's goosebumps, he finally adjusted his mood and continued to be patient. explain it.

"You may not know that there are three huge plains in Liaodong, and if each plain can be planted with rice, then it is definitely a huge granary, enough to feed nearly half of the population of the Song Dynasty. And this is also Just a benefit..."

"In addition, in the land of Liaodong, there are iron ore and coal mines of excellent quality, as well as gold and copper mines with huge reserves. Their reserves are no less than the total amount of minerals that have been proven so far in the Song Dynasty... "

Every time Wang Yang mentioned a mineral, the eyeballs of those present would light up, especially after hearing about gold mines and copper mines, these three bosses almost forgot to breathe , looking straight at Wang Yang with his eyeballs, as if a group of thugs were facing a banker with huge wealth and powerless hands.

Northeast, that is, the land of Liaodong, the Northeast region with four distinct seasons sits on the largest plain in China.The main metal minerals include iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, gold and rare elements, etc. The non-metallic minerals include coal, petroleum, oil shale, graphite, magnesite, dolomite, talc, asbestos, etc.These resources have an important status in the country.

Moreover, the grain output in Liaodong accounted for one-fifth of the country's output, and the iron ore reserves distributed in Anshan and Benxi accounted for about one-fourth of the country's total.In addition, there are rich oil resources buried underground in the Songliao Plain, which is close to half of China's oil reserves in the 21st century.

What kind of bitter cold place is this? It's simply a huge, frighteningly rich cornucopia, and it's a virgin land that hasn't been mined yet.

(End of this chapter)

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