Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1209 If I Can Win Wang Wushan, I Will Win Ten Thousand Tigers (Part 1)

Chapter 1209 If I can win Wang Wushan, I will win a hundred thousand tigers (first update)
Chapter 1218

Wang Yang sat on the chair peacefully.A patient listener, Wanyan Zonghan described in detail the suffering of the female straight Wanyan department.

After hearing this, Wang Yang couldn't help feeling a little bit sad, because he knew the news based on the information he got before.Although it is not as detailed as Wanyan Zonghan, who experienced it personally.

A powerful Wanyan tribe has already fallen.But the wheel of history continues to move forward.There is no female straight Wanyan Department, but those straight females are still united under the convening of their strong men.

The battle between them and the mighty Beiliao Empire began.In Wanyan Zonghan's description, although, the Lizhi Tribal Alliance has won one victory after another.However, behind the victories in these wars, it is that many female straight tribe warriors exchanged their lives and blood.

The Northern Liao Empire continuously mobilized troops and headed for Tokyo Road.Even if the Liao Empire didn't use even one-tenth of its power, it had already put the current female straight tribe alliance into a huge dilemma.

After experiencing the first few disastrous defeats, the Liao Empire finally became serious, began to correct its attitude, and used a steady and steady strategy to deal with the women's straight alliance between the white mountains and the black waters.

Today's women's league, even if it wins again and again, occupies a large area of ​​Tokyo Road.The strength has been greatly increased, but they still lack a lot of things.Their strategic vision and strategic planning are equal to zero.

Nowadays, most of the female straight tribal leaders think so.It only needs to occupy the land of Baishan Heishui.Their tribe is no longer enslaved by the Beiliao.That is already their biggest goal and expectation.

Chang Ashu has ambitions, or to occupy more territory and get more population, hoping to become an independent country like Xixia.But his ambition, for these tribal leaders.This is a delusion, or they are even more afraid of the vast and boundless Beiliao Empire.

Those victories did not bring them enough confidence. They were still hesitant and afraid, for fear that they would annoy the mighty Beiliao Empire and bring disaster to them.

Therefore, Chang Ashu, who has been unable to persuade those female straight tribes to be brave, moved forward side by side with him, after learning that Song State, whose strength can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Beiliao Empire, actually wanted to support them.

Chang Ashu was so overjoyed that he almost ran around the tribe's territory naked to express his surging mood.

Therefore, after learning that the Wanyan clan that had surrendered to the Song Dynasty had already been appointed by the Song State.Only then did he immediately change his previous plan to annex the Wanyan clan, and start wooing Wanyan Sagai again.

Wanyan Zonghan also told Wang Yang a lot of information about the Women's Straight Alliance, not just about the fact that although many tribes have temporarily united, they are still doing their own thing, and many people are not willing to obey Chang Ashu's will.

It was only under the pressure of Beiliao that they united helplessly to defend against powerful enemies.

If the pressure from Beiliao is too little, or if they are willing to shake hands and make peace at this time.Maybe there is no need for other people to do anything, and the entire women's straight alliance may become a mess again.

Because Chang Ah Shu is rebellious and extremely irritable.Even during the period when the Nvzhi tribes united against Beiliao, he still had disputes with many tribe leaders, and even drew their swords at each other.

Wang Yang listened carefully to Wanyan Zonghan's narration, and from time to time asked his own questions about some things he didn't quite understand.This long conversation lasted for nearly two hours before it came to an end.

During this period, Wang Yang also served exquisite meals, and chatted while eating. Even though Wan Yan Zonghan was very hungry, he would still resist the temptation of delicious food when talking, and explain or answer seriously.

At such a young age, he has such self-control ability, which makes Wang Yang admire this young man a little bit. "Zong Han, why did you think of following your father to Song Dynasty?"

"It's because my father thinks that Liaodong is too dangerous and the Wanyan clan is in danger, so he wants me to join my uncle." Wanyan Zonghan raised his head, and glanced at Wanyan Aguda with some unease. After being encouraged by the other party, he mustered up his courage and said.

Wang Yang raised his brows involuntarily, put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at this uneasy young man and said with a smile. "Your father's ability to make such a choice proves that your father is very wise and rational."

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Wang Yang, Wanyan Aguda took a deep breath, finally made a decision, and bowed deeply to Wang Yang. "Young master, please take Zong Han in."

"You are his uncle. You don't take him in, but you want me to come forward. This is not justified..." Wang Yang was stunned, looking at Wanyan Aguda who was prostrate on the ground, and said slowly.

As soon as Wanyan Aguda said these words, Wang Yang understood his meaning in seconds.What kind of person is he, Mr. Wang?A close minister next to the Emperor of Song Dynasty, a big celebrity who has won the favor of the emperor.

In addition, he was a famous general of the Song Dynasty with outstanding military exploits and a fierce reputation, and his reputation spread far and wide overseas. In the area of ​​North Shaanxi Road, whether it is within the sphere of influence of the Liao people or Xixia, it can definitely stop the existence of children crying at night.

Even the imperial palace of the Daliao Dynasty spread such a sentence: "If I can win Wang Wushan, I can win a hundred thousand tigers." This is really not bragging, and it was not even inquired by the secret agents of the Song Dynasty.

It was spread from the palace of the Daliao Dynasty. It is said that after the Hedong Road incident in the Liao Kingdom was over, the envoys of the Northern Liao Dynasty returned to Daliao Emperor Yelu Hongji.

Yelu Hongji expressed such emotion in front of all civil and military officials.That's why it was spread out. However, for Beiliao, an inconspicuous and moody emperor, he should not think it is fake to be able to say such emotions.

Because when Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty was in power, Yelu Hongji, the emperor of the Daliao Dynasty, cast a Buddha statue with dozens of taels of silver, and carved a line of words on the back of the Buddha statue: "May future generations live in China."

In the autumn of the second year of Jiayou, the Liao Dynasty sent envoys to ask for Zhao Zhen's portrait.The courtiers were worried that the portraits would be used with the technique of disgusting victory. Zhao Zhen said: "I treat the captives sincerely, and they will definitely not do this."

So he sent an envoy to present his portrait to the Liao Dynasty, and Liao Daozong Yelu Hongji held a grand ceremony to personally welcome the portrait of Zhao Zhen.After Yelu Hongji saw the portrait, he bowed in surprise and said to the left and right: 'If I was born in China, I would just stick to it and build a capital of Yuhou'er!'"

Therefore, it is not uncommon for such words to come out from the mouth of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom.However, this evaluation is definitely quite remarkable.

After all, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom has always been a big man with his eyes high above the top and his eyes full of children. Except for a high look at Emperor Renzong of the Great Song Dynasty, he hardly pays attention to anyone.

By the way, there is another one that he values ​​quite a lot, that is the No. 1 scholar of the Song Dynasty, no, it should be the former No. 1 scholar Su Shi and Su Dongpo.

There is also the current No. 1 Shi Wang Yang Wang Wushan.

(End of this chapter)

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