Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1195 The Two Plans Are Easily Dissolved (Part 2)

Chapter 1195 Both Plans Are Easily Dissolved (Part [-])
Chapter 1204

When Jia Yi took a rest and drank tea, Liang Tao cleared his throat and spoke to Zhang Dun, who had been silently stroking his long beard and listening calmly to Jia Yi's verbal criticism of Wang Yang.

"Master Zhang, although you and I have different political views, our goals are indeed the same. We all hope that the Great Song Dynasty can enjoy long-term stability and peace in the world. However, this son of Wang Yang has sinister intentions and is extremely despicable and shameless. , if such treacherous courtiers are kept and continue to be respected in the court, our Great Song Dynasty will be in danger..."

"What Xianggong Liang said does have some truth, but just as Xianggong Liang said, you and I have different political opinions and different ways, so we should not conspire with each other. Therefore, regardless of the grievances between your old party and that Wang Yang, None of this has anything to do with me.”

"Master Zhang, this statement is wrong. Wang Wushan is a mad dog. He will not care whether you are the old party or the new party if he catches anyone. Then, before the four cadres of the new party, because of the dispute with Wang Yang Master Zhang has completely forgotten about the matter of being ruined in a small conflict?"

Hearing this, Zhang Dun's face became more and more gloomy.How could he not remember, especially the scene where Wang Yang strutted towards him after deliberately knocking those new party officials down, Zhang Dun was terrified at that time, and he was really worried that this guy would rush to him Come and fight each other.

Thinking about what kind of turmoil and dangers he had never seen before when he was young, he could be calm and calm. Only this time, Zhang Dun was really afraid that Wang Yang, a stupid and notorious bastard, would directly Come up and beat yourself up.

For Zhang Dun, who has always been daring, this is definitely an unprecedented shame. Therefore, as soon as Jia Yi mentioned this, Zhang Dun immediately recalled this uncomfortable thing.

After Liang Tao and Na Jia Yi met their eyes, they staggered away again. "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. Liang has always admired your character, Mr. Zhang. There is no personal grudge between us, just different political ideas."

"But now, the appearance of Wang Yang has really harmed the common interests of our two parties, as well as the interests of the Song Dynasty. As long as he is around, His Majesty will be deceived by his greedy words. If this evil is not eliminated, the general will Uneasy..."

Finally, Zhang Dun raised his head and looked at the two old party bosses in front of him. "Although Zhang is very unwilling to cooperate with you, Wang Yang is indeed a cancer of our Song Dynasty. If this person is not cured, Zhang will have trouble sleeping and eating.

However, the cooperation between us is only limited to Wang Yang himself, and has nothing to do with other matters. "

"Of course there is no problem with this, Liang agrees." Liang Tao finally let out a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Dun, who was the censor Zhongcheng, express.

And Jia Yi on the side also showed a smile of excitement and anticipation, clapping his hands and laughing. "Jia believes that if our two parties can work together to win Wang Yang, it will be effortless."

Seeing Jia Yi like this, Zhang Dun slowly shook his head in disbelief. "My lords, please don't get too happy too early. If Wang Yang is so easy to deal with, why do we need the cooperation of both parties?"

Hearing this, the smile on Jia Yi's face became a little embarrassed, but Liang Tao nodded in agreement. "Master Zhang is right. Wang Yang is as cunning as a fox, and he is very good at taking advantage of situations. If he is not careful and careful at every step, he may easily take advantage of his loopholes..."

The leaders of the old and new parties are sitting together at this moment, discussing how to deal with Wang Yang.

However, in the early morning of the next day, just after the emperor announced the death of all the ministers, Liang Tao stepped out of the shift and bowed to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report. Your Majesty the King has begun to deal with the refugees. However, all the officials appointed are from Taixue and Guozixue, and they have no experience in serving."

"I'm afraid it will affect the appeasement and resettlement of the refugees, so I hope His Majesty will give you permission to send officials to supervise the appeasement and resettlement of the refugees..."

"Xiang Liang's words are reasonable, and the minister seconded the proposal..."

The emperor looked at these ministers who had stepped forward enthusiastically, but he didn't understand what these guys meant.Isn't it just Wang Yang who is cheating and cheating? None of the hundreds of officials under his command are from the Ministry of Personnel.

Isn't it because after Wang Yang was embarrassed by the Ministry of Industry, he forced the Ministry of Industry to sign the official document, twisted his buttocks, and directly found a military supervisor whose production capacity was not inferior to that of the Ministry of Industry's workshop?

Well, the old party members were already sharpening their knives. They wanted to use Wang Yang to preside over the refugee work and hinder him, causing Wang Yang to make mistakes in his work, or delaying the comfort and resettlement of the refugees.

Only in this way can they impeach Wang Yang and let this guy get away as far as he can so that he can no longer stay in the court.But the problem is that the two methods that can make things difficult for Wang Yang are easily resolved by this guy.

This really made the big guys who wanted to drive Wang Yang out of the court very angry, but they had no choice but to naturally think of a new way.

That is, sending a censor to supervise the appeasement and resettlement of the refugees would inevitably lead to mistakes and omissions, not to mention that Wang Yang's gang of officials were all students of Taixue and Guozixue. For the officialdom, she is definitely a pink and tender rookie.

With this group of guys, it's simply impossible not to make mistakes.In order for Yushitai to work together.Liang Tao and other old party leaders even personally held a night meeting with Yu Shi Zhongcheng, who is now in charge of the work of Yu Shitai, and Zhang Dun, the leader of the new party.

And Zhang Dun, who already had a private agreement, naturally stood up without hesitation and expressed support for the old party's proposal. The words of the prime minister expressed their support.

The Son of Heaven watched silently as these guys came out and jumped up and down again, and waited until they were in the court hall, where they were completely quiet. Then he suppressed the anger on his face, and said something slowly.

"Since you all feel that Liang Qing's words are justified, then this matter will be handed over to the Yushitai, the Ministry of Officials, and the relevant departments of the Ministry of Households. Do your best and do your job well.”

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will keep a close eye on this matter, and there will be no mistakes." There was no joy on Zhang Dun's face, and his expression was very serious, as if he was just doing his own job. Absolutely will not bend the law for personal gain.

Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Hubu and Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel also bravely stood up and expressed that they would definitely send capable officers to pay attention to every move of Wang Yang and his subordinates. Of course, they would also keep an eye on the comfort and resettlement of the refugees. money bag.

Wang Yang and a group of officials must not be allowed to fill their pockets.That's right, it was filling his own pocket, even if the money belonged to him, Wang Yang, but once he devoted himself to appeasing and resettling the refugees, the property would no longer belong to him alone, but belonged to the court.

(End of this chapter)

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