Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1191 The Ministry of Industry has only so little inventory? (Part 1)

Chapter 1191 The Ministry of Industry has only so little inventory? (first update)
Chapter 1200

Official Wang looked at the empty room uncomfortably. There was only a table, a table, and the tea brought by the guard. He took a sip of tea and continued to complain.

Hearing this, the corners of the old guard's mouth couldn't help twitching. If you come here wearing your second-rank official robe, it doesn't matter. After all, most of the officials waiting there are fifth-rank and below officials. .

Even if you have an arrogant attitude, no one will dare to mess with you after seeing your official uniform. But the problem is that your uncle actually comes to see someone in casual clothes. What if someone makes a few sarcastic remarks without opening his eyes? If you go to the Ministry of Industry and beat up the officials from other departments, haha...

If nothing else, it's strange that I, the head of the Ministry of Industry's yamen, can't get a good job.Therefore, the old guard could only smile and say obedient words, and serve the Wang Daguan who showed his fighting prowess wholeheartedly, praying in his heart that the big shots in the Yamen would quickly pick up this troublemaker.

But at this moment, Liu Anshi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, heard that Wang Yang came to visit, and the corner of his mouth involuntarily raised a brisk arc. "The kid is finally here..."

"Master Shangshu, did you see it or not?" Wen Shilang who was sitting at the side asked Liu Anshi.

"I don't see, I will get angry when I see that kid. If there is a conflict, this old man can't stand it." Although Liu Anshi really wanted to appear on the stage and slap his face in person, after much deliberation, he finally killed this one. idea.

Thinking about those big bosses who went into battle shirtless and fought head-on with Wang Yang, none of them ended up well, so it's better not to take chances.

"Then I will trouble Wen Shilang to go for a walk."

When Wen Shilang heard this, he couldn't help but feel a sudden shock in his heart, but when he saw the eyes of Liu Anshi, his immediate boss, how could he refuse?

He could only bite the bullet and stand up. "I don't know what else my lord ordered?"

"Come on, come on, don't worry, you just need to tell him these few words. There is no need to argue with him, just be nice and talkative." Liu An Shizhao and Wen Shilang came up and whispered. After a few words, Minister Wen said goodbye with a relaxed expression.

"Boy from the Wang family, let me see what you do this time? Even if you ask Your Majesty to come and cause trouble for Liu, it will be useless." After Wen Shilang left, Liu Anshi couldn't help but feel leisurely and proud.

"The left servant of the lower official Ministry of Industry heard the luck, and see Wang Jungong..." Wang Yang didn't wait in that room for too long, and saw an official rushing towards him with his front skirt lifted, and saluted him respectfully.

"It turned out to be Wen Shilang, who has been admiring him for a long time." Wang Yang stood up and returned the salute.After the two sat down, Wen Shilang cautiously asked about Wang Yang's purpose.

"Now this official is in charge of comforting and resettling the refugees. Not only do these refugees have no food and clothing, but they also lack all the necessary tools for production and living. Therefore, Mr. Wang specially came to the Ministry of Industry..."

While talking, Wang Yang took out a list and handed it to Wen Shilang.

On this list, there are kitchen knives, sickles, iron pans, spatulas, hoes, plows, etc. These are all production and living tools that the Ministry of Industry often supplies to the market.

"It turns out that Wang Jungong came here for this matter. This is the responsibility of our Ministry of Industry. Come..." Wen Shilang nodded after hearing this, and then called out. Soon, a scribe stepped forward. Entered the room.

Wen Shilang ordered in front of Wang Yang. "Send someone to check quickly to see how many of these things are still in stock in the department?"

After the scribe left quickly, Wen Yun saluted Wang Yang and explained. "Please wait a moment, the Duke of the County. You should be able to know how many Dukes of the County can be transferred in a while."

"Alright, then I'll be fine..." Wang Yang nodded with a smile, and then asked casually. "I don't know if Liu Shangshu is in the yamen?"

"Our Liu Shangshu has urgent business to deal with, and he just left." Wen Shilang explained to Wang Yang.

"Oh, if that's the case, I'll be relieved. I thought you, Liu Shangshu, wanted to play tricks on me, so you felt guilty and didn't dare to face me in person." Wang Yang suddenly nodded and muttered to himself typical.

These words immediately made Minister Wen and the old guard next to him blush.Please, can you save some face for our Ministry of Industry?

Don't act like you want to blame the sky and the earth as soon as you open your mouth, okay?

Wang Yang opened his venomous mouth, but Wen Shilang could only deny it with an awkward smile. "What did the Duke say? The Ministry of Industry is the government office of the imperial court. We, Liu Shangshu, actually admire your talents and knowledge, Duke..."

"Really? How did you, Liu Shangshu, praise me? Come on, come on, tell me what you said. Anyway, you are idle." Wang Yang raised his eyebrows, and said to Wen Shilang cheerfully.

Can you show some face, I'm just being polite, but you actually take it seriously, and the important thing is, forget it if you take it seriously, and still want me to repeat what I praised you for? !
Wu Qilang, who was squatting behind Wang Yang, raised his head to look at the ceiling, his bearded face turned red, while Wanyan Aguda looked at the smiling Wang Yang with admiration.

It seems that the degree of shamelessness of the son can definitely be regarded as the leader of the Song Dynasty. The proverb such as people need face and trees need skin is not applicable to Wang Daguan.

Wen Shilang felt like a dog, forcing a smile and chatting with the old driver Wang Yang for a long time. When he saw the scribe rushing over, he finally let out a sigh of relief. .

Getting along with a guy like Wang Yang is really a terrible torture. No wonder Lord Shangshu doesn't dare to show his face and use himself as a scapegoat.

"Only this much?" Wang Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he took the list from the clerk.

On this list, I listed the production and living utensils I needed, but the quantity was far from the quantity I requested.

For example, the iron pot cost is less than [-]. You must know that there are more than [-] refugees there. Even if a fifth-class household is calculated, it still requires [-] iron pots. It cannot be given to [-] households and the other [-] households. Are you good at cooking with your hands as a pot?

There are only about four thousand kitchen knives, there are even fewer sickles, less than two thousand, and there are only five or six thousand pickaxes, spatulas and other items.

There is only one thing, and that is that there are more than [-] plows. The problem is that it is almost autumn now, and those swamps have not been dredged for fields. What is the use of this thing?
Wang Yang looked at the list, his face became more and more serious, and Wen Shilang saw the change in Wang Yang's expression, and now, the mood that had been overwhelmed by the dog was finally happy.

Now, things have finally turned.

"The Ministry of Industry of the Song Dynasty, the inventory of these things is only this small?" Wang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold and sharp light was like a knife gliding on the Wen Shilang and the scribe.

(End of this chapter)

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