Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1184 Recruiting talents from various schools of the Imperial College

Chapter 1184 Recruiting talents from various schools of the Imperial College
Chapter 1193

When I was on Shaanxi North Road, there were quite a few scholars there, but apart from babbling about the Four Books and Five Classics, those guys knew almost nothing about other things.

And this situation seems to be the case in most places in the Song Dynasty.

"That's because, what do scholars in the world hope for most? Isn't it the hope that one day they will be able to become a general and become a prime minister." Hearing Wang Yang's words, Li Gefei sighed with emotion.

"Among the 27 regular subjects, only the two subjects of Jinshi and Mingjing are the most favored. The subject of Mingjing is mainly about the memory and understanding of Confucian scriptures. The admission rate is about one out of ten. It is also relative It's easier."

"In addition to the examination of the Four Books and Five Classics, the Jinshi subject sometimes focuses on Fu, and sometimes emphasizes policy theory. It has high requirements for literary talent, intelligence, and insights on governing the country and the people, and the admission rate is often sixty or seventy. One in one, sometimes even one in a hundred.”

"However, although the admission rate of the Jinshi and Mingjing subjects is very low, they still attract scholars all over the world. Why? Isn't it because these two subjects have a bright future and a bright career."

Having said this, Li Gefei couldn't help but sigh with emotion. "For the rest of the regular subjects, those who have been in official positions for decades will reach the limit of being able to reach the fifth rank by the time they become official. However, most of the Jinshi subjects can enter the court."

"In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the former prime ministers were Jinshi-born, and since the founding of the Song Dynasty, there are very few prime ministers who were not Jinshi..."

"I see." Wang Yang nodded and understood what was going on. Who among the scholars in the world is not arrogant and competitive?
Since they are all participating in science, why should they set their goals on those regular subjects that can only be qualified for the fifth or sixth rank even after decades of hard work.

It's better to directly set the goal on popular subjects such as Jinshi, Mingjing, etc. who will surely become a court official in the future, or even become a prime minister.

"Many scholars of regular subjects choose other regular subjects mostly because they fail in Jinshi and Mingjing subjects, and think that their intelligence is slightly inferior, and it is difficult for them to jump through the dragon's gate through this path."

"Among these young people who study general science, either they are very interested in this field themselves, or they come from poor backgrounds and don't want to waste their time. I don't know what kind of general science talents you want, my son-in-law. ?”

"Of course, if you become an official, you are afraid that you will have no hope of official career. Therefore, all I can do is to help you recommend them. As for whether you can be satisfied, it is not up to the old man, the supervisor of the Imperial Academy. of."

"Thank you father-in-law for your advice. The talents that my son-in-law hopes to recruit are mainly focused on the two subjects of Mingfa and Mingshu." Wang Yang gave his conclusion decisively after thinking for a while.

"Clear method, clear calculation..." Li Gefei looked at Wang Yang and smacked his mouth. "There are so many regular subjects, why do you only choose these two subjects?"

"Actually, the talents that my son-in-law needs are mainly people who are familiar with the laws and regulations of the Song Dynasty, or who can know how to calculate income and expenditure, and understand what is a reasonable expenditure."

"Of course, we also need some talented people who can understand engineering, construction, wood and stone, as well as those who are proficient in farming and seasons..."

As Wang Yang counted with his fingers, it was Li Gefei's turn to be dizzy, the big boss of the Imperial College, until Wang Yang realized that Li Gefei, the old driver, would really faint if he continued to fool around like this with his own words. past.

"How about this, my son-in-law might as well borrow your father-in-law's pen and ink to write down my needs, and then ask my father-in-law to post them to the various schools of the Imperial College?"

"Since His Majesty has already approved it, there is no problem with this old man." Li Gefei nodded happily and replied.

Wang Yang went straight to the desk and sat down, writing like flying, the thin golden font with exposed muscles and bones fell on the Xuanbai...

"...Now is the time when the country is in crisis. Tens of thousands of Li Shu are displaced, their families are destroyed, and the people are in dire straits. I follow the order of the emperor of the Song Dynasty to appease and resettle the Li Shu..."

Many students gathered at the gates of the various schools of the Imperial Academy such as Guozixue, Taixue, Legal Studies, Calligraphy, and Arithmetic. At this moment, several people were shaking their heads and reciting this article to appease the king of Gyeonggi Road. The official announcement of Wushan, the King of Foreign Affairs.

Those scholars listened to the motivational and bewitching words throughout the article, their blood boiled and their hearts were surging, but in the end, they only recruited those who knew the laws of the Song Dynasty, or those who were proficient in arithmetic, civil engineering, and Those who are proficient in farming and other subjects are the post-officials.

Most of the people left one after another with a dull expression on their faces, but some people were still chattering there, thinking that Wang Yang, the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty who was born in an imperial school, clearly looked down on us who are the real seeds of reading who have picked up the Four Books and Five Classics at their fingertips.

However, there were some students who hesitated. After all, it seemed that the grade was too low to be an official, but there were still some students who secretly came to the two officers under the notice and asked where they were going. to apply for.

The situation at Taixue is somewhat different from other schools. Even if the students are not learning common subjects such as Mingfa and Mingcalculation, they still linger for a long time and are unwilling to leave.

"Brother Wang is actually responsible for the resettlement and appeasement of the refugees this time? But why didn't he ask someone directly from the official department, instead he went directly to our Taixue to post the notice."

"I said you are new here, right? It seems that you don't know the relationship between our Senior Brother Wang and those ministers in the court." An old driver glanced contemptuously at the student who had just entered school and was too unlearned. to one-year juniors.

"Our Senior Brother Wang is different from those old and pedantic ministers in the court. Naturally, we can't get along with those guys. Before, when the senior brother made great achievements in Shaanxi, there were many demon moths in the court."

"Fortunately, Your Majesty understands the righteousness well and knows that Senior Brother Wang is loyal to the court and the Song Dynasty. He has tried his best to protect it many times. This is how we achieved the great victory of Hongde Village on Shaanxi Road, and our Senior Brother rode thousands of miles alone and relied on three With his unshakable tongue, he persuaded Xixia Prime Minister Liang Yibu to lead [-] Xixia elite troops to surrender to the Song Dynasty, and also offered the land of two states..."

Listening to the bragging of this old Taixue driver, soon a large circle of newly promoted Taixue bachelors surrounded him, one or two were fascinated by hearing it, and their blood was boiling.

"At present, those ministers in the court are arguing endlessly in the court over the matter of appeasement and resettlement of the people affected by the disaster in Jingji Road. In the end, it is our brother Wang who has just resigned from the Shaanxi North Road Economic Strategy Appeasement Envoy and returned to Beijing to recuperate. The people will continue to suffer."

"So, he took the initiative to stand up and donated millions of family wealth. His Majesty was also deeply moved by his actions, and appointed him as the peace envoy of Gyeonggi Road, responsible for comforting and resettling the tens of thousands of refugees."

"So that's the case. I thought it was just a rumor before, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Since you all know that the ministers in the court are not at odds with our Senior Brother Wang, and they will definitely secretly support Senior Brother Wang when he is pacifying and resettling the refugees.

Therefore, senior brother Wang must have realized this, so he sent people to the Taixue where he once studied to post a notice, hoping that our junior brothers can stand up and work together with senior brother Wang to appease the refugees..."

"Didn't you see that the seal of the government is still signed? This beautiful thin gold calligraphy is exactly the calligraphy style created by our Senior Brother Wang..."

 To see how a powerful business tycoon changed his fate against the sky, reorganized the country, and unified the world. I recommend an old driver's book, which is quite good. The title of the book is "The Overlord of Wei"


(End of this chapter)

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