Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1169 According to the routine, refugees are accepted as Xiangjun (Part 1)

Chapter 1169: Accepting refugees as Xiang troops as usual (first update)
Chapter 1178

"That's true..." The court bosses next to him all sighed at the same time. Not to mention the disaster in the Jingji Road area, even if there is a disaster in the neighboring roads, many people will lose their homes. , and the people who were unwilling to lose their freedom became refugees and went to Bianliang, the capital, to make a living.

After all, this is the imperial capital, and the chances of survival are relatively high. Moreover, within and outside Bianliang City, at least half of the people are non-farmers. Of course, nearly half of the non-agricultural people are mainly based on industry and commerce.

However, not everyone can find a suitable way of survival in Bianliang, let alone enter various workshops, which requires technology, and without technology, there is no food.

"It seems that this time, I'm afraid we still need to follow the way we did in the past. What do you think?" After discussing in a low voice, Jia Yi narrowed his eyes and suddenly raised his voice.

"The past method..." Several important ministers were slightly stunned, and their eyes suddenly lit up. However, they soon subconsciously set their eyes on the emperor Zhao Xu.

"What? Do you have some good suggestions? Come and listen." Emperor Zhao Xu, who was talking quietly to Su Dongpo at the imperial court, noticed the abnormality of these ministers and raised his eyebrows.

Jia Yi stepped forward and saluted. "Your Majesty, I believe that if there are a large number of refugees fleeing to the capital, then, according to the usual practice, order the Privy Council, the Ministry of War, the Mahan Division of the Guards, the Division of the Guards and Carriages, etc. to preside over the admission of the refugees as Xiangjun."

"Inappropriate!" At this time, Zhang Dun stood up and strongly opposed without hesitation. "We, the Song Dynasty, have had redundant troops for a long time. Fortunately, the North Shaanxi Road occupied six new states and filled the North Shaanxi Road with hundreds of thousands of Xiang troops. This not only allowed our Song Dynasty to reduce a large number of Xiang troops without combat effectiveness."

"It also allows my Song Dynasty to save millions of guan in military expenses every year, so that the court can no longer make ends meet. But if the refugees are organized into the Xiang army again, wouldn't it be back to the old path of the past?!"

"My lord Zhang, even though that's the case, but if the court doesn't do this and allows the refugees to scatter, there will be troubles. At that time, I don't know how much food will be spent." An old party boss next to him couldn't help it. He snorted and sneered.

Zhang Dun snorted, and turned back without showing any weakness. "That means that the local officials didn't fulfill their duties, and that's why they let those people go into exile."

"Since the court has already drawn up a strategy since last year, and no longer reorganizes the Xiang army, how can it be so easily changed?

What's more, although a large number of people in Weizhou and Huazhou have suffered disasters, they are all people who were born and raised here. As long as the local government is doing its best and the court pays for food, how can they still survive? Can't be appeased? "

"How can it be so easy to appease the dozens of people affected by the disaster?"

The two sides began to argue. Although Zhang Dun was the only one in the new party, the problem was that the old driver had a quick mind and a sharp tongue. He was able to debate several old party bosses by himself, and he still debated with vigor and vibrancy without losing the slightest advantage.

The emperor also fell into deep thought, and the debate between the two sides naturally fell into the ears of the emperor Zhao Xu. The emperor most agreed with Zhang Dun's words.

But the problem lies in the difficulty. The ability of those local officials to perform their duties and their ability to govern the government really make people feel uneasy.

Su Dongpo stroked his long beard and fell into deep thought.If the scope of the disaster was not so large and the people affected by the disaster were not so many, then, with the full cooperation of the court and the local government, the consequences and impacts of this disaster should be able to be dealt with smoothly.

However, this is a disaster that affects and affects a wide range. If one is not careful and fails to deal with it, then, maybe, it is not just a resettlement issue for refugees, but in the near future, we need to consider whether it is necessary to The officers and soldiers were mobilized to suppress the rebellion.

After all, once those people who have lost their homes and sources of livelihood are bewitched and angered against the government and the court, it will inevitably cause huge turmoil.

After all, there are many people with ulterior motives and different ambitions in the world.

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that the only solution now is to strictly order the local officials to do their best to relieve the disaster and appease the people. As for other issues, they are not what we need to consider at present..." Su Dongpo cleared his throat and stood up to the emperor He saluted respectfully.

Emperor Zhao Xu raised his eyebrows. Su Dongpo's method was simply making peace, but in front of him, it was a helpless choice without a mature idea and method.

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. I believe that in addition to ordering the officials to do their best to provide disaster relief, the court should also have the backing of the court. In this way, local officials can also prepare countermeasures." Liu Anshi stood up and objected.

"Well said, if the court had expressed this attitude early, wouldn't that have made those local officials who were eager to do more and do less than to do less? They would definitely try to throw the biggest trouble to the court. "Zhang Dun smiled coldly, and said a word without mercy.

"You, Mr. Zhang, you don't want to spout blood."

"Zhang doesn't have that kind of intention. He is just talking about the matter. If Mr. Liu thinks that what Zhang said is wrong, then I would like to ask Mr. Liu why there are so few disaster-stricken people in some places becoming refugees and scattering in the wild, no matter how big or small the disaster is. And in some places, even if it is a disaster with little impact, a large number of people will lose their homes and be displaced?"

"Doesn't this just show that it has a lot to do with whether the local officials are capable enough to be responsible?"

"Every time a disaster occurs, some officials don't think about how to appease the people and manage the disaster. Instead, they think about how to profit from it, flatter the superior and bully the inferior..."

"Master Zhang, what do you mean by this? Do you think that you are the only one who can be an upright and honest official in the Song Dynasty?"

"My lords, this is the imperial court, and we are discussing how to deal with the disaster for the people of Huazhou and Weizhou. It is not for you to criticize each other here." Su Dongpo saw the emperor Zhao Xu's face getting darker and darker, and cleared his throat. Stand up and drink.

Only then did all the important officials of the court apologize to Emperor Zhao Xu with expressions of dissatisfaction on their faces.

"I understand very well that all of you are here to make suggestions for the country. However, as Zhang Qing said, some of the local officials in charge are very selfish, while others are incompetent..."

"This time the two prefectures and seven counties were hit by disasters on a very large scale. I think Su Qing's words are justified, and the officials of the two prefectures and seven counties, including Huazhou and Weizhou, will do their best to treat them, appease the people, and prevent epidemics after the disaster..."

The Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, looked at the officials who had left, leaned back in his chair weakly, and rubbed his forehead with his hand.Although he suppressed the dispute between the two parties, he ordered Yushitai to send more censors to the disaster-stricken areas to inspect and supervise the disaster relief work.

(End of this chapter)

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