Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1160 Thinking Caused by Women's Obsession (Part 2)

Chapter 1160 Thoughts triggered by a woman's obsession (second more)
Chapter 1169

"Just for the more than 130 pieces of glass products on this chiming clock, nearly 37 jewelry workshops were needed to polish them within five days. In fact, there are many glass eyes that are not yet cut and polished. I can’t meet Wang’s request.”

It's just that in order to finish the work before the sales day, Wang Yang reluctantly used those defective products.

"It seems that brother, your glass workshop needs more workers, and after your self-ringing clock has been improved by you, the value can be multiplied by at least several times. In the future, we will need more glass like this Products..." Zhao Shixun admired the glass sample handed over by his wife, showing a luxurious yellow color.

The densely packed cut surfaces on it, and every cut surface, looked so bright. When the sun shone on it and turned, it seemed that what I was holding between my fingers was not a small piece of yellow glass, but a yellow flame. .

"Even if it's a gemstone, I'm afraid it's not as beautiful as this one... Hey, hey, I haven't seen it clearly for my husband..." Before Zhao Shixun could finish his admiration, the yellow glass sample was snatched by his wife go back.

Then several women gathered together, holding samples of different colors, and were excitedly discussing which color is more beautiful and which color is most suitable for whom.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shixun shook his head in despair. The woman is just like a story in western Thailand that he once heard. Legend has it that there is a terrifying creature with two wings that can fly in the sky. As long as the lizards see bright and shiny things, they will possess them crazily and desperately.

Even if it is a big belly, Li Shishi, who is round and round, is still there at the moment, his eyes are shining here and there, and he will give Wang Yang an angry look from time to time, as if he is still complaining about Wang Yang's failure to pay tribute to them in time. Expressing inner dissatisfaction and resentment.

"Yes, and this requires not ordinary craftsmen, but grinding craftsmen, professional grinding craftsmen." Wang Yang nodded in agreement and replied.

"Those craftsmen use manual cutting and grinding, so it is time-consuming and laborious." Of course, if a machine tool can be used for cutting and grinding, the speed can be increased by at least two or three times.

"Then what kind of brother, this glass workshop is your own, tell me, you can polish and cut glass products like this..." Wan Bin blinked at Wang Yang.

"The raw materials are not expensive. My glass workshop only charges the cost price and the processing fee, and each piece only needs this amount..." Wang Yang raised a finger and shook it seriously.

After Wan Bin made some calculations, he glanced at the shareholders. Seeing that everyone nodded slightly in agreement, he simply continued to speak as a representative.

"More than 130 pieces. If one piece is counted as ten guan, it is only one thousand three hundred guan. However, the value of this self-ringing bell can reach at least [-] guan. Dear brother, although the glass workshop is your own property, But don’t lose yourself.”

"Don't worry, you won't lose money. Anyway, that glass workshop was created by Wang himself. If it is really valuable, I will definitely ask for a suitable price." Wang Yang said with a smile.

But he was very happy in his heart. Originally, he wanted to pay for one guan, but Wan Bin directly offered himself a price of ten guan.

But that's right, the appearance of these glass products of his own has raised the grade of this chime clock a lot, and it is completely worthy of the price.

The glass workshop is different from the various industries in Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. This glass workshop is completely owned by Lao Wang himself.

At the very beginning, when the cement factory just started burning cement, Wang Yang jokingly said that he would burn stones to produce crystals.As a result, everyone just thought that Mr. Wang had burned out the cement, and began to get carried away, so they didn't pick up the trouble at all.

After a while, I heard that this guy had already started several projects on his own, one was the Wushan Press, and the other was the glass workshop.

Moreover, the annual cost of his investment in the glass workshop is very high, but he has not seen any results. At first, he thought that Wang Wushan also stumbled.

But now, when those four-wheeled carriages appeared, when Wang Yang took out those plate glass and inlaid them on the carriage doors and windows.

Everyone knows that they are wrong. There is never a time when King Wushan cannot succeed. At most, it is only a matter of time.

If it is a three-inch square, transparent and pure crystal flake, even the material and labor cost, it will cost at least thirty guan, if it is half a foot square, hehe, there is no price in the market.

However, the flat glass provided by Wang Yang is only half the price of crystal with the same size, and there is no trace of impurities.As for the half-foot-square plate glass, Wang Yang only wanted fifty guan.

Such a price is nothing compared to the price of nearly a thousand guan in the supreme version of the four-wheeled carriage, but the two pieces of half-foot-square plate glass on the left and right doors alone are enough to attract countless customers. Let it shine, and pay more quickly.

This is also the reason why, at the current stage, Wang Yang only dares to produce a small amount, and is unwilling to expand the glass production capacity too much. In a word, rare things are expensive.

If glass products became as common as pottery, and each cost more than ten cents, wouldn't Wang Yang's early investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars be in vain?
However, apart from taking out some plate glass, Wang Yang has been keeping it in storage. As for embellishing the chime clock, it all came from an idea when making glass mirrors.

But from the looks of it, the effect was quite good. The most important thing was that after seeing the infatuated looks of his wife and the Chen family's wife, Mr. Wang finally realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

That is, as a prophet, in my eyes, glass is really nothing. But the problem is that for people in this era, the value of glass is immeasurable.

Just like the diamonds that have been fired into the sky in later generations.Diamond is known as the most wonderful marketing scam of the [-]th century. It provides a classic case in the history of modern marketing: serving consumers with goods is just a low-end concept, while educating consumers with goods is the highest achievement.

Diamonds were relatively scarce a long time ago and were used by royal families and nobles as symbols of wealth.However, in the late [-]th century, a diamond mine was discovered in South Africa, with a huge quantity and a yield of tens of millions of carats.With such a high output, diamond investors are completely panicked. If these diamonds flow into the market in large quantities, the value of diamonds will be greatly reduced.

Thus, in [-], De Beers was born, and the legendary diamond marketing opened up the world's giant screen ever since!
De Beers bought out the entire diamond mine, controlled the production of diamonds, and monopolized the entire diamond market.De Beers basically controls [-]% of the diamond market.

(End of this chapter)

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