Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1153 Please allow Your Majesty to restore her Jurchen surname (Part 1)

Chapter 1153 Asking Your Majesty’s permission to restore her Jurchen surname (first update)
Chapter 1162

"Therefore, Wang Jing, the minister's representative, asks His Majesty to allow Wang Jing and the Yigan Wanyan family to restore their surnames, so that those Nvzhi tribes far away in Liaodong will know that in our Song Dynasty, there are warriors from the Nvzhi Wanyan tribe who are fighting Serve for my Great Song Court."

Hearing this, Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help being taken aback, and subconsciously turned his gaze to the Empress Dowager beside him.

"Sir, you..." Hearing Wang Yang's request to the Emperor of Song Dynasty, Wang Jing couldn't help showing an expression of overjoyed expression, but then she turned her eyes on the emperor Zhao Xu with some unease.

Being able to restore his own surname is definitely something that Wang Jing thinks about day and night and longs for.Ever since I heard that the female straight girl's face was destroyed.

Wang Jing didn't know how many times he cried sadly when he came back from his dreams at midnight, and his brothers also drank to drown their sorrows for a long time.

"Okay, you go out with Qilang and the others first..." Wang Yang nodded and smiled at him. Seeing Wang Yang's gaze, Wang Jing took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and immediately turned to the emperor and the empress dowager. After a salute, he quickly followed Wu Qilang and others out of Yuehuamen Square.

"You boy, isn't it just for the sake of getting them back to their original surnames?" Seeing the three walking away, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao asked Wang Yang with a half-smile.

Director Xu was worried that the Empress Dowager would be affected, so he had already asked the little eunuch to move to Xiudun, and asked the Empress Dowager and the emperor to sit down.

The emperor signaled that Wang Yang also sat on an embroidered pier, and smiled at Wang Yang. "The imperial grandmother's question is what I want to say."

"Your Majesty, you must know that there is a mess at the Dongdong Road in Beiliao at the moment, and all the women's departments have united together and are fighting with the army of Beiliao..."

"And the main military force of the Northern Liao Dynasty needs to guard against our great Song Dynasty, and dare not leave lightly. In addition, the court of the Northern Liao Dynasty regards the female straight tribes as a disease of scabies, but in fact, the female straight tribes are better than black mountains and white waters. Among them, the temperament is strong, the battle is brave..."

But today's Beiliao army, to be honest, can only be regarded as a second-rate combat power among other countries. More importantly, the corruption situation in Beiliao is more serious than that of Song Dynasty, and the morale of the army is far worse than in the past.

When Wang Yang commanded the defensive battle in Yuzhou, he knew best that the offensives of the Northern Liao army were often in one wave and could not shake the Song Dynasty's city defenses at all. It is the rival of Da Song.

It's no wonder that in another historical time and space, the seemingly extremely powerful Beiliao, with millions of soldiers, would be easily overthrown by the women's straight tribes.

"Do you mean that Bei Liao cannot suppress the rebellion of these northern tribes in time?" Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help but asked in astonishment.

Today, the Song Dynasty court is also very concerned about the rebellion of the northern tribes in Northern Liao. However, they all believe that the rebellion of the northern tribes can only last for a while. I believe that it will not take too long for Northern Liao to be able to destroy them.

Wang Yang smiled calmly after hearing this. "Your Majesty, the reason why ministers and ministers in the court speculate like this is because they regard the rebellion of the northern tribes in Bei Liao as something similar to a local civil strife."

"But they didn't take into account the attitude of Beiliao towards those northern tribes. Beiliao has never regarded those northern tribes as its subjects, but has always looked at the low-class untouchables, and is always on guard. Moreover, In order to prevent the women's straight tribes from getting bigger, they have been instigating from it, and let the women's straight tribes attack each other..."

"Before, when Northern Liao conquered the North Shaanxi Road of our Great Song Dynasty in the south, and raised a large army, the reason why those northern tribes were sent to fight south was actually because Beiliao felt that these tribes were a factor of instability in the north of Beiliao, so they decided to I will lure them with profit and let them come to Youzhou city to die."

"But it is precisely because of this that the female straight tribes and the tribes in the north saw the current weakness of Bei Liao, as well as the cowardice and cowardice of the Bei Liao army."

It was those smart people among the women's straight tribes who saw the essence of the current Northern Liao Dynasty, and marched all the way, and also saw the prosperity and prosperity of the Central Plains. Only the barbarians from the northern tribes who have the strength to fight are willing to unite.

In particular, Chang Ashu, the new head of the female straight alliance, is also an ambitious person. After annexing the female straight Wanyan Department, his prestige and strength soared, and he began to launch a battle against Liao.

What's important is that Zhang Ashu's successive victories led to those female straight tribes who were still on the sidelines to vote one after another, and the result was that the resistance became stronger and stronger.

However, the Liao Kingdom still didn't take it seriously, and still only dealt with the domestic rebellion in the past. As a result, the northeastern part of Tokyo Province has completely fallen, and the women's straight tribes have already fallen. A united front has been completely formed.

"Under such circumstances, if Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji can make up his mind to dispatch an army twice as large as the female tribes, step by step, and force those female tribes back to the depths of the white mountains and black waters, they will surely win. "

"It's just that the Liao Emperor's approach is to send troops from all over the country to fight the rebellion. This approach is like acting as a god of wealth for those women's tribes... The more they fight, the stronger the confidence of the women's tribes will be, and the strength will become stronger powerful……"

After listening to Wang Yang's explanation, the expressions of the Emperor and the Empress Dowager gradually became serious. Wang Yang's analysis seemed reasonable and well-founded, and it was impossible to refute.

The emperor's eyes began to shine abnormally, and he seemed to realize that this was very beneficial to Song Dynasty.

"In the past few days, I have also received reports from the Ministry of War and the Privy Council. Regarding the war on the Tokyo Road in Beiliao, it has been continuing. I originally thought that the war would not last long, but after listening to your analysis, Wang Wushan , it seems that this war has affected more than just Beiliao Tokyo Road?"

"That's right, in my opinion, as long as the women's straight tribes don't commit the stupidity of aggressiveness, work steadily and steadily, and manage the territory that has already been eaten up, then in a few days, not only the forces of the Northern Liao and Dongdong Roads will not be able to quell the chaos , even if the emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty wants to raise a large army to put down the rebellion, I, the Song Dynasty, will naturally not sit back and watch..."

"That's right, if it really comes to such a time, how can I just sit back and ignore it." Emperor Zhao Xu excitedly patted his thigh and said.

Glancing at the Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao felt a little helpless, the Son of Heaven was still too young, even after several years of emigration, he was still a little too detached when it came to major events.

After the excitement of the emperor Zhao Xu passed, he seemed to realize that something was wrong, he touched his nose in embarrassment, and turned his head to look at the Empress Dowager.

"I don't know, Grandmother, do you think Wang Wushan's analysis makes sense?"

(End of this chapter)

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