Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1124 It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but for a villain to take revenge...

Chapter 1124 It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but for a villain to take revenge... (Second update)
Chapter 1133

It's a pity that strength requires a large number of people, and even more so, a large number of young adults. In the few years before the Great Xia, the loss of young adults reached more than [-].

Now relying on the annexation of those city-states and tribes, they have gained a large number of people and young adults. However, it takes a long time to assimilate them and let them recognize themselves as citizens of the Xia Kingdom.

Time, everything takes time. Although Li Chengqian is still very young, he has a high vision and high ambition. He doesn't want to just stay in this poor place of Xingqing Mansion and be a small ruler.

He longed for the rich and prosperous land in the Central Plains, and longed for himself to be able to expand the territory like his ancestors, and go to the Central Plains to advise the Weiming Dynasty.

Li Chengqian tapped lightly on the table with his fingers. "Wei Mingqing, the commercial roads in the Western Regions are now smooth, but Song Ting has taken advantage of the boss."

Hearing Li Chengqian's unreasonable words, A Wu, who was named Wei, immediately understood what his immediate boss was thinking.

Stroking his bushy gray beard, Wei Ming Ah Wu smacked his mouth. "Your Majesty, do you want to..."

"I won't be so stupid. Cutting off business routes would be a great loss to me, Daxia. It's really unwise. But, nowadays, business exchanges in the Western Regions are becoming more and more prosperous, and merchants come and go like ants. Group transit, my tax rate in Daxia used to be not high..."

"So, I intend to increase the tax rate by another [-]%, what do you think?"

Seeing Wei Ming Wu's frowning and solemn expression, Li Chengqian couldn't help laughing. "If Qing thinks it's too heavy, then it's not too much to just increase it by [-]%, right?"

"Your Majesty is right. Now that the business roads are smooth, my Great Xia has benefited a lot from it. If the tax is raised too much, it is not beautiful. If it is only [-]%, it should not have much impact, and it can be more. Hurry up and enrich the treasury of my Great Xia." Wei Ming Wu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least Li Chengqian, the lord of the country, did not kill the chicken to take the eggs. In the past two years, after Xixia opened up the Western Regions trade routes, not only did they not receive less taxes, but they got several percent more than in the past.

In addition, nowadays, Song Ting's countless rare treasures are exported from Shaanxi North Road, and the Xixia traders who are near the water are naturally making a lot of money.

I believe that the [-]% extra tax will not cause too much loss to those traders.

"My Daxia is very respectful to Song Ting now. After nearly two years of peace, I think the anger of Song Emperor should have subsided. Wei Mingqing, I want to send envoys to Song Ting to pay tribute. I hope Song Ting can do it. Restore the yearly gift to my Great Xia as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will leave it to others to deal with it. Song people always like to show their benevolence and righteousness to the world. Come to think of it, this matter should not be difficult as long as we can open up the joints." Weiming Awu nodded and said respectfully.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to Wei Mingqing." Seeing that Wei Ming Wu was still so brave to do things, Li Chengqian nodded with satisfaction, and then let Wei Ming Wu leave.

In the rest room of the security brigade of Yihong Building, more than [-] hideous and muscular men squatted together, muttering something in a low voice.

The leader was not tall, but his figure was extremely strong. He was covered in oil and sweat, and his bulging muscles were full of lumps, which changed shape with his movements.

Twenty or so big shirtless men squatted here, with ghostly expressions on their faces, they didn't look like they were doing anything good.If a rotten girl saw such a scene, she would think it was a gay couple's party.

And if the officials saw it, they would definitely think that it was a group of thugs and robbers discussing how to rob houses.

But in fact, they are all strong and straight men who have been influenced and influenced by the positive energy of Wang Yang Wang Wushan, the number one scholar of the Song Dynasty, and their ideological and moral qualities are also very strong.

"Brothers, those four bastards dared to humiliate the prince like this. As the saying goes, you can bear it when you are familiar with it, but you can't bear it when you are born. We brothers have all been greatly favored by the prince. The prince is a gentleman with high moral character. He can't go do, but we can..."

"It makes sense. Those bastards actually dared to offend the prince. They are our enemies. Didn't those scholars say that? They asked the Lord to humiliate me and die..."

"The master humiliated the subject to death? Could it be that the master humiliated the subject, and the subject died in shame and anger?" A muscular man next to him was holding an iron rod in his hand and continued to move up and down with one hand.

"...Fuck you, this is the words of the sages. What the sages mean is that if your boss is insulted by others, then, as a younger brother, you must try to get back for the boss, even if it means paying for it." Your own life is at stake.”

"Oh, hey, Brother Wang, you are capable. Shut up, little brother. I will do whatever you ask me to do. In short, I will take revenge on those bastards for the prince."

"How about we sneak into the houses of those officials in the middle of the night and slaughter them?" One of the straight steel men covered in flesh proposed while stroking his stubble.

"This is not allowed, don't forget, the young master has always warned us not to commit crimes and commit crimes, and killing people is also illegal. If we really want to do this, wouldn't it violate the young master's treatment of us? Have you been taught by others?" Brother Wang, the leader, rolled his eyes and objected.

"What's more, we only have such a small number of people. Those people are officials anyway. How can it be possible that there are not many housekeepers at home, and if we really kill someone, then, if the son is implicated, Then we are really going to die a hundred times, so there is no redemption."

"What should we do? How about we find a place to ambush them, and when we meet them, we will rob them in a dark place, and then beat them up severely, only venting our anger without harming anyone's life. Wouldn't that be great?"

"Fuck, ambush, wait for someone, don't forget when you have to wait for this shit. As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but it's not too late for a villain to take revenge overnight. We want to take revenge on those bastards. Then the sooner the better, it’s best to do it tonight.”

"Let those four dog officials understand how miserable and desolate the fate of offending the prince will be..."

"That's right. We are all people who have received favors and advice from the prince. Although we cannot commit adultery, we should still be disgusted by those four dog officials."

"What should we do? If we do it tonight, I'm afraid we won't be able to use many methods..." A group of straight steel men frowned tightly, trying hard to think of a plan.

At this time and space, a bang was suddenly heard, and one of the straight steel men stood up.

"Brother Xu, have you figured out a solution?" The leader, Brother Wang, couldn't help but asked inexplicably in surprise. This guy has always been a slow thinker, so I didn't expect him to be the first to stand up today.

"No, what, little brother, my stomach hurts, I have to go to the latrine, brothers slowly think about it, I will definitely find a way when I go to the latrine..." Brother Xu laughed dryly twice, and then squeezed Butt quickly ran towards the door.

Fuck!The faces of a group of straight steel men all turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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