Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1120 We Are Really Here to Gain Prestige... (Part 2)

Chapter 1120 We Are Really Here to Gain Prestige... (Second Update)
Chapter 1129

Under such circumstances, I am afraid that even if the ministers and workers of the new party stand up to defend them, instead of saving them, they may even be hit by those factions of the old party who have already disliked the new party.

The important thing is that these four idiots not only offended Wang Yang today, but also offended the girls in brothels.

What does a brothel do?Especially at this time, the brothel is definitely the favorite place for intellectuals and noble officials.

Some of the women in the brothel are naturally engaged in the skin and meat business, but a considerable number of them belong to the Qing Dynasty.

And among these young people, quite a few are beauties who know how to read and answer rituals, and are good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting.In the eyes of the intellectuals of the Song Dynasty.

Every brothel pavilion is equivalent to a cultural salon that makes them all move forward.After all, they are cultural people who want to find a confidant.

Except for a few classmates and colleagues, most of them are like-minded people met in such a place. In such a place, there are delicious food and wine, and like-minded people, and more importantly, there are countless charming courtesans who are sought after by others. beauties.

Only on such occasions can they show off their talents more recklessly, and the comments and singing of these top oirans are all crucial means of fame.

The countless romantic talents in the Song Dynasty, and even those who failed the imperial examination, relied on nothing else but those brothel women who advertised them and showed their talents to the world.

Bianliang, Tokyo, has a population of nearly one million and more than a hundred brothels. Representatives from more than a hundred brothels have come today. Presumably, they will wait until the representatives of each brothel return to their respective territories.

After publicizing the bad deeds of Liu Cun and the other four people, he also announced that he would never receive them again. Haha, what's the future?Unless they can stand the ridicule of officials all over the world and the strange looks of their colleagues and officials above and below them.

What's more, he has to keep his body upright, and he doesn't even have the chance to go to the brothel.However, even if they are officials and are humiliated by brothels and pavilions, if this spreads, not only will it not affect those brothels and pavilions, but it is equivalent to promoting the morals of these art workers to be more noble.

All in all, the four of them were really desperate at this moment, and their hearts were as dead as death. They never thought that they came here to earn their reputation.

But in the end, not only did he not get his reputation, but he directly ruined his future. What is this...

At this moment, Wang Yang has already continued to ride his horse forward, and the three wives all showed expressions of relief at this moment, um... It seems that this young and talented husband in my family has not done anything inappropriate .

"I really didn't expect that those playbooks from before would be of such great use now..." Liu Yiyi came to a sudden understanding after hearing the explanation from Miss Yunyan who had already boarded the car and sat together.

It turned out that after Wang Yang left, Yihong Mansion had stored a large number of song and dance scripts written by Wang Yang when he was in Bianliang, Tokyo.

After Wang Yang went to Shaanxi, Yihonglou naturally had to rehearse new plays from time to time, and all the pavilions came to visit.

In order to get the performances of these song and dance scripts, the news spread to Shaanxi Road, Wang Yang was not stingy, and wrote back to Wang Po to let her make up her own mind, whether to sell it or give it away, it is up to Wang Po to decide. In addition, a batch of scripts he wrote on Shaanxi Road were also sent over.

With Wang Daguan's quick pen calligraphy and his mind that was thousands of years ahead of his time, the short scripts could range from a few hundred words to more than a thousand words.

When Po Wang got these big boxes with more than [-] scripts, she hesitated and struggled, but in the end, she made up her mind.

We found representatives from dozens of brothels and told them that each brothel might get three copies of the script for free, but they would take turns once a month. In this way, each brothel would perform something different and maintain the same their own uniqueness.

And with the addition of these wonderful scripts, not only men are more willing to go to brothels and pavilions, there are even women who go to watch those songs and dances.

Before that, three or five, or a dozen brothel pavilions, all opened their own dance halls, which were naturally dedicated to performing various dances and dramas.

All in all, those silk stockings, sexy underwear, high heels, as well as those songs, dances, and dramas designed by Wang Yang have already made the business of those brothels more prosperous.

Even if they are older and no longer engaged in the skin business, they can have other places to go, some are tailors, and some make costumes...

Therefore, Wang Yang's reputation is getting bigger and bigger in the brothel pavilions in Bianliang, Tokyo, and even faintly comparable to Guan Zi and Tang Minghuang, the two sages enshrined in the brothel pavilions.

It is also the reason why so many brothels and pavilions sent representatives to welcome Wang Yang to return to Beijing today.

"By the way, the prince also said that there are quite a few works created by you, madam, and sister Shishi?" Miss Yunyan's bright eyes fell on Li Shishi and Li Qingzhao. It is considered very familiar, but with Li Qingzhao is only a few facets.

Moreover, before Li Qingzhao married Wang Yang, she was already a talented woman famous in Bianliang, Tokyo, and her talent was evident in the world. Therefore, when facing her, Miss Yunyan's expression seemed a little nervous.

Li Qingzhao smiled grandly and nodded slightly. "I didn't expect that the game created by our sisters and our husbands would receive such attention in your hands. This is not in vain for all our hard work."

"Ma'am, you and sister Shi Shi are indeed talented, Yun Yan really admires..."

Inside, the four women were communicating, while outside, Wang Yang continued to communicate with Na Ma Shang and others.

"Just now, I would like to thank General Wu and this lord for testifying for Wang." Wang Yang nodded towards the officer of the Yuqian squad and Wu Tongzhi.

"My lord, you don't have to be like this. My lord, you spent your heart and blood for our Great Song Dynasty in the frontier fortress, and you have the prosperous appearance of the North Shaanxi Road today. However, one or two of these ministers in the court actually treat you like this, at last The general really can't see it." Wu Tongzhi hurriedly saluted Wang Yang, and then said angrily.

"That's right, my lord, you have done so many good things for the people of the world, but these dog officials not only don't respect and admire you, but also look like they want to find fault, let alone testify for you, let us brothers take them It's okay to give him a beating." A Bai Chang next to him said cheerfully.

Over there, Ma Shang, Eunuch Ma, had already returned to normal, nodded in agreement and said angrily. "Our family has been in Bianliang with His Majesty for the past few years, and we have seen too much about the shameless faces of these officials."

"Today, the four of them not only offended you, Mr. Wang, but also offended those common people and poor weak girls. Even our innocent people were implicated. If they don't give them a hard time, don't they want to climb up next time?" Shit on our heads!"

(End of this chapter)

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