Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1083 What is waiting is the anger of the Daliao Emperor (Part 1)

Chapter 1083 What is waiting is the anger of the emperor of Daliao (first update)
Chapter 1092

"Calm down my anger? Yelu Da Dun even lost Xiazhou, the governor of Hedong Road, how can you let me calm down!" Yelu Hongji's sharp eyes fell on Xiao Shen, and he shouted sharply.

"Xiazhou, Xiazhou is lost?!" Xiao Fengxian couldn't help but gasped, his face was full of shock.Fuck!How can this be?

"Xiazhou is my Daliaohe East Daozhi. It was originally a fortified city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. After more than a year of operation and repair in the Daliao, it should be as solid as gold. Why, why did it get lost..." A person next to him An official muttered to himself dumbfounded.

"Is the State of Song going crazy? How dare you raise an army to attack me in Daliao." A general stood up and said viciously, and this was none other than Yelu Jinping, the Northern Liao general who had conquered the Song court in the south.

Xiao Feng first took a look at the emperor Yelu Hongji who was standing with his hands behind his back and still had an angry face. After thinking for a while, he simply walked into the mess and picked up the emergency military report.

After seeing the contents clearly, he couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air. "Losing Xiazhou in one day, this, how is this possible... Your Majesty, this urgent report is probably..."

"Does that mean he dares to bully me?" Yelu Hongji glanced at Xiao Fengxian and said displeasedly.

"Your Majesty, General Guang Xian naturally dare not lie to His Majesty, but I feel that his words seem to be exaggerated." Xiao Fengxian quickly saluted respectfully before explaining.

"Your Majesty, although the Shaanxi roadside troops of the Song Dynasty are rare elite troops in the Song Dynasty, it is too unimaginable to want to conquer our Daliao strong city in one day, right?"

"Lord Xiao, I don't know if I can give you a certain opinion." Yelu Jinping strode over there, and stretched out his hand to Xiao Fengxian to ask for the military report.

After glancing at Yelu Jinping, Xiao Fengxian handed over the urgent report. "General Jinping, you are a veteran general in the army. Just take a look, you should be able to see the flaws in it..."

Yelu Jinping received it unceremoniously, and after seeing the contents clearly, his face turned black. "The trebuchet... the Song army actually used this thing to attack the city."

"I also have trebuchets in Daliao. You, General Jinping, even if the trebuchets of Song people are better than mine in Daliao, they are not at least too strong." Xiao Feng first looked at this man. Yelu Jinping, who looked shocked, couldn't help but said angrily.

"The kind of trebuchet referred to here must be the terrifying machine called Yuanyou's trebuchet by the people of Song Dynasty. Your Excellency may not be clear about it, but I know very well that this kind of machine can move heavy objects." A heavy object weighing nearly [-] jin can be thrown hundreds of feet away to destroy cities and villages, without any disadvantage.”

Hearing Yelu Jinping's words, all the Daliao ministers and workers present all changed their expressions, and the angry Daliao Emperor Yelu Hongji couldn't help but be stunned.

Next to him, an official also stood up slowly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"General Jin Ping, before he stepped down as an official, he also heard from His Royal Highness Lu Wu that Song State Youzhou has a terrifying long-range weapon that can throw flying stones hundreds of feet away, regardless of whether it is soldiers, horses or siege machines. , in front of its attack, it is like a piece of paper..."

"And the reason why my Daliao has been unable to attack Youzhou for a long time has a lot to do with it."

"That's right, even the Yuanyou catapult, someone has seen the power of that weapon before, the towering, solid wall-like ram can't withstand a few attacks from the Yuanyou catapult, then It's going to be a pile of junk..."

"I remember..." Yelu Hongji's face became darker and darker. He remembered that Xiao Wuna, Yelu and Lu We had jointly reported to him many times, saying that there was a kind of destructive power in Youzhou. long-range weapons, and the reason why they wanted to break through Youzhou City.

To a large extent, they wanted to get the structure and production of this weapon, and they also described the performance of this weapon many times.

But at that time, in the eyes of the Emperor Yelu Hongji, they were just looking for reasons and excuses for their laziness and cowardice.

Even after that, Yelu and Luwo were transferred back to Shangjing, and when they saw themselves, they brought up the matter again, and were severely reprimanded by Yelu Hongji, so they dared not mention it again.

But now, it is very clear in General Guangxian's memorial. The remnant soldiers who escaped from Xiazhou clearly told him that the Song Dynasty used eight huge trebuchets, which only cost a lot of money. In an hour and a half, the southern city wall, which was more than ten feet wide, and the gate tower were destroyed into ruins.

Even if the disabled soldiers exaggerated this matter too much, I am afraid that it would not be false to attack Xiazhou in one day. With such power, it is no wonder that Yelu and Luwoji are concerned about it, and it is no wonder that Xiao Wuna kept writing to himself Make more detailed efforts to try to find out the production of this weapon from the Song Dynasty.

After that, the peace between Daliao and Song made him stop paying attention to this matter, but now, Song people only used a long siege battle that lasted no more than a day to make Yelu Hongji realize Arriving, I seem to be careless.

Yelu Hongji cleared his throat, and his eyes fell on Yelu Jinping. "Qing family, what do you mean, that thing can also be used to defend the city, and it can also be used to destroy the city?"

"I don't dare to speculate on my own, but according to the description in General Guangxian's memorial, the stone catapult that can throw a huge boulder nearly a hundred feet away is probably the only one that can do it. ..."

"Song people have such weapons, this, I'm afraid this is not my blessing in Daliao." The faces of all the ministers gradually became gloomy.

"Xiazhou is the administrative seat of our Daliao River East Road. It is such a strong city..."

Yelu Hongji glanced at the minister who spoke, and was so frightened that the man swallowed back his words.Yelu Hongji snorted coldly, and then spoke slowly.

"In my Daliao, there are countless capable people and different people. If the people of Song Dynasty can have a rock-throwing machine, so can my Daliao. I ordered the North Academy to try to supervise the construction of this thing."

"In addition, pass on my decree and return to Shangjing immediately. Also, tell Xiao Wunaqing's family to go south to Song Dynasty immediately, and tell those Song people, either return the territory of my Daliao, or wait for me to raise troops in Daliao Go south, attack the whole country..."

On that day, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom lived in a felt tent: Oruduo set off from the camp, surrounded by the most elite guards of the Liao Dynasty, and galloped towards Shangjing.

Not long after, Xiao Wuna received the order from the Emperor of Daliao, and had no choice but to set off at the fastest speed and gallop towards Song Dynasty.

In addition, there is another team of envoys from the Liao Kingdom, who are heading directly towards the East Road of the Liao Kingdom.The Daliao Emperor's rebuke to Nayelu Da Dun also followed.

And seven days ago, he led the army to evacuate from the front of Sanchakou Fort, and then stationed in Yeluda Dun in the east of Xiazhou. No coalition army from Daliao was waiting, only the emperor of Daliao. anger……

(End of this chapter)

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