Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1076 Shall we quietly be beautiful men together? (Part 1)

Chapter 1076 Shall we quietly be beautiful men together? (Second more)
Chapter 1085

"How is this possible, general, this guy must be a spy who has surrendered to the Song people, and he was specially sent here to shake the morale and morale of our army." A grumpy general stood up uncontrollably, pulled out his The sharp blade at his waist strode forward.

The cavalryman who escaped from Xiazhou was so frightened that he kowtowed repeatedly. "The last general is really not a spy of the Song people, please ask General Guangxian to investigate clearly."

"Bastard, sit back for me." Seeing this scene, Guangxian scolded in a cold voice.Seeing Guangxian's displeased expression, the reckless general angrily kicked the cavalryman, putting away his saber and sheathing it.

"In less than an hour, the southern wall of Jiancheng in Xiazhou was destroyed. If the people of Song Dynasty had such ability, wouldn't they have gone to Shangjing long ago..."

"If you don't shut up your stinky mouth, get out of here!" Guangxian immediately raised the corners of his eyes and scolded angrily. This bastard actually said such words. If people hear him, he will play in court. , this guy will be skinned even if he doesn't die.

Finally, the bullets suppressed the generals in the military tent, Guang Xian stroked his long beard under his chin, with a gloomy face. "The south gate collapsed, and you Daliao elites just fled away like this, really embarrassing Daliao, take someone, take this person down, and wait for disposal."

Regardless of the pleadings of the cavalryman, after the soldiers dragged him out of the tent of the Chinese army, Guangming rubbed his brows wearily.

The confidant on the side narrowed his eyes and said. "Although I didn't really believe that a strong city like Xiazhou would be captured by the Song army so easily."

"But now this is the third Xiazhou deserter who was encountered by our army of scouts, but he still said the same words, so in the opinion of the general, it is best for adults to garrison here and send more scouts to investigate. Choice, after all, if Xiazhou can be captured within a day, it is enough to see that the Song army who came from the Wuding River in the north must be numerous and powerful."

"If our army is eager to rescue Xiazhou, it is very likely that we will fall into the trick of the Song army to lure the enemy. It is better to let the soldiers who have been running around for days have a good rest, just to see if the scouts can find out the location of Xiazhou. situation, make another plan.”

"Generals, what do you think?" His bright eyes swept across the generals present, and finally, he was able to pass this decision, rest first, and wait for the scouts to report before making a decision.

Sure enough, they did not exceed their expectations. In the middle of the night, a bloody scout finally returned to the camp, bringing the unfortunate news that Xiazhou had indeed fallen behind the Song army.

In addition, the tower of Xiazhou's south city gate has completely collapsed, and even the city gate has disappeared, replaced by a very new and thick city wall.

Outside the city of Xiazhou, there was a heavy defense, and there were a lot of scouts. On the way back, they even encountered two groups of scouts from the Song Army.

Guang Xian once again summoned the generals, this time, all the generals did not question him as before.

"That Yuanyou trebuchet was used to attack the city, and it has such supernatural power..." A Liao general was stunned for a long time, then he couldn't help shaking his head and smashing his tongue.

"If this is indeed the case, then this news must be reported to the court as soon as possible, so that the court will know. Song people have such a sharp weapon, and I am afraid that in the future, there will be no peaceful days between Song and Liao."

"General, should we garrison here first, and then quickly inform the commander-in-chief, and ask him to make a decision."

"Stop talking nonsense, since we lead the army to aid Xiazhou, how can we stop when we encounter some difficulties? However, the general also feels that it is very appropriate to report to the commander-in-chief."

"I'm afraid we don't need to inform. It won't be long before the commander-in-chief should know the news." Guang Xian shook his head slowly. "Xiazhou City has been broken, and the wandering soldiers and the people have scattered away. The most important thing for us now is to gather the remnants of the soldiers, and then slowly march towards Xiazhou, striving to return to the commander-in-chief under the Xiazhou City. The teachers of aid gather."

Compared with those generals, Guangming's thoughts are more stable, and he has no choice. In less than a day, Xiazhou City has changed hands. What can you tell him to do?
Regardless of how powerful the Song Army's Yuanyou stone thrower is, the 3 Song Army alone cannot be swallowed by the [-] horses under his command. He has to be careful and step by step.

Don't kill them under the banner of asking for help from the friendly army. In the end, you may be careless and let the other party eat it alive. It will not only lose face, but even throw it away.

And the generals under his command have already known the real situation in Xiazhou like him at this moment, even the most grumpy generals will not dare to jump out and pretend that they can fight ten with one, After crushing Xiazhou's Song army in one fell swoop, they all honestly agreed with General Guangxian's strategy.

It took Xiao Zhongwen three days to reach Xiazhou, and when he was still more than [-] miles away from Xiazhou, he saw the guard of Amitabha Cave, Guang Xian.

After hearing what Guang Xian said about Xia Zhou's situation, Xiao Zhongwen's complexion was not much better than that of Guang Xian.Xiazhou was just lost for no apparent reason. It's only been a few days?
The important thing is that it took less than half a day for Zhong Shidao to take over Xiazhou, the governing place on the east side of the Daliao River. These people, I'm afraid they will all be skinned.

Once the two brothers discuss it, what should we do?Can [-] people go to Xiazhou City, which is guarded by [-] Song troops, really succeed?

"Xiao felt that it would be better for us to stand still under Xiazhou City, contain the [-] Song troops in Xiazhou City, and then send messengers to let the commander return to Xiazhou as soon as possible, which is the right thing to do." Xiao Zhongwen and Na Guangxian After discussing for a while, the two decided to join forces, and then, it would be better to be a beautiful man quietly.

As for whether to attack Xiazhou, or how to do it, it is better to leave it to the head of Hedong Road, Yelu Dadun, to make up his mind.

And what we have to do is to keep the strength of our subordinates. As long as there are soldiers and horses, then the people of Song Dynasty can be more or less afraid.

After Yelu Datun received the news that Xia Zhou had been breached by Zhongshi Dao in less than half a day, a trace of fear finally appeared in his calm eyes.

He never imagined that Song people's reaction would be so fast, and more importantly, he never imagined that that kind of teacher would actually use the kind of Yuanyou stone throwing machine that he had seen the terrifying power in Youzhou City. as a siege weapon.

Now, in front of Sanchakou Fort, it has been fought for several days, but Sanchakou Fort is not only very strong, but also can get the aid of the Song Dynasty Navy.

I am afraid that even if I give myself another ten days, it will be difficult to crack the hard bone of Sanchakou Fort.But now, his back road, Xiazhou, the governing place on the east road of the Daliao River, has been captured by the Song army, so what if he captured a small Sanchakou Fort just for fun?

I believe that it won't be long before the emperor of Daliao will be furious when he hears the news. What he needs to do most now is to withdraw his troops immediately, preserve his strength, and plan for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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