Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1068 Do you want to besiege 3 Fork Fort from 3 sides?Hehe... (Part 2)

Chapter 1068 Do you want to besiege Sanchakou Fort from three sides?Hehe... (Second update)
Chapter 1077

"Dear elders, I, Wang Yang, the envoy of the Shaanxi North Road Economic and Technological Strategy, will be here today to fulfill the promise made three days ago. We will disguise these people as horse bandits to kill our people in the Song Dynasty and plunder our people's property in the northern Liaohe River. The soldiers on the east side of Anding Fort were sentenced to death, and the punishment was canonical..."

"As for the head of the North Liaohe East Road, Yelu Dadun, he sent envoys to demand that these murderers be brought back, but I sternly refused. Offenders, regardless of their nationality, will be punished according to the laws of our Song Dynasty."

"And the day before yesterday, the Liao country Yelu Da Dun, who was rejected by me, is now leading tens of thousands of Liao troops to attack me in Youzhou..."

Huang Duyu Hou looked at Wang Jinglue who was standing there, impassioned, using words to mobilize the emotions of the people, and he was really moved.

This Wang Jinglue was indeed not an ordinary person. If other officials of the Great Song Dynasty encountered such a threat, most of them would kneel down just like the three imperial envoys.

Even those with stronger bones would quickly report it to the court and shift the responsibility to the court.But Wang Jing was slightly off guard. The other party wanted to threaten him, but in the end, he was angered. If you dare to attack the city, I will kill all your people first.

This kind of demeanor really made Huangdu Yuhou, who is a warrior, very happy, but secretly worried, if Yelu Datun, who led the army to attack Sanchakou Fort, couldn't please him, that's all.

If that guy led the army to capture the border fort of the Song Dynasty, the North Shaanxi Road would be plunged into war.At that time, the court will inevitably react, and Wang Jinglue may become a victim of this war, and even affect this Wang Jinglue's official career and future.

However, with these words, he had also persuaded Wang Yang in private, but this Wang Jinglue was not timid at all, even stubborn.

"What's the matter, Brother Huang, are you still worried about the situation at Sanchakou Fort?" At this time, Xu Zhao, who used to stay together in Yuqian Banzhi, but is now the defense envoy of Youzhou, came to Huangdu Yuhou whispered beside him.

"Well, I don't know what's the situation on which side, whether it can withstand the attack of Beiliao." Huang Duyuhou nodded worriedly and replied.

"Don't worry, little brother, I've been on Shaanxi North Road for many years, don't underestimate Sanchakou just because it's just a frontier fortress."

"I can say this, as far as the strength of any fort on our Shaanxi North Road is absolutely no less than that of a state city in other places." Xu Zhao smiled, patted Huangdu Yuhou on the shoulder and said proudly .

As Wang Yang's speech came to an end, 120 of the two elite soldiers of the Song Dynasty, each with their swords out of their sheaths, stood beside the Liao people who were escorted and knelt on the ground.

Wang Yang glanced around, took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the corona not far away.The needle moved slowly, and soon, an officer raised his voice and shouted sharply. "My lord, it's three quarters past noon!"

"Cut!" Wang Yang raised his breath and shouted sharply.

Following this slash, 120 two capable soldiers held the handle with both hands, raised the sword high, then exhaled and slashed down hard.

In the blink of an eye, 120 heads fell to the ground, and the fountain of blood gushed over the open space, almost turning the open space into a lake of blood...

The common people who came from all over Shaanxi North Road to observe this massive execution couldn't help but suddenly fell silent at this moment, but the next moment, they burst into unprecedented cheers.

More than a thousand soldiers of the Song Dynasty shouted loudly and uniformly. "The Song Dynasty will win thousands of times, win thousands of times, win thousands of times!"

Every shout will drive more people to join in, and in the end, it seems that the entire city of Yuzhou is shocked.

And among the crowd, there were also some people who pursed their lips tightly, their eyes moved away from Wang Yang's face with resentment, and landed on those heads that had already rolled into the blood plasma, and then they pulled away resolutely.

Inside and outside Sanchakou Fort, there was a roar of killing, and under the city, countless soldiers of the Liao Army held their shields, struggling to push their companions higher.

And from the top of the city, the stones that fell down from time to time, the drums, the gunpowder shells that made a huge roar from time to time, and the dense rain of crossbow arrows made the Liao army who stormed Sanchakou Fort The soldiers were in dire straits.

In addition to the ladder, there are many other siege equipment, but those things were left in the camp two miles away.

It's not that they haven't tried it before, but the problem is that these things are useless at all with the ridiculously hard fortress wall of Sanchakou Fort. Instead, they have become an obstacle for the soldiers of the Liao army to attack the city wall.

Yelu Datun stood on the enemy watching tower outside the camp, looking at the Sanchakou Fort, which was full of fighting sounds.It's a full mile away from Sanchakou Fort. It's not like Yelu Datun hadn't thought about moving the command system forward.

But the problem is, a hundred steps ahead, there is a rush car that has completely turned into ruins. It has been proved that this small Sanchakou Fort has the ultra-long-range remote control that only Youzhou once had. Projectile weapon.

At that time, I specially brought two rushing cars, just to take down the Sanchakou Fort in the shortest time. To be honest, when I brought this thing over, Yelu Dadu even had a kind of killing chicken How can I use a chopper's emotion.

However, when the Liao army all agreed that taking Sanchakou was just a matter of effort, a scene of cheating appeared.

When the two rams were still [-] feet away from the Sanchakou Fort, several flying rocks weighing more than a hundred kilograms flew out from the Sanchakou Fort and smashed one of the rams on the spot. It turned into a pile of rags, and even the nearly a hundred Daliao warriors who rushed into the car were turned into puddles of meat paste.

From that time on, a haze had floated in Yelu Datun's heart, and after days of violent attacks, the Sanchakou Fort remained standing.

You must know that when the 50 Liao-Xia army attacked the Song Dynasty, Yelv Dadun was the main general who captured Sanchakou.Because of this psychological advantage, he immediately decided to attack Sanchakou instead of Wanjingkou.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the people of Song Dynasty were equipped with that kind of powerful trebuchet even in a ruined place like Sanchakou Fort.

The city walls of Sanchakou Fort are so strong that many of the siege equipment used to destroy conventional earth-rammed city walls are useless.The important thing, well, the important thing is that this New Sanchakou Fort is backed by the Wuding River.

So, the Liao army wanted to attack, did they want to besiege Sanchakou Fort on three sides?Hehe... You have to ask those Song State navy masters cruising on the Wuding River whether they agree or not.

The navy of Song State sent several warships to cruise behind Sanchakou Fort every day.The important thing is that it is not a small sampan, but a warship with a large number of powerful crossbows installed on it.

Although the giant crossbows used on warships are not comparable to bed crossbows, their shooting range far exceeds that of single soldiers' hard bows and strong crossbows.

(End of this chapter)

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