Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1063 Another 8-mile rush report? (Part 1)

Chapter 1063 Another [-]-mile urgent report? (first update)
Chapter 1072

"That's right, the Qing family reminded me that I also have a feeling that they are impeaching someone else, not the Wang Wushan I know well." Emperor Zhao Xu slapped his thigh and couldn't help agreeing with pleasure.

"Although I have been away from Shaanxi Road for nearly a year, there have been letters exchanged between me and Wang Wushan. Before, Wang Yang's letter mentioned that after careful investigation, he had at least seven or eight We can be sure that the horse bandits who are wreaking havoc along the border of Youzhou, killing people and robbing wealth, are most likely disguised as frontier soldiers of the Liao Kingdom."

"Therefore, Wang Wushan dispatched troops to arrest those border soldiers of the Liao Kingdom. This move seems too reckless, but I believe that he must have obtained enough evidence to dare to do so."

Emperor Zhao Xu nodded in agreement, but he was still a little puzzled. "Then why are the Dali Temple Shaoqing He Yuan, the Minister of Criminal Affairs Wang Ding, and the censor Zhang Lun of the Yushitai all so unified in their caliber that they all believe that it is Wang Wushan who acted recklessly, raised troops without authorization, and provoked border quarrels? "

"I don't quite understand this. These three imperial envoys..." Su Dongpo smacked his mouth, it was really hard to explain.

"I'm afraid it's not impossible that these three imperial envoys were prejudiced against Wang Wushan from the beginning. So there may be some misunderstanding here."

"Prejudiced?" Emperor Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and subconsciously tapped his fingers on the imperial case. "Before He Qing, Wang Qing, and Zhang Qing left Beijing, I specifically told them to uphold justice."

"Uphold justice... Your Majesty is wise, but I feel that there is something fishy here." Su Dongpo really couldn't open fire on the emperor, well... now they are on the same side after all, and attacking each other is tantamount to fighting each other. Hurt, this is not good.

Besides, what they need now is to join hands to fight against the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

"Yes, I also feel something is strange. It would be better to wait for Wang Wushan's self-defense memorial before discussing this matter." The emperor nodded with deep understanding.

However, although their monarchs and ministers had the same idea, it did not mean that the civil and military officials of the court agreed with their ideas. Next, the court meeting began again, and the result was that the emperor wanted to talk about other things.

But the ministers were unwilling and always wanted to talk about it.

In the end, the emperor Zhao Xu Mao exploded and immediately used his trump card: he walked away and announced his resignation.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has not yet reached a conclusion on this matter. It is related to the peace between our Great Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty. It must not be ignored, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, if the emperor of the Liao Kingdom hears about this, he will definitely raise an army to attack. At that time, all lives will be destroyed. It will be his king Wushan's fault. Your Majesty must show an attitude towards it."

It's just that these civil and military ministers are beating their chests and crying like this.The emperor just stood silently outside the back door, his brows furrowed.

Seeing that the emperor did not show up, the ministers finally felt bored, but they did not give up. They connected with each other and decided to write a letter to impeach Wang Yang for his wanton behavior. He must not be allowed to continue to serve as the pacifier of the Northern Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy. .

It is necessary to ask His Majesty to order that Wang Yang be imprisoned and punished, to give an explanation to the court, and to give an explanation to Beiliao. Otherwise, when the time comes, there will be disputes between the two countries again, and I don’t know how much military expenditure will be wasted. How many people will be displaced, and countless soldiers will die for the country.

After the emperor left the hall, he did not go to visit Queen Meng first as usual. Instead, he turned around and walked in the other direction. Ma Shang hurriedly followed closely.

This direction is exactly the Spring and Autumn Palace where the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao is located.

"...How is this possible?" After reading the three memorials to impeach Wang Yang, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao took off his glasses, rubbed his tight eyebrows, and couldn't help but murmured in confusion.

"Royal Grandmother, not to mention you, my grandson also feels that it is very strange. However, the confessions and physical evidence that came with these three memorials just prove that Wang Yang did lead his army to arrest these Liao people. Frontier general."

"Moreover, these three imperial envoys interrogated the 120 border soldiers of the Liao Kingdom overnight. All of them denied that they had committed murder and robbery in our territory of Song Dynasty."

"In this way, that boy Wang Wushan changed from a loyal minister who wanted to avenge the people under his rule to a derelict minister who acted recklessly and wanted to cover up the truth in order to deal with the imperial envoys." The Empress Dowager Gao Taotao frowned, and she also felt very weird.

After all, Gao Taotao was confident that he knew Wang Yang very well. At least he didn't think he was a fool who could do such stupid things just to deal with the imperial envoy.

"Your Majesty, this matter needs to be handled with caution." In the end, Gao Taotao could only give the emperor Zhao Xu's opinion, just such a sentence.

"Grandmother's words are reasonable, but my grandson just thinks, let's press this down first, and wait to see what Wang Wushan has to say."

"Yes, that's the truth. Let's take a look first. The Ai family also believes that Wang Wushan is not such a stupid person." The Empress Dowager Gao Taotao nodded in agreement.

Early the next morning, Emperor Zhao Xu could not wait for Wang Yang's self-defense memorial, so he could only continue to go to court. Only then did he sit down and announce the start of the court meeting, and cheered with the ministers in front of him. Nearly half of the servants fell to their knees.

The leader is Jia Yi and others. Apart from a considerable number of important officials of the old party, there are also many senior officials of the new party kneeling among them.

"Your Majesty, I respectfully request that your Majesty immediately conduct a thorough investigation of the Shaanxi North Road Route Strategy to appease Mr. Wang's wanton behavior..."

Before the words were finished, a eunuch was seen rushing towards the emperor Zhao Xu, holding something in his hand and saying loudly. "Report, eight hundred miles to report urgently..."

Is it another urgent report at eight hundred miles?The civil and military officials who were interrupted couldn't help but look confused. What's going on?

"My lords, wait a moment, Ma Shang quickly brings it to me." The emperor Zhao Xu, who was behind the imperial case, let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly called Ma Shang to get it. It must be that Wang Yang's self-defense memorial has arrived. .

After Ma Shang took it, he hurriedly presented it to the imperial case.When the emperor Zhao Xu opened it and took a look, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, who had been paying attention to the expression of the emperor, felt that something was wrong. The main reason was that the expression of the emperor seemed a little strange, even stunned.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with the North Shaanxi Road Eight Hundred Mile Express?" Su Dongpo also felt that something was wrong. He cleared his throat and asked the doubts in the minds of all the officials present.

"This is a memorial from He Yuan, the young minister of Dali Temple, Wang Ding, the doctor of the Ministry of Justice, and Zhang Lun, the imperial censor." Emperor Zhao Xu murmured.

All the ministers and workers present couldn't help being a little confused. Didn't Wang Yang just be impeached yesterday?Could it be that there has been new progress?

Emperor Zhao Xu raised his eyelids and saw the confused expressions of the ministers and servants below. He thought about it and said calmly. "Ma Shang, please circulate these three memorials to all your ministers."

(End of this chapter)

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