Chapter 1052 Are you a toast?
Chapter 1061

"I'm giving you a chance. You should know what to do, right? Have you seen Anding Fort? Tell the Liao soldiers in the fort. I'm here not to capture the city or to kill people. It's just to investigate the case. If they are wiser, I can guarantee that no weapons will be used..."

Wang Yang raised his head, looked at the sky, and then his eyes fell back on Yeluyong. "I will only give you the effort of a stick of incense."

"Thank you, my lord. Don't worry, my lord. The sinner will definitely persuade the brothers to open the gate of the fort and let the three imperial envoys enter to thoroughly investigate the evidence." Yeluyong replied loudly.

The eyeballs of He Yuan, Wang Ding, and Zhang Lun, the three chief justices, immediately bulged, and their mouths were wide open, just like three catfish that were about to die of thirst on the shore.

They naturally heard Wang Yang's order to Na Yeluyong.And the three pairs of eyes stared straight at this Yeluyong, watched him walk away, and then walked to a place tens of steps away from Andingbao to stand still.

Then I heard the shouts on the city and looked at the excited faces on the city. Do I still need to ask?If this guy wasn't a Liao general from Andingbao, then these three Sanfasi bosses would be willing to cut the carriage into pieces and eat it alive.

The three of them were trembling all over at the moment, like three crakes huddled together, shivering in the bitter autumn wind.

"General, general, are you captured by the Song army? Where is General Yebo, and where are the more than 100 brothers?" The deputy general burst into tears when he saw Yeluyong standing under the Fort Anding.

"They, they are still alive, yes. In addition, the general was sent back specially under the order of General Yeba Sheng, because Song Ting needed to thoroughly investigate a major case, and it happened to meet our party. .”

"General, you must have been captured by the Song Army and came here to trick the brothers into opening the door, right?" The deputy general looked at the Song Army cavalry in the distance warily. I have to believe you.

"What, you don't believe it? Well, if you don't want to open the city gate, that's fine. Hurry up and put down a few hanging baskets, and let the imperial envoys from the Song Dynasty who came to investigate the case enter the fort to look for physical evidence." Yeluyong was somewhat agitated. He shouted with pain in his balls.

The Liao soldiers on the fort wall were all at a loss as they looked at each other.The deputy general also had a hesitant look on his face, and glanced at the Yuanyou armored cavalry of the Song Dynasty. He really didn't dare to stop the Song army from entering the city, for fear that the Song army would directly order an attack on the city.

With the [-] soldiers and soldiers of Anding Fort and the fort wall more than one foot high to resist more than [-] elites, it is simply asking for death.

However, he also did not dare to agree to Yeluyong's request. Yeluyong spent a long time trying, but he couldn't persuade this guy.

There was also another discussion, but it happened beside Wang Yang.

"We won't go in, you guys rest, you obviously want to use the Liao people's hands to put me to death, Wang Yang, and you, General Huang, you are so despicable and shameless, you must die!" He Yuan's face Pale as white as paper, his voice sounded like a chicken.

Zhang Lun next to him burst into tears, wiped his tears, and knelt down in front of Wang Yang's horse. "My lord Wang, it's the lower officials who are obsessed with their minds. They didn't investigate for a while, so they fell into Mr. He's scheme. They intended to use the case of Zhao's firm to pour sewage on you and damage your reputation..."

"Bastard, you want to talk nonsense, Wang, you want to kill me, come on, I'm here, it's a pity that I don't have the power to restrain a chicken, otherwise, I will kill you, a despicable person! Disciple!" Wang Dingze pulled Zhang Lun away, then pointed at Wang Yang like a sword and cursed.

Looking at these three big bosses who seemed to be suffering from mental illness, everyone in the city was speechless for a while.Daguan Wang also couldn't laugh or cry, and even took pleasure in others' misfortune.

"Let me watch these three imperial envoys, don't let them run away and become the laughing stock of the Liao army!" After shaking his head for a long time, Wang Yang raised his chin towards Marquis Huang Duyu.

"The general obeys, and the three adults please respect your status." After Huang Duyuhou nodded towards Wang Yang, he tilted his head towards the subordinates beside him.

Next to the three big brothers, there were two more imperial guards, who seemed to be supporting and guarding.

At this time, Yelvyong hadn't been able to persuade Lieutenant General Xiao on the fort to open the door, and Wang Yang's expression finally showed impatience. "Bumping the door hammer?! Hit the fort gate for me. Also, tell the people on the fort that anyone who dares to shoot an arrow and hurt me, the Song army, will slaughter all the Liao army in Andingbao... ..."

Hearing these murderous words, the three still-struggling Sanfa chiefs froze for an instant, and suddenly became silent. They looked at Wang Yang with horror on their faces. It seemed that at this moment, they wanted to stand up.

At the beginning, Wang Yang relied on Youzhou City to stop hundreds of thousands of Liaoxia troops without changing his face, and even went to the battle in person, killing ruthlessly...

Ten iron cavalry galloped out, yelling at the Liao troops on the city wall, announcing the military order of the king's officers, and some Song cavalry had already galloped on their horses, and the one tied between the two rows of horses paralleled each other. The huge log is also getting closer and closer to the gate of the castle.

Accompanied by a loud crash, the fragile gate of the fort fell powerlessly to the ground amidst the creaking sound.

"Don't shoot the arrows, don't shoot the arrows, we surrender, we surrender!" Deputy General Xiao immediately pissed, who the hell knows if you wanted to kill people and set fire after breaking through the gate.

"Stop!" Wang Yang waved his hand resignedly. He was about to organize his army, and the Song cavalry rushed towards the Anding Fort. He had no choice but to restrain his horse and stay where he was.

The next moment, the trembling Deputy General Xiao led several generals and directly knelt down at the gate of the fort.

"Lord Wang, I will surrender my wish, and please spare the lives of more than [-] people in our Hebao..." Deputy General Xiao wept emotionally.

At this time, Wang Yang rode his horse to the gate of the fort, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and looked at the soldiers of the Liao Army who were crying with tears and snot in their noses.

"I said, do you think this is toasting and not eating or drinking fine wine?"

"Forget it, oh, no, no, the young general has opened the door to surrender before your army attacks, so it definitely can't be counted." Deputy General Xiao shook his head like a splashing drum and looked at Wang Yang in shock. .

"Wouldn't it be better if you learned about it earlier?"

"Yes, yes, it is the young general himself who is stupid. He also invited the adults of Shangguo to enter the castle to investigate the case. The young general will definitely cooperate and will not make things difficult." Deputy General Xiao kowtowed quickly.

"In this case, Xu Zhao, you lead two hundred cavalry into Anding Fort. If the Liao soldiers inside are not good at using weapons, you are not allowed to hurt anyone. Do you understand?"

"General, I obey." Xu Zhao chuckled, raised his hand, and two hundred Yuan Youjia cavalry, who were extremely capable, proudly passed over the prostrate Vice General Xiao and others, and went straight into the fort.

And the damaged fort gate caused those horse hooves to trample sawdust everywhere...

(End of this chapter)

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