Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1042 Why did we catch the murderer as soon as we arrived at Wang Jinglue (Part 1)

Chapter 1042 Why did we catch the murderer as soon as we arrived at Wang Jinglue (Part [-])
Chapter 1051

"What's the matter here? Just throw these bastards at them." Zhe Keshi was a little confused, so she said authentically.

"After your majesty reprimanded my will, he ordered the capable officials sent by the third department, but who are most of the civil and military people in the Manchu dynasty? Do they belong to the new party or the old party?" Wang Yang spread his hands and looked towards Zheke Appropriately asked.

Zhe Keshi was stunned for a long time, and he also realized it. "My lord, you want to personally interrogate a result, so you want to put eye drops on those guys first, and try to make them disintegrate internally?"

"Brother Tai is really smart, but this official is not just thinking about this idea." Wang Yang smiled, and his eyes fell on Yelu who was dragged towards him by Wu Qilang and Wang Jing again Brave.

The army temporarily stationed on the side of the road a few miles away from the straight cement road, and the soldiers were resting. Inside the curtain wall that was set up separately, Wang Yang sat on the horse, playing with the horsewhip, and looked playfully at the man who was still in shock. From time to time, Yeluyong peeked at him out of the corner of his eye.

"General Yelu, although this is the first time you've seen me, in Youzhou City, I've probably seen you no less than five times." Wang Yang said with a smile.

"As for your cousin Yeluping Township, I have met him several times. By the way, I have also met your lady and the newly born child once..."

When he mentioned himself and his cousin, Yeluyong's expression didn't change much, but he was talking about the concubine he secretly took in Youzhou and the newly born child.

Yeluyong's expression immediately turned gray and white, trying to struggle, he hissed. "My lord, what do you want to do? My lord, I am the general of the Liao Kingdom, so you can't mess around."

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, do you want to survive? Didn't you think that in the future, there will be a chance to have grandchildren and raise them up?" Wang Yang said meaningfully, playing with the horsewhip.

"Master Wang, what do you mean by that?" Yeluyong narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Out of the 120 seven people, four have died, and there are only 120 three left. Do you know why I singled you out?" Wang Yang stood up and looked down at Yelu who was kneeling on the grass. Bravery.

"Because you are a person who values ​​friendship. Your cousin Yeluping Township used to have conflicts with you, and even occupied your family's land. Became a general in Hedong Road, and came here eagerly."

"However, you still rewarded him with a bite of food, let him do business, and gave him a lot of convenience, so that he can establish a foothold in Youzhou."

"In addition, your lady was originally a concubine taken by the nobles of the party. Later, after I took over this Youzhou in the Song Dynasty, I was able to go home, but because I had served the party members, I was spurned by the neighbors. death, mother is ill, younger brother is young, livelihood is hard to sustain, but you are able to give money to help..."

Speaking of this, Wang Yang paused, with a complicated expression on his face. "If you hadn't done such a thing before, your fate would be the same as that of wild bowls defeating them."

"But now, there is only one way for you to survive..."

Yeluyong raised his head, staring blankly at the young, tall and handsome Wang Jinglue in front of him, his wife and children flashed in his mind.

"Are you sure?" Wang Yang narrowed his eyes, stared at Yeluyong firmly, and asked in a cold voice.

"Lord Wang, the last general, oh no, I just want a way out, so naturally I dare not tell lies. Most of those silks are still stored in the warehouse of Andingbao. After all, there are trade names on these silks. Therefore, they did not dare to sell it on Shaanxi North Road, but only sold it to some Liao merchants who returned to Liao..."

"In addition, twenty miles west of Andingbao, an abandoned village at the junction of Song and Liao is our stronghold. Every time we go out to do business, we always leave things that prove our identity there, change clothes and disguise..."

After Yeluyong uttered the first sentence with difficulty, his speech became smoother and smoother. Anyway, if there is one, there will be two. It is better to just spit out all the beans like pouring beans from a bamboo tube. It is important to save your own life.

After Yeluyong had shaken off everything and was taken away, Wang Yang let out a sigh of relief.

This matter is at least half done. With witnesses, what will happen even if it is someone from the Third Division?As long as Yeluyong and Nayelupingxiang become tainted witnesses, Nayebo Sheng and others will never be able to make a comeback.

When four thousand elite cavalrymen of the Song Dynasty appeared in the south of Yuzhou City, they heard that the murderer of the robbery of Zhao's commercial firm had been caught, and the whole city of Yuzhou was boiling.

Countless people flocked outside the south gate of Youzhou City, looking at the "horse bandits" who were imprisoned in the car with excitement and hatred.

And in order for the common people to see the faces of these horse bandits clearly, Wang Daguan ordered the windows and roofs of the ten carts to be removed long before they approached Youzhou City.

Looking at the horse bandits who were tied up and squeezed into the carriage, dejected and fearful, the people of Yuzhou greeted them with rotten eggs, stones, vegetables, stinky socks and other things.

But soon, when they saw some family members of the deceased crying while picking up bowl-sized stones and throwing them into the vehicles, the soldiers quickly dissuaded them, and then surrounded by cavalry, they took the ten vehicles to the ground. The "Prison Car" was taken directly to the prison in Youzhou.

All the more than 120 horse bandits were put in prison.

At this time, the three officials who had already entered Yuzhou city and were resting in the post house arranged for them by the magistrate of Yuzhou had gathered together at this moment.

Wang Ding, the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, He Yuan, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and Zhang Lun, the servant of Yushitai.

He Yuan, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, was naturally the highest-ranking person above the three Dharma Division groups and the leader among the three.

"Is the news confirmed?" He Yuan took a sip of his tea and asked the clerk who hurried in to report.

"My lord, the news is very certain. The carriages that the army escorted those criminals have already arrived at the prison in Youzhou." The scribe replied respectfully.

"It's really weird... two colleagues, don't you think it's a bit weird?" He Yuan waved his hand, signaling the man to step back, then glanced at Wang Ding, the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, and Zhang Lun, the servant of Yushitai, who were in front of him.

"Weird? What does your lord mean by this? Isn't it a happy event to be able to take out those horse bandits who killed the lives of our people in the Song Dynasty? Why is it so strange?" Qing He Yuan said.

"Haha, Master Wang, what you said is wrong..." Zhang Lun, the imperial censor who understood the situation, laughed, stroked his three long beards, and said leisurely. "The Zhao's Trading Company case has been going on for more than a month, but there have been no clues. As soon as we arrived, Wang Jinglue caught the murderer. Isn't this weird?"

(End of this chapter)

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