Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1038 After finishing this one vote, half a lifetime will not worry about eating and drinking

Chapter 1038 After finishing this ticket, I will not worry about food and drink for half my life (second update)

Chapter 1047

"My lord Xiao Wang, what about the general?" Zhe Keshi stretched his neck, and looked at Wang Yang eagerly, his eyes were extremely resentful, as if he was complaining that Wang Yang actually entrusted this task to Xu Zhao, it was really not enough friend.

"General Zhe, of course you have important tasks entrusted to you. Wasn't that 3000 Yuan Youjia Cavalry stationed at Sanchakou just to wait for this day to come? This is our trump card." Wang Yang smiled and said to Zhuozhe Keshi blinked and said. ""

Only then did Zhe Keshi chuckle, and he did not forget to give Wang Yang a thumbs up.

"Now, let's go back first, Wu Qilang, hurry up and find the map, let's take a good look, those Liao bandits will probably attack there..."

Anding Fort is in the east of Yuzhou, not far from Yuzhou. It can be regarded as the junction of Liao Kingdom and Song Dynasty, and the closest Liao Kingdom Zhaibao to the border between the two countries.

It takes two hours at most to arrive in Youzhou quickly. However, traders from the Liao Kingdom, who want to enter the Song Dynasty, usually stay in Anding Fort first, and then enter Yuzhou.

And the straight cement road from Youzhou to Hongzhou is not far from the border, and the nearest place is even less than ten miles away.That is to say, the cavalry can enter within the time of a charge.

"At that time, send two hundred officers and soldiers to accompany the forty carts of cotton, and leave first. After reaching the Sanchakou, you will stand by there. Xu Zhao, you will lead the Youzhou cavalry to quietly leave the city after midnight tonight. Go to Baili in the direction of Yuzhou, then turn south, and deploy defenses along the line between Youzhou and Hongzhou..."

"Wu Baijia riding on this road to defend, I'm afraid there will be fewer." Zhe Keshi said anxiously, stroking his fluffy beard.

"It doesn't matter, the section near Youzhou fifty miles away, they definitely dare not and won't come to do it, but they are too close to Sanchakou. Could it be that my Song garrison at Sanchakou is just eating nothing?"

"So, what needs to be guarded against is this section, a journey of about 30 miles..." Wang Yang said after turning his finger on it for a long time, and settled there.

"Here, the cement straight road is not far from the border. What's important is that it is nearly fifty or sixty miles away from Youzhou and Sanchakou. Even if it is a fast horse, it will take about an hour to run. If I were a thief from the Liao Kingdom, I would definitely I will choose this area to set up an ambush."

"That's right, this kind of place with no village in front and no store behind is indeed a good place to set up an ambush attack..." Xu Zhao nodded approvingly.

Tang Xuncheng, a civil official, couldn't help expressing his opinions. "It's just that we are trying to lure the enemy, so we must not be too close to the concrete straight road, but if it is far away, we may not be able to rescue it in time..."

"It's okay, the cavalry on the west side of the cement line is just in case, the main thing is to look at this side..."

"Don't worry, my lord. The general has already set up hidden stakes in this piece of land. As soon as those Fort Annings send troops, at most half an hour, Sanchakou will be able to receive news. Three thousand armored cavalry You can attack." Zhe Keshi replied confidently.

"Well, I'll leave it to you all, it must be successful." Wang Yang nodded and threw away the whip pointing the map in his hand.

On April [-], this day, the weather was not very good, the wind was very strong, the sky and the earth looked a bit gray, and the clouds in the sky were very thick.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of weather will definitely feel uncomfortable, but to Nobakatsu, it seems that he wants to doze off, and God has stuffed him with a pillow.

Such weather can naturally reduce visibility and increase the possibility of successful air strikes.The confidant cavalry under his command are all ready to go.

Together with Ye Bosheng and Yeluyong, there were 120 Qiqi in total, and they left Andingbao in the name of patrolling the border.

After leaving Andingbao, he still continued to go north, and arrived at the dilapidated village. At this moment, there were already people waiting here. It was Ye Bosheng who originally stayed in Youzhou City and Nayeluping Township The guard of the joint.

Seeing Nobakatsu and others arriving here, this person couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and rushed to Nobakatsu's front to report.

"General, just about half an hour ago, ten carriages quietly left Youzhou City and headed towards Hongzhou. There was only one groom in each carriage, and there were [-] other hand readers. Follow around..."

"Twenty troopers accompanied me hand in hand, including grooms, there were no more than 30 people. God helped me." Ye Bosheng took a deep breath, and his face showed ecstasy.

"Brothers, hurry up and disguise me, remember, you are all fucking smart, as long as we can do this, we will have nothing to worry about for the rest of our lives..."

A group of excited Liao soldiers promised loudly, rushed to the warehouse hidden in the abandoned village and town, and began to put on those fur robes, fur hats and other clothes to conceal their identities.

"I also left at the turn of Maochen the day before yesterday. Forty carts of cotton should be sent to Hongzhou in a safe and sound manner. We only need these ten carts of yellow and white goods." Yelu With some disgust, Yong slapped the dust off the leather helmet and put it on his head.

After all have been carefully re-dressed.Where can I see the appearance of the elite cavalry of Daliao.

It looked like a group of tribal poor ghosts who had fallen from the prairie and wandered here, or refugees and horse bandits.

Only the cyan iron armor that was occasionally exposed outside after galloping with the unusually vigorous horse on his body, the exquisitely carved saddle and the Daliao-style weapons revealed a little bit of arrogance.

And they cautiously and carefully traveled all the way south in the Liao Kingdom, which was about [-] miles away from the border. However, what they did not notice was that in an inconspicuous mountain recess, a pair of sneaky eyes, There were also those long telescopes that captured their whereabouts.

Not long after they left, a dead tree fell to the ground towards the left, and then, a dozen miles away, another dead tree fell. In less than half an hour, the news of Andingbao's dispatch of troops had already come to light. It was transmitted to the ears of Zhe Keshi who was squatting in the garrison camp at Sanchakou, restless.

Zhe Keshi narrowed his eyes. "Where did the tree fall?"

"It fell to the left..." The person who came to report immediately replied.

"That's less than three hundred. From there to Sanchakou, the interrogation only takes half an hour, that is to say, we have to wait..." Zhe Keshi started to walk around a little irritatedly.

However, after wandering around the barracks for a couple of times, Zhe Ke felt comfortable. "Wait no more, order Hu Tongzhi to lead the headquarters to go north for eighty miles, then go west, and order Xu Tongzhi to lead the headquarters..."

(End of this chapter)

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